tisdag 20 december 2011
God Jul och Gott NYTT År!!
Varför inte gå emot strömmen nästa år......
Jag önskar att alla skall se på världen med nya ögon och tillåta sig att må bra.
God Jul till er alla!
måndag 19 december 2011
Vaccin historik inför beslut om HPV-vaccin
Var finns forskningsstudierna som visar att våra flickor inte blir sterila efter 2-3 booster-doser? Kan det vara så att det inte sker någon forskning över huvud taget bara för att forskarna och läkemedelsföretagen är livrädda för resultatet?
Är denna läkare den enda i världen som upptäkt njursvikt efter vaccinering och som funderar över varför vaccin så ofta är förorenade med andra okända virusstammar? Varför talar smittskydd inte om denna problematik och varför ifrågasätter inte läkemedelsverket varför detta sker?
Läkare letar inte efter vaccinrester eller om dödsorsaken kan härledas till en vaccinering därför kan vi som konsumenter inte lita på vad våra läkarspecialister när de säger att inträffade dödsfall inte kan härledas till ett speciellt vaccin.
Vi konsumenter bör lobba för bättre vaccinskadeförsäkringar så kanske tillverkarna börjar genomföra lite mer och lite bättre tester....
Man kan ju fundera över hur mycket pengar läkemedelsindustrin tjänar på att ljuga, förmörka och manipulera alla lekmän inte bara här utan i hela världen, eller?
söndag 18 december 2011
GMO-odlad fisk hälsosam för vad och för vem?
Trots alla ekonomiska kriser i världen så blomstrar den genetiska manipuleringen av skapelsens alla djur. Inte ens fiskarna var skapta på rätt sätt utan de måste modifieras för att passa någons plånbok. Det spelar ingen roll om dessa nyskapade fiskar tar livet av det fiskbestånd som levt sedan urminnes tider. Tidens melodi verkar vara döda av det som inte passar vetenskapen för att ge plats för det nya. Det där spännande nya som kanske föder mer elände som man sedan kan forska i och tjäna ännu mer pengar på.
Mig vetligen så har det inte gjorts några långtgående studier huruvida människornas DNA förändras efter årtionden av konsumtion men what the heck - dagens människa tycker om att leva farligt. Lite silikon i tuttarna eller i snorren och man tillhör massan. Den massan som äter genetisk manipulerad och odlad fisk bara för att det är inne......
När jag bodde i Midcoast Maine så visades många program om fiskfarmarna utmed kusten. Redan då år 2003 så var det många som förfasades över att den vilda fisken helt plötsligt blev tvåkönad, fick tumörer eller två huvuden. Problemen var störst där de odlade fiskarna smitit ut och det fanns även bevis för att de vilda fiskarna blev sjuka av maten som gavs i odlingarna.... för det är ju liksom i vatten som fiskfödan kastas i.
Det känns tryggt att lägga ansvaret på våra politiker för de har verkligen den kunskap som behövs för att ta rätt beslut vare sig det gäller odling eller konsumtion. De tar sina beslut efter bearbetning av hårt arbetande lobbyister som jobbar på provisionsbasis och det känns väl tryggt, eller?
Nu varnar amerikanska experter (nästan 8 år senare) för att genmanipulerad fisk kan vara en fara för vår miljö. Frågan om vilka skador som redan skett under dessa år torde ställas och utrönas huruvida det ens går att få tillbaka den gamla ursprungsmiljön eller inte.
“FDA has failed to ask the tough questions about escapes, disease transfer and the full environmental impacts of GE fish,” said Colin O’Neil, Regulatory Policy Analyst for the Center for Food Safety. “By assuming that escapes won’t happen, FDA is putting our marine ecosystems, our health and our fisheries in harm’s way.”
Mig vetligen så har det inte gjorts några långtgående studier huruvida människornas DNA förändras efter årtionden av konsumtion men what the heck - dagens människa tycker om att leva farligt. Lite silikon i tuttarna eller i snorren och man tillhör massan. Den massan som äter genetisk manipulerad och odlad fisk bara för att det är inne......
När jag bodde i Midcoast Maine så visades många program om fiskfarmarna utmed kusten. Redan då år 2003 så var det många som förfasades över att den vilda fisken helt plötsligt blev tvåkönad, fick tumörer eller två huvuden. Problemen var störst där de odlade fiskarna smitit ut och det fanns även bevis för att de vilda fiskarna blev sjuka av maten som gavs i odlingarna.... för det är ju liksom i vatten som fiskfödan kastas i.
Det känns tryggt att lägga ansvaret på våra politiker för de har verkligen den kunskap som behövs för att ta rätt beslut vare sig det gäller odling eller konsumtion. De tar sina beslut efter bearbetning av hårt arbetande lobbyister som jobbar på provisionsbasis och det känns väl tryggt, eller?
Nu varnar amerikanska experter (nästan 8 år senare) för att genmanipulerad fisk kan vara en fara för vår miljö. Frågan om vilka skador som redan skett under dessa år torde ställas och utrönas huruvida det ens går att få tillbaka den gamla ursprungsmiljön eller inte.
“FDA has failed to ask the tough questions about escapes, disease transfer and the full environmental impacts of GE fish,” said Colin O’Neil, Regulatory Policy Analyst for the Center for Food Safety. “By assuming that escapes won’t happen, FDA is putting our marine ecosystems, our health and our fisheries in harm’s way.”
måndag 12 december 2011
Efter ett slitsamt arbetspass är denna musik som en underbar gåva.
Musiken tar tankarna till en helt annan värld. En värld bortom jäkt, stress och egentligen helt orelevanta småsaker som bara skall diskuteras för gnabbandets skull.
Att vara med sig själv tillsammans med alla tankar. Att få gå igenom dem och sedan slänga bort dem. Att få fylla tomrummet med saker som är väsentliga för just mig. Det är livskvalitet för mig.
lördag 10 december 2011
Varför får så många gamla Risperdal - nationell demensepidemi??
Anhörig till gammal person, dement eller ej. Gå igenom läkemedelslistan och om du finner att din gamla mamma eller gamle pappa har Risperdal, Zyprexa eller Haldol så reagera och ta en kontakt med ansvarig läkare.
Dessa medel används idag för att lugna ner äldre personer för att de skall bli lite mer lätthanterliga. Läs de nya reglerna som kom för ett långt tag sedan och ta upp dem med läkaren för det verkar som om många inte har hela informationsbiten.
Så här ser rekommendationerna ut i av mig ytterligare förkortad version:
Mycket ofta i vården idag följs inte dessa rekommendationer.
Om en dement anhörig till dig står på sådan medicin sedan längre tid kan det vara lämpligt för dig att kontakta din anhöriges läkare för att diskutera saken. Skriv gärna ut Läkemedelsverkets nya rekommendationer och ta med om du vill ha stöd!
Fullständig info fås:
Det känns inte precis upplyftande att få äran att bli gammal i det här landet!!!
Dessa medel används idag för att lugna ner äldre personer för att de skall bli lite mer lätthanterliga. Läs de nya reglerna som kom för ett långt tag sedan och ta upp dem med läkaren för det verkar som om många inte har hela informationsbiten.
Nya riktlinjer
Detta har fått läkemedelsverket att reagera. Man har där arbetat på nya riktlinjer på området, men släpper med anledning av debatten redan nu en sammanfattning av de nya riktlinjerna.Så här ser rekommendationerna ut i av mig ytterligare förkortad version:
Behandling och bemötande vid Beteendemässiga och Psykiska Symtom vid Demenssjukdom – ”BPSD”
1. Utredning av symtom och tänkbara orsaker.
2. Översyn av medicinering – ev utsättande av mediciner med förvirring som biverkan. Insättning av läkemedel mot demens?
3. Optimerad vårdmiljö och bemötande.
4. Vid otillräcklig effekt – överväg medicinering
- Ofta antidepressiv medicin (SSRI) i första hand
- Vid vanföreställningar och aggressivitet med lidande för patient och potentiell fara för andra: Risperdal (schizofrenimedicin) i dos upp till 1,5mg / dag kan prövas. Stor återhållsamhet rekommenderas på grund av risk för allvarliga biverkningar och död.
- Oxazepam (lugnande bensodiazepin) kan provas kort tid.
- Om Risperdal eller Oxazepam används: planera i första hand för kort behandlingstid. Utvärdera inom 2 veckor. Ta regelbundet ställning till ev utsättning / dosminskning.
För anhöriga
Användande av schizofrenimedicin (som Risperdal, Zyprexa, Haldol) skall till dementa personer endast användas i sista hand och i lägsta möjliga dos. Behandlingen skall utvärderas inom 2 veckor. Så snart som möjligt skall dosen minskas eller medicinen sättas ut.Mycket ofta i vården idag följs inte dessa rekommendationer.
Om en dement anhörig till dig står på sådan medicin sedan längre tid kan det vara lämpligt för dig att kontakta din anhöriges läkare för att diskutera saken. Skriv gärna ut Läkemedelsverkets nya rekommendationer och ta med om du vill ha stöd!
Fullständig info fås:
Det känns inte precis upplyftande att få äran att bli gammal i det här landet!!!
onsdag 7 december 2011
Varför sluta röka när svenskarna är världsledande inom vaccintillverkning?
Om man nu kan få ett HPV-vaccin och
snart även ett HIV-vaccin så att man kan göka
varför kan man inte få ett
så att man kan fortsätta att röka?
Eric Sandström, professor och aidsforskare vid Södersjukhuset gör en studie i Tanzania och Mocambique under nästa år. De jobbar för att få fram ett fungerande vaccin men det saknas tydligen pengar, som vanligt. De kan inte göra något mer på den biologiska delen utan vill få fram en så stark och kortvarig immunisering som möjligt. Därför skall de i en studie ge vaccinet med elektroporering som innebär att man först ger vaccinet och sedan en kort strömstöt.
Läs om elektroporering: PDF]
Elektroporering som administrationsverktyg av DNA-vaccin mot ...
måndag 5 december 2011
BBC korrespondent blev Jesus efter Gula Feber vaccination!!!
BBC Correspondent Seriously Ill After Yellow Fever Jab – Drug Maker Sanofi Pasteur Denies Evidence of Link [As Usual]
Posted on December 4, 2011 by childhealthsafety
The UK’s Mail On Sunday newspaper reports today “BBC’s Man in Greece became psychotic and believed he was Jesus after yellow fever jab“ Charlotte Eagar 4th December 2011. Within hours of the Stamaril jab from drug company Sanofi Pasteur:
Mr Brabant’s temperature had spiked and his condition deteriorated rapidly. He became psychotic, sobbed and saluted at television pictures of military uniforms during the Royal Wedding and believed he was Jesus.”
The familiar figure from BBC foreign news reports, who has been missing from British TV screens since April this year, remains seriously ill. The Mail reports:
Mr Brabant, 55, an award-winning veteran of the siege of Sarajevo, is currently in hospital in Copenhagen, the home town of his wife, best-selling Danish writer Trine Villemann.”
His wife started an online petition on about 25th November [found here Sanofi Pasteur – Truth Now!. Ms Villemann met her husband during the siege of Sarajevo when she was a TV producer.
She claims French drug company Sanofi Pasteur:‘ignored me for months until I started this internet campaign and petition. They just said the vaccine was fine.’
She wrote on 28th November:
I have spent the entire day at the hospital with my husband. He was a bit more upbeat, but also angry, VERY angry.”Every time I get back on my feet, I am slammed down again by this devastating vaccine. When will it end? And when will someone take responsibility for what happened to me,” he asked and added:”There has to be justice, not just for me but for the next poor bugger, who gets a Sanofi Pasteur jab and suffers like I have.” PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE THE PETITION BELOW! Trine B.
So don’t do anything else until you have signed the petition here Sanofi Pasteur – Truth Now!
And after you have signed the petition you can post a comment on the petition site and point out that when millions of children around the world have developed autistic conditions and other serious health problems after a vaccine Malcolm Brabant, all his BBC fellow news reports, his news Editors and everyone else at the BBC have just ignored the plight of these children and let the drug companies get away with in it. Worse, they continually pump out news stories fed to them by UK Government Health Officials promoting vaccines and downplaying people who raise serious issues about vaccine safety.
We also suggest you ask why if they want your help they are not helping all these sick injured and dead children and their families. You can ask them why, when it was not convenient to Malcolm Brabant to report on vaccine safety he failed these children in his obligations as a journalist but now his family are turning around and asking for your help. That’s right – your help.
This is what has happened to him witnessed by his 12-year-old son, Lukas. Within hours his temperature was 104F, he was shaking and shivering. His bed was rocking backwards and forward. He developed insomnia became irritable and anxious. He suffered delusions. He became psychotic and was convinced he was Jesus. He recovered and returned to work, but had a relapse in July and was flown to a psychiatric hospital in Britain. He recorded only occasional reports over the past few months and moved with his family to Copenhagen. He was in hospital again on November 8 and has suffered from blood clots on his lungs.
Ms Villeman says about Sanofi Pasteur.
They ignored me for months until I started this internet campaign and petition. They just said the vaccine was fine.’
And Sanofi Pasteur issued the usual junk science claims saying:
Carefully investigating all the medical information that was disclosed to us up to July 2011, we have been unable to establish evidence for a causal relationship between the administration of the yellow fever vaccine Stamaril and the reported medical conditions.’
Does that sound familiar. Yes it certainly does. This is what all these companies say and dump the victims on their families with no help, no compensation.
Government Health Officials worldwide do the same. Most Doctors do the same and so do most of their professional organisations.
A big culprit of course is the American Association of Pediatricians whose members earn vast sums giving a huge number of vaccines to previously well American children at “Well baby visits”. A lot of American kids are not so well after and the numbers of children who would develop problems catching the natural disease would be far lower.
See Yourself What Vaccines Can Do To Previously Normal Healthy Babies November 12, 2011 by childhealthsafety
You should also ask why in the 21st Century there is no measles pill so only sick kids get treatment and your kids are not put at risk. The answer is the drug companies, the profits they make not just from vaccines but from the drugs needed to treat the conditions in children the vaccines cause, corruption in the medical professions, corruption in Government health departments and the money doctors make giving vaccines and then treating the harm they have caused by giving them.
söndag 4 december 2011
Lite mer nyheter om droger för bokstavskombinationer
CHS brings you some recent US news from psychsearch.net about harmful mind altering psychiatric drugs being given to US children including children less than a year old. Whilst the news about a report to be published today from the Federal Government’s Accountability Office focuses on foster children, the net of drug industry profiteering from harmful drugs given to US children and other children around the world is much wider and not limited to children in foster care.
When you read these stories ask yourself, “what about the children who are not in foster care getting these drugs?” and “What are doctors and psychiatrists playing at? Can you trust them? Where’s the science? Out to lunch?“
The Columbian drug cartels are like a corner store compared to these guys. And don’t forget to visit The Institute for Nearly Genuine Research for some hard facts laced with humour about the barking mad world of the drug industry’s psychiatric drugs:-
Det gäller att börja i tid med att fördärva våra små barn. Vilken framtid är det vi skapar? Varför sätta barn till världen överhuvudtaget? Föräldrar som ger sina barn under ett år dessa droger borde spärras in.
ADHD eller annan moderiktig bokstavskombination?
Människor skapar specialister och institutioner. Människor sätter gränser för vad som är rätt och fel.
Vem är det egentligen som bedömer att en expert verkligen är en expert inom det område som han/hon säger sig vara i.
Är en s.k. bokstavskombination humbug? Är det bara ett ytterligare påfund för att hålla läkemedelsindustrin flytande eller är det en skapelse för garanterade framtida intäkter?
Många barn har kloka föräldrar. Föräldrar som litar till sina egna intuitioner och instinkter. Föräldrar som försöker ändra saker i den egna omgivningen innan de proppar barnet fullt med piller. Piller som har många biverkningar och som kanske också leder till andra mer svårbehandlade fysiska sjukdomar.
Får mitt barn rätt emotionellt stöd, i hemmet, i skolan och i alla andra miljöer som barnet vistas i? Får mitt barn rätt näring? Innehåller den kost som mitt barn får tillräckligt med fett och näringsämnen som behövs för att hela kroppen, hjärnan och alla andra organ skall utvecklas som de skall?
Kan det vara så att mitt barn saknar något, något som gör att det kryper i hela kroppen så att den inte kan komma till ro. Får mitt barn kärlek? Behöver mitt barn känslomässig tillfredsställelse före den matriella. Mitt barn kanske vill sitta framför tv eller datorn men är det verkligen det som är behovet eller är det bara en undanflykt eller ett dåligt substitut?
20 miljoner barn och vuxna är idag diagnostiserade med någon form av mental sjukdom. Något som diagnostiserats utifrån ett antal påståenden med en liten checklista vanligtvis till höger på blanketten.
De har fått sin diagnos utan blodprov, magnetröntgen eller andra genetiska tester som kanske kunde utvisat något helt annat. Antidepression eller antipsykosindustrin tjänar biljoner dollar på att tillverka piller, piller som inom kort gör dem till drogmissbrukare.
Tänk om din arbetsgivare fick för sig att just du hade något fel däruppe bara för att du är av en annan åsikt. Hur skulle du känna det? Skulle du bara gå till företagshälsovården och acceptera att nu är du sjuk bara för att arbetsgivaren tycker det? Nej, det är inte många vuxna som skulle köpa detta resonemang men att lämna över sina barn till psykvården, ja, det verkar de inte ha något problem med att göra?
fredag 2 december 2011
Borrelia / Lyme disease
Årligen drabbas ett stort antal människor av borrelia varav de flesta är barn. Min väninnas dotter blev ovetandes biten av en fästing och det tog mycket lång tid innan orsaken till flickans ansiktsförlamning fick en diagnos. Jag har många gånger undrat varför den svenska sjukvården behöver så lång tid för att hitta en så vanlig virusinfektion som denna. Är det så att vi har valt att köpa in billigare test? Har våra läkare bristande kunskaper i ämnet?
Har haft vänner med årens lopp som åkt över till Tyskland och testat sig efter resultatlösa blodprov här i Sverige. Tyskarna fann både Borrelia och TBE..... och det på väldigt kort tid.
Vad jag förstår så räcker det inte med en enda antibiotikakur, ibland inte ens med två. Det verkar som om de drabbade måste leva med ett antal procent av viruset i blodet. Det skall gå att bli av med viruset helt och hållet men för det krävs undersökande journalistik och varför inte börja i Tyskland där homeopatiska medel används och skrivs ut av de stora sjukhusen.
Lyme disease is one of the most political and controversial epidemics of our time. Lyme originates from a bacteria transmitted through the bite of a tick and can remain hidden – often being called the great imitator – mimicking other diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, ADHD and other neurological conditions. And it is growing – new cases of Lyme occur each year at a rate ten times higher then that of AIDS and the West Nile Virus combined.
Current Lyme treatment guidelines were developed by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (ISDA), a group associated with pharmaceutical, insurance and university interests that are profiting from the diagnostic criteria, vaccines and recommended treatments for Lyme. These guidelines, endorsed by the National Institute of Health and the CDC, define the treatment of Lyme as a two to four week course of antibiotic therapy.
Physician’s who believe Lyme is a more chronic condition needing long-term treatment, risk losing their medical license for treating patients outside IDSA guidelines. And insurance companies refuse to pay for longer treatments despite evidence that illustrates the chronic nature of the condition and the effectiveness of long-term therapies. This leaves thousands of Lyme patients suffering from a commercialized medical community that won’t acknowledge the chronic nature of their illness and the public uneducated about a growing epidemic.
Statement of the National Non Profit Lyme Disease Association on the IDSA Guidelines Panel Decision, Lyme Disease Association, April 22, 2010.
“MA Governor Signs Lyme Disease Doctor Protection Bill into Law.” Lyme Disease Association, June 30, 2010.
HealthWatch: Bay Area Lyme Disease Patient Fights Insurer, CBS-San Francisco, Nov. 23, 2010. http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2010/11/23/healthwatch-bay-area-lyme-disease-patient-fights-insurer
“Reported Cases of Lyme Disease by Year.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Posted: August 26, 2010.
“Basic Information about Lyme Disease.” ILADS – International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. http://www.ilads.org/lyme_disease/about_lyme.html
“Under Our Skin,” Documentary, Andy Wilson, Director. Open Eye Productions, 2008.
Student Researcher: Ashley Myers, San Francisco State University
Faculty Advisor: Kenn Burrows, San Francisco State University
Har haft vänner med årens lopp som åkt över till Tyskland och testat sig efter resultatlösa blodprov här i Sverige. Tyskarna fann både Borrelia och TBE..... och det på väldigt kort tid.
Vad jag förstår så räcker det inte med en enda antibiotikakur, ibland inte ens med två. Det verkar som om de drabbade måste leva med ett antal procent av viruset i blodet. Det skall gå att bli av med viruset helt och hållet men för det krävs undersökande journalistik och varför inte börja i Tyskland där homeopatiska medel används och skrivs ut av de stora sjukhusen.
Lyme disease is one of the most political and controversial epidemics of our time. Lyme originates from a bacteria transmitted through the bite of a tick and can remain hidden – often being called the great imitator – mimicking other diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, ADHD and other neurological conditions. And it is growing – new cases of Lyme occur each year at a rate ten times higher then that of AIDS and the West Nile Virus combined.
Current Lyme treatment guidelines were developed by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (ISDA), a group associated with pharmaceutical, insurance and university interests that are profiting from the diagnostic criteria, vaccines and recommended treatments for Lyme. These guidelines, endorsed by the National Institute of Health and the CDC, define the treatment of Lyme as a two to four week course of antibiotic therapy.
Physician’s who believe Lyme is a more chronic condition needing long-term treatment, risk losing their medical license for treating patients outside IDSA guidelines. And insurance companies refuse to pay for longer treatments despite evidence that illustrates the chronic nature of the condition and the effectiveness of long-term therapies. This leaves thousands of Lyme patients suffering from a commercialized medical community that won’t acknowledge the chronic nature of their illness and the public uneducated about a growing epidemic.
Statement of the National Non Profit Lyme Disease Association on the IDSA Guidelines Panel Decision, Lyme Disease Association, April 22, 2010.
“MA Governor Signs Lyme Disease Doctor Protection Bill into Law.” Lyme Disease Association, June 30, 2010.
HealthWatch: Bay Area Lyme Disease Patient Fights Insurer, CBS-San Francisco, Nov. 23, 2010. http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2010/11/23/healthwatch-bay-area-lyme-disease-patient-fights-insurer
“Reported Cases of Lyme Disease by Year.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Posted: August 26, 2010.
“Basic Information about Lyme Disease.” ILADS – International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. http://www.ilads.org/lyme_disease/about_lyme.html
“Under Our Skin,” Documentary, Andy Wilson, Director. Open Eye Productions, 2008.
Student Researcher: Ashley Myers, San Francisco State University
Faculty Advisor: Kenn Burrows, San Francisco State University
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Lyssna och bedöm själva.
måndag 28 november 2011
Vioxx - Merck betalar 950 miljoner dollar i böter
Det tar lång tid innan ett farligt läkemedel passerat alla juridiska instanser och under tiden så drabbas ytterligare människor av biverkningar. Har följt denna process ett antal år, med start före läkemedlet drogs bort ifrån marknaden.
I artikeln finns även en varning för Zyprexa som är ett vanligt antipsykotiskt läkemedel och risken för diabetes. Det kanske är bättre att ha diabetes istället för vanföreställningar.... vad vet jag? Det är upp till den som sitter i sitsen att välja.
Men lite underligt är det ju när tillverkaren är en av de största leverantörerna av diabetesläkemedel, eller?
Läs hela artikeln: http://www.allgov.com/Controversies/ViewNews/Merck_Pays_950_Million_Dollars_for_Vioxx_Illegal_Marketing_and_Dangers__But_No_Jail_Time_111124
I artikeln finns även en varning för Zyprexa som är ett vanligt antipsykotiskt läkemedel och risken för diabetes. Det kanske är bättre att ha diabetes istället för vanföreställningar.... vad vet jag? Det är upp till den som sitter i sitsen att välja.
Men lite underligt är det ju när tillverkaren är en av de största leverantörerna av diabetesläkemedel, eller?
Läs hela artikeln: http://www.allgov.com/Controversies/ViewNews/Merck_Pays_950_Million_Dollars_for_Vioxx_Illegal_Marketing_and_Dangers__But_No_Jail_Time_111124
Pharmaceutical manufacturer Merck continues to pay a steep price for its former money-making drug Vioxx, a painkiller that once earned the company more than $2 billion a year.
The latest settlement for Merck originated with the U.S. Department of Justice, which got the company to pay $950 million in fines and penalties to settle multiple civil cases. The drug giant also pled guilty to a criminal charge over the marketing and sales of Vioxx.
Merck pulled Vioxx off the market in 2004 after evidence showed the drug increased the risk of heart problems for patients.
Of the $950 million, $321 million is for admitting guilt to one misdemeanor count of illegally introducing a drug into interstate commerce. The charge stemmed from Merck’s promotion of Vioxx to treat rheumatoid arthritis before the Food and Drug Administration approved it for this purpose in 2002.
Merck also will pay $426 million to the federal government and $202 million to state Medicaid agencies to settle civil claims that its illegal marketing caused doctors to prescribe the pills and bill the government for Vioxx.
Mat utan tillsatser ett val bland många
Här får man tips på livsmedel som inte innehåller tillsatsmedel som te.x. E 171....
man kan även söka på E nummer och på ett lätt sätt lära sig vad de står för.
Skrämmande läsning för mig var att E 171 kan finnas i KESO, i såser och i pepparrotsprodukter......
om man nu köpt in ett vitningsmedel så gäller det väl att använda det i så mycket som möjligt, eller?
Hälsa, nej, det verkar som om cancerindustrin önskar flera försökskaniner...... voyne voyne
Här får man tips på livsmedel som inte innehåller tillsatsmedel som te.x. E 171....
man kan även söka på E nummer och på ett lätt sätt lära sig vad de står för.
Skrämmande läsning för mig var att E 171 kan finnas i KESO, i såser och i pepparrotsprodukter......
om man nu köpt in ett vitningsmedel så gäller det väl att använda det i så mycket som möjligt, eller?
Hälsa, nej, det verkar som om cancerindustrin önskar flera försökskaniner...... voyne voyne
E 171 Titandioxid / titanium dioxide i Pepcid
Innehållsdeklaration - Pepcid
- Den aktiva substansen är 10 mg famotidin per tablett.
- Övriga innehållsämnen är stärkelse, mikrokristallin cellulosa, hydroxipropylcellulosa, hypromellos, talk, magnesiumstearat, titandioxid (färgämne E 171), röd järnoxid (färgämne E 172).
Pepcid ger lindring av symtom vid tillfällig halsbränna och sura uppstötningar. Men vad får man istället?
Gå igenom innehållsdeklarationerna ordentligt på apoteket innan du beslutar dig för vilken vara du skall välja. Om de nu måste färga tabletterna så kan de väl använda rödbetor som så många andra gör, eller?
E 171 är en tungmetall, läs och lär mer: http://www.netikka.net/carina/parkinsons.php
fredag 25 november 2011
Autism rankad som mentalsjukdom nr 1 i Kina....och växer....
The first known cause of autism was rubella virus. So not only is New Scientist an unreliable source of information, this cause of autism has been known since the 1960s. And rubella virus is one of the three live viruses in the MMR vaccine.
… rubella (congenital rubella syndrome) is one of the few proven causes of autism.“ Walter A. Orenstein, M.D. US as Assistant Surgeon General, Director National Immunization Program in a letter to the UK’s Chief Medical Officer 15 February 2002.
rubella virus is one of the few known causes of autism.” US Center for Disease Control.
http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/autism-hits-china-big-time/rubella can cause autism” The Pediatrician’s Role in the Diagnosis and Management of Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Children – PEDIATRICS Vol. 107 No. 5 May 2001
China Daily News reports today from Qingdao, Shandong – autism is ranked No 1 among mental disorders in China, according to a presentation on Nov 4 at the International Autism Research Collaboration Development Conference in Shanghai. The data include only diagnoses in hospitals and research centers, so the actual number may be much higher, experts warned. The report is detailed and we recommend you click the link and read it all to get a good picture of what is going on in one of the most populous nations in the world.
söndag 20 november 2011
Schampo i pulver form
Intressant artikel :) Bra med starka åsikter och personliga argument!! Titta gärna in på Body Bazar. De har helt underbara produkter. Bl.a. en schampo 100 % naturlig i pulver form, cerifierad och allergi testad. Inget Lödder men den återställer definitivt hårets naturliga balans.Har testat den och jag är förälskad. http://www.bodybazar.com/
Tack för tipset.. hade faktiskt ingen aning om att det fanns schampo i pulver form.
Tack för tipset.. hade faktiskt ingen aning om att det fanns schampo i pulver form.
Vad gør vi nu lille du?
Cevarix varning!!! HPV-vaccin biverkning..
The UK’s The Daily Mail Newspaper Paul Sims reports [15th November 2011]:
Girl, 13, left in ‘waking coma’ and sleeps for 23 hours a day after severe reaction to cervical cancer jabs
Lucy Hinks is unable to walk or talk after having injections at school.
Parents warn others to check on potential side effects of Cervarix vaccine.
Lucy Hinks, 13, began to experience extreme exhaustion soon after having the cervical cancer vaccine alongside classmates
They were told the vaccine had few side-effects and would protect their daughter from cervical cancer. But Steve and Pauline Hinks are convinced the controversial HPV jab is behind their daughter Lucy’s mystery illness which is making her sleep up to 23 hours a day. Tests have so far ruled out a brain tumour and glandular fever and the 13-year-old’s paediatric consultant is investigating potential links with the vaccine Cervarix. The jab was used in a national vaccination programme which started in September 2008. But it has already been linked to several cases of girls displaying severe side-effects. Before she received the vaccine, Lucy was perfectly healthy, had an excellent school attendance record and was among the top students in her year.
Bättre och bättre dag för dag med trä i maten….. eller?
Ja att livsmedelsföretag drygat ut sina produkter med cellulosa (massa ifrån träd) hörde jag för många år sedan i samband med fryst stuvad spenat. Det var då som jag bestämde mig för att laga allting själv så att jag vet vad jag stoppar i mig. Nu kan man visserligen inte vara så säker nu heller eftersom innehållsförteckningarna inte utvisar hormoner, bekämpningsmedel, mögel eller annat skräp.
Om det nu varit så att naturen avsett att vi människor skulle livnära oss på cellulosafibrer så hade vi nog sett aningen annorlunda ut på insidan.
Men vad gör inte livsmedelsindustrin för att tjäna ännu mer pengar… kreativiteten flödar och det utan en enda tanke på konsekvenserna. Fettfri mat, jo jag tackar, de ersätter fett med cellulosa så gör man två flugor på smällen. Livsmedelsindustrin som ofta ägs av läkemedelsindustrin tjänar liksom pengar i båda ändarna. Det snackas om organisk cellulosa fiber, javisst, det skall ju vara grönt och ekologiskt.
Vinnande slogan är: Det är bara en bristande fantasi som kan sätta käppar i det ekonomiska hjulet.
Här har vi de amerikanska innovatörerna: (som även exporterar utomlands!!!)
Dole Food
General Mills
KFC (Yum! Brands)
Kraft Foods
Pizza Hut (Yum! Brands)
Sara Lee
Taco Bell (Yum! Brands)
Weight Watchers International
Wendy’s Arby’s
Läs mer:
Mikael Wiehe - Det här är mitt land
Kanske behöver vi lite nationalistiska tankar även om alla kanske inte är födda här så är det ändå vårt land. Det är fult att vara stolt svensk, det är fult att äta svensk hälsosam mat, det är fult att inte ha ett globalt tänkande......
Om vi inte tar hand om våra invånare, barn, unga som gamla och ser till vår rätt att få äta hälsosam och sund mat så har vi snart inget att vara stolta över längre. Såvida vi inte kopplar ihop stolthet med bonusutbetalningar inom livs- och läkemedelsindustrin.
lördag 19 november 2011
Vaccin och Autism information
The evidence is overwhelming – Thimerosal and possibly other ingredients can cause autism. On February 25, 2008 an announcement came that even the Court of Federal Claims (the Vaccine court) agrees, as a family was awarded compensation from government (Dept. of Health & Human Services via US Assistant Attorney General Peter Keisler), in the case of a little 18 month old girl who immediately began a downhill neurologic horror shortly after receiving vaccines for 9 diseases in one visit to the doctor’s office. Two of the vaccines contained thimerosal.
“It was autism and much more, labeled by experts as regressive encephalopathy triggered by thimerosal in the vaccines. The child is permanently brain damaged. I saw nothing in the major media about this case. Rather strange isn’t it? The evidence has been there for decades. Thus far, 2000 people have received over 2 billion in compensation (our tax money) for thimerosal vaccine injuries.
“Their little girl’s case was profound and obvious. The more common scenario is the thousands who may have various types of brain damage which are not so severe and not so obvious: the ones which come on more slowly, several months or years later like ‘mild autism or mild ADHD’ or some mixture of mental or behavioral abnormalities.
“What a lot of people don’t understand . . . is that there can be several factors at work, not just mercury. Mercury is a deadly toxin but other factors can render it even more deadly. . . We never know which wicked mixtures [of toxic substances in vaccines] in combination may be producing neurologic disease. . . Medical ‘authorities’ would have you believe that certain diseases are clear-cut single events, black and white. The truth is that there are grey zones of disease which are hard to categorize.
“Vaccines aren’t just prone to produce autism; they have the potential to produce a variety of brain damage syndromes, mild to severe, depending on several factors embodied within the genetic + nutritional + environmental variables. Cleverly worded distortions in official press releases illustrate simply more ways that ‘lying with authority’ can fool you.”
“It is estimated that a flu vaccine injection yearly for five years running increases the chance for Alzheimer’s by at least 1000%. Flu vaccine can also cause anxiety and depression preceded by brain inflammation especially in the elderly who have high suicide rates.
“In spite of these known risks with vaccines, there is an all out campaign by public health officials and doctors to vaccinate elderly people, not only with the flu vaccine, but with a growing number of new vaccines. Many people report that flu shots give them the flu. In fact, people die from flu vaccine. When the elderly die after getting a flu shot, especially if months later, it is rarely blamed on the flu vaccine. Deaths and disability from flu vaccine far exceed deaths from the flu. . .
“Flu vaccines are only effective in 30% to 40% of people who take them and even that is questionable. There has never been strong evidence of fewer hospitalizations or decreased death rate from taking flu vaccines. This is another example of fact distortion by authority in the effort to sell more flu vaccine.
Flu vaccine during pregnancy can dramatically increase the risk for autism and schizophrenia. Most flu vaccines contain mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum and could contain viral fragments. It could cause multiple side effects in the brain including paralysis, hearing loss, vertigo and brain irritability.
“Flu vaccine over-stimulates the immune system, especially the brain. In fact, it can suppress immunity for weeks after receiving the vaccine. . . In people who die from flu vaccine, and there certainly are a number every year, the actual cause of death has often been reported as due to some other type of disease, but in reality, their immune systems have been depressed, allowing other diseases to become more deadly.
The evidence is overwhelming – Thimerosal and possibly other ingredients can cause autism. On February 25, 2008 an announcement came that even the Court of Federal Claims (the Vaccine court) agrees, as a family was awarded compensation from government (Dept. of Health & Human Services via US Assistant Attorney General Peter Keisler), in the case of a little 18 month old girl who immediately began a downhill neurologic horror shortly after receiving vaccines for 9 diseases in one visit to the doctor’s office. Two of the vaccines contained thimerosal.
“It was autism and much more, labeled by experts as regressive encephalopathy triggered by thimerosal in the vaccines. The child is permanently brain damaged. I saw nothing in the major media about this case. Rather strange isn’t it? The evidence has been there for decades. Thus far, 2000 people have received over 2 billion in compensation (our tax money) for thimerosal vaccine injuries.
“Their little girl’s case was profound and obvious. The more common scenario is the thousands who may have various types of brain damage which are not so severe and not so obvious: the ones which come on more slowly, several months or years later like ‘mild autism or mild ADHD’ or some mixture of mental or behavioral abnormalities.
“What a lot of people don’t understand . . . is that there can be several factors at work, not just mercury. Mercury is a deadly toxin but other factors can render it even more deadly. . . We never know which wicked mixtures [of toxic substances in vaccines] in combination may be producing neurologic disease. . . Medical ‘authorities’ would have you believe that certain diseases are clear-cut single events, black and white. The truth is that there are grey zones of disease which are hard to categorize.
“Vaccines aren’t just prone to produce autism; they have the potential to produce a variety of brain damage syndromes, mild to severe, depending on several factors embodied within the genetic + nutritional + environmental variables. Cleverly worded distortions in official press releases illustrate simply more ways that ‘lying with authority’ can fool you.”
“It is estimated that a flu vaccine injection yearly for five years running increases the chance for Alzheimer’s by at least 1000%. Flu vaccine can also cause anxiety and depression preceded by brain inflammation especially in the elderly who have high suicide rates.
“In spite of these known risks with vaccines, there is an all out campaign by public health officials and doctors to vaccinate elderly people, not only with the flu vaccine, but with a growing number of new vaccines. Many people report that flu shots give them the flu. In fact, people die from flu vaccine. When the elderly die after getting a flu shot, especially if months later, it is rarely blamed on the flu vaccine. Deaths and disability from flu vaccine far exceed deaths from the flu. . .
“Flu vaccines are only effective in 30% to 40% of people who take them and even that is questionable. There has never been strong evidence of fewer hospitalizations or decreased death rate from taking flu vaccines. This is another example of fact distortion by authority in the effort to sell more flu vaccine.
Flu vaccine during pregnancy can dramatically increase the risk for autism and schizophrenia. Most flu vaccines contain mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum and could contain viral fragments. It could cause multiple side effects in the brain including paralysis, hearing loss, vertigo and brain irritability.
“Flu vaccine over-stimulates the immune system, especially the brain. In fact, it can suppress immunity for weeks after receiving the vaccine. . . In people who die from flu vaccine, and there certainly are a number every year, the actual cause of death has often been reported as due to some other type of disease, but in reality, their immune systems have been depressed, allowing other diseases to become more deadly.
Vaccinera eller ej?
Every year when flu season rolls around the public is barraged with newsstories about the reasons to get a flu shot. This year is no different. From coast to coast the headlines are blaring “Get Your Shot!” Within the past few months the CDC even lowered the recommended age for the flu shot to children as young as six months old. Basically, that means they think that just about everyone in the country should get the shot except for newborns in order to stay well.
I have been trying to counter the propaganda regarding the flu shot for a number of years and for a number of reasons. Here are a few of them.
2. The flu shot does not guarantee immunity. There is no evidence that the flu shot actually works. Pharmaceutical companies play a guessing game each year to try and determine which viral strain or strains will be circulating during flu season and that’s what they’ll put in the shot. The problem is viruses can mutate and change forms very easily so trying to guess which virus to protect against is analogous to a Vegas Craps shoot. Every year in recent memory, including the 2007-08 flu season, they have vaccinated against strains that have been proven to not be the culprit. According to a story written by Sheryl Walters for http://www.naturalnews.com/, “In 2004, The National Vaccine Information Center reported that the vaccine given that year did not contain the flu strain that caused the majority of flu outbreaks that year. A study published in the Lancet in August revealed that there was no correlation between the flu shot and reduced risk of pneumonia. Further, a large study of 260,000 children between 23 month and 6 discovered that the flu vaccine is no more effective than a placebo. This was reported in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.”
3. The flu shot helps spread the flu. The shot contains something called attenuated virus. Attenuated basically means half-killed. The shot has to evoke an immune response and therefore has to have some form of viral activity to it to stimulate that immune response. The theory is to give you a tiny dose of the flu so your body will build immunity to it. Anyone who thinks that they are not contagious after getting a flu shot is woefully mistaken. Most of the package inserts will even tell you that you may exhibit mild flu symptoms for a few days after getting a shot. There are also a percentage of people who receive the shot and get very sick.
“If children receive flu vaccine, it can be even more deadly because children are more sensitive to mercury and to the effects of depressed immunity. Flu vaccine in children causes an increased incidence in asthma by 200%. There has caused sudden memory loss in children and adults immediately after receiving flu vaccine. . .
“Very young babies are at extremely high risk because their brains are immature; blood brain barriers are ‘leaky’ and more sensitive to toxins. In the first two years of life, infants may receive 22 vaccines with as many as nine shots in one office visit. Many doctors feel this is criminal. . .
“Nasal flu vaccines are even worse because they introduce a live virus into the nasal mucous membranes only a few inches from the brain where viruses can potentially travel upward via the olfactory (smell) nerves.
I have been trying to counter the propaganda regarding the flu shot for a number of years and for a number of reasons. Here are a few of them.
1. The flu shot contains toxic agents that could be harmful to your health. The shot could contain aluminum, formaldehyde, thimerosal (mercury), ethylene glycol, polysorbate 80, antibiotics and other adjuvants. Ask for the package insert on the shot for more details or do some research on the Internet. None of these compounds are 100% safe to inject into your body, even in the smallest of amounts. A slew of research points to them being serious culprits in a number of health challenges, including permanent disabilities and death. An excellent source where you can learn more about all vaccines and download the package inserts is http://www.vaclib.org/.
2. The flu shot does not guarantee immunity. There is no evidence that the flu shot actually works. Pharmaceutical companies play a guessing game each year to try and determine which viral strain or strains will be circulating during flu season and that’s what they’ll put in the shot. The problem is viruses can mutate and change forms very easily so trying to guess which virus to protect against is analogous to a Vegas Craps shoot. Every year in recent memory, including the 2007-08 flu season, they have vaccinated against strains that have been proven to not be the culprit. According to a story written by Sheryl Walters for http://www.naturalnews.com/, “In 2004, The National Vaccine Information Center reported that the vaccine given that year did not contain the flu strain that caused the majority of flu outbreaks that year. A study published in the Lancet in August revealed that there was no correlation between the flu shot and reduced risk of pneumonia. Further, a large study of 260,000 children between 23 month and 6 discovered that the flu vaccine is no more effective than a placebo. This was reported in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.”
According to the CDC’s own data, preventing influenza with the shot in the past has only ranged between 30-40%. That means that 60-70% of those who have taken the shot in previous flu seasons were not protected from the flu at all. This flu season (2008-09), the CDC is making bold claims that the shot will be 70-90% effective. This is being stated before flu season really kicks into high gear, and it is being stated after last year’s shot was proven to miss the mark. Sadly, the failure rate is never given. Most in society have been conditioned to believe that if you get a flu shot you’re protected.
3. The flu shot helps spread the flu. The shot contains something called attenuated virus. Attenuated basically means half-killed. The shot has to evoke an immune response and therefore has to have some form of viral activity to it to stimulate that immune response. The theory is to give you a tiny dose of the flu so your body will build immunity to it. Anyone who thinks that they are not contagious after getting a flu shot is woefully mistaken. Most of the package inserts will even tell you that you may exhibit mild flu symptoms for a few days after getting a shot. There are also a percentage of people who receive the shot and get very sick.
“If children receive flu vaccine, it can be even more deadly because children are more sensitive to mercury and to the effects of depressed immunity. Flu vaccine in children causes an increased incidence in asthma by 200%. There has caused sudden memory loss in children and adults immediately after receiving flu vaccine. . .
“Very young babies are at extremely high risk because their brains are immature; blood brain barriers are ‘leaky’ and more sensitive to toxins. In the first two years of life, infants may receive 22 vaccines with as many as nine shots in one office visit. Many doctors feel this is criminal. . .
“Nasal flu vaccines are even worse because they introduce a live virus into the nasal mucous membranes only a few inches from the brain where viruses can potentially travel upward via the olfactory (smell) nerves.
onsdag 16 november 2011
Framsidan med privat vård för ägarna/baksidan för patienterna...
U S A:s privata vård presenterar:
Åtminstone 106.000 människor dör varje år av biverkningar. Endast 6% av dessa blir identifierade.
Fördelen är stor intäktsmässigt att ge många olika läkemedel till en och samma patient men biverkningarna blir desto fler.
Se: http://www.whale.to/a/null9.html - Death by Allopathy som visar lite dödsfallsstatistik för den som är intresserad.
tisdag 15 november 2011
Sodium laureth sulfate
Så här tycker min bombis om löddermedlet i bl.a. hårschampoo.
Jag är kritisk till Mercola - men ibland har han bra artiklar;
här nämns bl a Sodium laureth sulfate vilket finns i många prodkter sålda på svenska hyllor...även i hälsokostafärer.....Sodium laureth sulfate skapar en biprodukt 1,4-dioxane
vilken är en trolig cancerframkallande ingrediens....detta används i diverse produkter för att framkalla lödder.....
dags att se över alla produkter ni använder hemma....inte vara lata och strunta i vad ni använder utan sluta köpa produkterna...så kommer de att försvinna från hyllorna kvickt som sjutton!
Konsumenterna har en otrolig inverkan på vad som finns på hyllorna i våra affärer och man kan enkelt påverka butiker genom att påpeka och fråga varför de säljer produkter som innehåller dessa ämnen....
bra är att påpeka detta varje gång i affären men till olika personal....säg till alla era bekanta att göra detsamma och även påpeka till de ni talar med att ni känner oro för vilka produkter de säljer och att ni kanske väljer att handla ngn annanstans i fortsättningen...påpeka att ni känner oro för att det inte sker ngn intern kvalitetskontroll etc
för handen på hjärtat.....vem vill betala för att belasta kroppen-----> det är bara ni själva som får stå med konsekvenserna den dag er hälsa vacklar...samtidigt har ni bidragit till att gräva den grop ni fallit i....
Vi ger oss ursäkter att inte göra saker som jag beskrivit pga att vi inte har tid....eller att------>min röst hörs inte etc etc....men om vi upprepar och börjar med en typ av propagandateknik mot butiksinnehavarna kommer de att visa intresse eftersom de är livrädda för att förlora kunder....
Tro på vad er insats kan göra och ta er denna tid...vi skapar morgondagen med hur vi tänker och agerar idag!!
Var aktiv idag för en bra framtid som vi kan känna glädje att efterlämna till våra kommande släkten!
Kram till alla glada
söndag 13 november 2011
Enskede Nya Servicehus Patientförening
har organiserat sig och bildat
Enskede Nya Servicehus Patientförening
vars uppgift är att
främja god vård och god omsorg.
Remissinstanser som dessa borde bildas på fler platser i vårt avlånga land.
Sittande minister har ju fastnat i sina värdegrunder....
so good luck oldies!!
Välkomna till Hotell Paradiset, en plats där alla kan känna sig varmt välkomna och få den hjälp de behöver.......
Välkomna till Hotell Paradiset, en plats där alla kan känna sig varmt välkomna och få den hjälp de behöver.......
Livsmedels och läkemedelsindustrins forskningsfusk för högre vinster
Paleofriend har läst boken och så här tyckte han bl.a.:
Det jag speciellt gillar med Ralfs genomgång är att han beskriver hur de drivande individerna bakom det hela har bidragit till att bygga upp ett totalt ovetenskapligt paradigm, med det direkta syftet att tjäna riktigt mycket pengar. Nu får vi fler namn att lägga på minnet från denna katastrofala utveckling. Det är bra, vi får aldrig glömma det här. Det handlar om giriga människor och företag som bokstavligen går över lik för att få som de vill och för att tjäna stora pengar. Det är sjukligt och obegripligt hur så mycket ohederlighet kan ha fått operera fritt utan att bli stoppat, det handlar ju uppenbarligen om regelrätta psykopater.
Själv vill jag tillägga: de är alla psykopater med narcissistiska drag vilket inte är ovanligt eftersom man måste vara totalt känslomässigt avskuren för att avsiktligt kunna skada sina medmänniskor.
Tyvärr anställs allför många chefer med denna personlighetsstörning just därför att de är lättmanipulerade. Lite beröm och de skär ner på personal eller gör vad som helst för att stå i rampljuset under en kort period.
Läs boken och förstå varför det är så många som kämpar för att hålla Monsatans produkter borta ifrån middagsborden och som propagerar för alternativa metoder.
Smaken är som baken.... delad.....
Det är helt okey att höja forskarna till höjderna och dyrka dem som Gudar för man måste väl ändå ge dem rosor för att lyckats dupera så många människor i vår nya globala värld.
När det gäller den egna hälsan så är det givetvis vårt och inte deras ansvar.
fredag 11 november 2011
Jag vill ha ett GMO-fritt Europa!!!
Och jag vill ha människor i regering och riksdag
som sätter människors hälsa
pengarna i den egna plånboken.
Vem vi egentligen vad mataffärernas förpackningar innehåller???
Marknaden för piratkopierade förpackningar är idag mycket stor och det är tydligen så illa att vi inte längre kan vara säkra på att innehållet i en burk verkligen är förpackad av den angivna tillverkaren.
Franska tullmyndigheten jobbar för fullt med att testa innehåll för att kunna stoppa farliga produkter innan de når konsumenterna. Hur långt har vi kommit inom detta område i Sverige? Har den kinesiska honungen innehållande de farliga GMO- pollen redan nått oss och vad har Eskilsson för planer när det gäller vår hälsa?
Läs om honungstvätten... just precis pengatvätt i slutändan...
A recent Food Safety News (FSN) investigation, however, discovered that “a third or more of all the honey consumed in the U.S. is likely to have been smuggled in from China.” Such a thing can occur because of a number of factors–the cheaper price of Chinese honey and the lack of a legal definition of “honey” among them. Chinese manufacturers pass honey through countries such as Russia, India and Australia in order to disguise the honey’s true country of origin.
Franska tullmyndigheten jobbar för fullt med att testa innehåll för att kunna stoppa farliga produkter innan de når konsumenterna. Hur långt har vi kommit inom detta område i Sverige? Har den kinesiska honungen innehållande de farliga GMO- pollen redan nått oss och vad har Eskilsson för planer när det gäller vår hälsa?
Läs om honungstvätten... just precis pengatvätt i slutändan...
A recent Food Safety News (FSN) investigation, however, discovered that “a third or more of all the honey consumed in the U.S. is likely to have been smuggled in from China.” Such a thing can occur because of a number of factors–the cheaper price of Chinese honey and the lack of a legal definition of “honey” among them. Chinese manufacturers pass honey through countries such as Russia, India and Australia in order to disguise the honey’s true country of origin.
onsdag 9 november 2011
Ungern har restriktioner gällande GMO grödor.
In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto's GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.
Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added.
Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The checks will continue despite the fact that seed traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free, Bognar said.
During their investigation, controllers have found Pioneer and Monsanto products among the seeds planted.
The free movement of goods within the EU means that authorities will not investigate how the seeds arrived in Hungary but they will check where the goods can be found, Bognar said. Regional public radio reported that the two biggest international seed producing companies are affected in the matter and GMO seeds could have been sown on up to thousands of hectares in the country.
Most of the local farmers have complained since they just discovered they were using GMO seeds. With season already under way, it is too late to sow new seeds, so this years harvest has been lost.
And to make things even worse for the farmers, the company that distributed the seeds in Baranya county is under liquidation. Therefore, if any compensation is paid by the international seed producers, the money will be paid primarily to that company's creditors, rather than the farmers.
h/t AllAboutFeed
Source: Planet Save http://uk.ibtimes.com/articles/20110722/hungary-destroys-all-monsanto-gmo-maize-fields.htm
tisdag 8 november 2011
Gardasil "HPV-case" för the Department of Justice
September 27, 2011
The people included in the clinical trials need to be in good health. Despite this criterion trials in India were halted due to 4 girls died and 120 girls reported complications. Poor areas in countries overseas which do not mirror the population in the United States are targeted for the trials. We feel it is safe to say that both HPV vaccines use the same criteria for their clinical trials.
The Gardasil® vaccine produced by Merck contains AAHS (amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate) also termed MAA (Merck Aluminum Adjuvant) (7, 8, 42) There is no effort at disclosure of the sulfate in the product under item 4. Contraindications of the Physicians Package Insert. (1) People with an allergy to any type of sulfate have the potential to be at risk for an adverse event that could result in anaphylactic response which is life threatening. (7)
Merck also has not disclosed to the public that during the trials those who received the Gardasil® vaccination that 73.3% of the participants acquired a new medical condition as stated on page 139. (7) It is also now known that many irregularities are present in both reports to the FDA in regards to the composition of the placebo. (8, 9, 10)
To prove safety of the HPV VLP vaccine Gardasil® this now disputed composition placebo (42) was compared to the HPV vaccine. They took the difference between the two. (8, 9, 20) "The proportions of subjects who reported serious adverse experiences, or who discontinued due to an adverse experience were low and comparable to placebo recipients." (20) The contents of the placebo (42) were not divulged in this document.
It has not been disclosed to the public that the disputed composition placebos (42) had an adverse event rate of 76.3% This proves to Truth About Gardasil that the AAHS (MAA — amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate(42))which targets a strong Th2 response (41,42) along with the other ingredients of the HPV-VLP vaccine (9.56 mg of sodium chloride, 0.78 mg of L-histidine, 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, 35 mcg of sodium borate) have the potential to be the real reason behind all the adverse events (1–10%) that have been reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System) to date.
The adverse events in VRPBAC, 17-November-2010, (20) show that out of 1945 subjects with follow-up there were 1346 (69.2%) with one or more adverse experiences in the Gardasil group and out of 1950 subjects with follow-up there were 1252 (64.2%) with one or more adverse experiences in the Placebo (42) group. This tells us that the placebo (42) with this high of a percentage rate could only mean that the placebo (42) is in reality the carrier solution with AAHS which means it probably contained all of the ingredients listed above.
Under section 11.1, titled Updated Post licensure Safety Surveillance there is no mention of any reports received by Merck were reported to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). In paragraph 5 under this title it states that "A query of the NWAES database performed on 14-Jun-2010 revealed that 37,884 spontaneous reports have been received from 1-June-2006 through 31-May-2010; 4,598 reports (12%) were considered serious. The 5 most frequently reported adverse experiences included no adverse event (8096), inappropriate schedule of drug administration (6975), drug exposure during pregnancy (3289), dizziness (3098), and syncope (3089). (18)
Presently in the VAERS data base it states (queried June 1, 2006 — September 20, 2011) that there have been 23,388 reports, 3,111 serious, 444 life threatening, 763 disabled, 103 died, 9,115 we believe were so severe that they required the individual to go to the emergency room. There is a difference of over 14,000 reports. We understand that they could be coming from other countries but the numbers are staggering considering that they may only be 1–10% reporting.
To put a better perspective on what this could mean we did a study of the symptoms reported to the VAERS database. These are only a sample of the symptoms that have been reported to VAERS: Autism — 4, Autoimmune disorder — 75, IgE increased — 17 , blindness — 72 , Blood pressure decreased — 199, cardiac arrest — 15, cardiac failure (cumulative) — 4, Cardio-respiratory arrest — 1, cervical dysplasia — 157, Cervix carcinoma (stage 0=8, stage 1=2, stage 3=1), convulsion — 1120, deafness — 37, Demyelination — 60, Depression — 148, dizziness (cumulative) — 3151, Encephalomyelitis — 7, Encephalopathy — 16, Eosinophil count increased — 14, Eosinophil percentage increased — 14, Epstein-Barr (cumulative) 119, facial palsy — 138, facial paresis — 51, Fibromyalgia — 27, Headache — 2349, Hodgkin's disease — 24, Immune system disorder — 25, Infertility — 5, injected limb mobility decreased — 188, Joint swelling — 160, loss of consciousness — 1540, malaise — 805, memory impairment — 64, Menstruation (cumulative) — 209, mental disorder — 26, Migraine — 287, Multiple sclerosis — 89, muscular weakness — 385, Myalgia — 620, Nausea — 2271, Nervous system disorder — 51, ovarian (cumulative) — 60, Paraesthesia — 855, Paralysis — 82, Premature (baby — 32, delivery — 10, labour — 90, menopause — 2), pulmonary embolism — 49, Rash (cumulative) — 2178, smear cervix abnormal — 430, Syncope — 3412, Tremor — 550, Vomiting — 1260, these are individual symptoms that have been reported and do not reflect individual reports. (21) (Cumulative = several different types with initial symptom)
With all of this data that has been accumulated one has to go back to the ingredients of the vaccine and why do they cause the reaction rates that they do. We are only going to concern ourselves with the carrier solution because we do not feel that the HPV-VLP rDNA is of a concern here.
In a study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (11) states that Aluminum (42) Hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. (11, 12, 13, 14, 42) We do not know if the Hydroxy (12, 13, 14) is Hydroxyl or Hydroxyl radical. If this is indeed the Hydroxyl radical then there is also a problem as this free radical can cause damage to oxidative cells particularly red blood cells. (16, 17)
Further, this HPV-VLP vaccine is constructed to target the Th2 immune response. (18, 42) According to the Merck Manual (19) The Th2 response promotes "IgE production and development of allergic disorders." (33)
It is a known fact that people with allergies or a family history of same could have elevated levels of IgE (36) and histamine (22, 42) receptors. It is also a known fact that people due to heredity or oxidative stress (42) could be glutathione deficient. (20–32) Both of these conditions if a vaccine is administered without proper pre-vaccination testing have the potential to produce an adverse event in the individual. From what we have seen in the clinical trials people with allergies are omitted but the vaccine is prescribed to this section of the population anyway without concern to the possible risks involved. Up to 30% of the general population has IgE-mediated allergic diseases. (36)
We have also discovered that certain types of individuals seem to be more prone to having a reaction of some type. These are Athletes (23, 25,26) and Overweight (27, 28, 29, 30) individuals. Another thing we have found that they all have in common is family history of allergies/auto-immune disease and higher levels of testosterone. This may be indicative of elevated IgE levels and lower glutathione due to oxidative stress. (27, 28, 29, 30)
Merck has also endeavored to have Gardasil® approved for vaccination of older females. It is a scientific fact that as we age our glutathione level diminishes. (31–35) This target population, considering the adverse events reported above, have a higher possibility of having a "New Medical Condition" due to glutathione deficiency that would require medication and/or intervention.
People with a family history of auto-immune disease are also excluded from the trials for the protection of the participant as was stated above. We know of many individuals that have a history of auto-immune diseases(42) who have received the vaccination to their detriment. Presently, there is quite a bit of research that has been done and is being done into the relationship between glutathione deficiency and auto-immune disease. (36-40)
In essence these vaccines have the very real possibility of causing allergies (42), hyper-IgE syndrome, and a myriad of other symptoms that Merck and GlaxoSmithKline either have a treatment for or have ongoing studies to treat these conditions and/or symptoms.
These vaccines are creating new clientele for therapy's manufactured by Merck and GlaxpSmithKline. It is our belief that this comes under your jurisdiction in regards to the anti-trust laws.
Therefore: Truth About Gardasil is demanding a full investigation with disclosure as to this conflict of presenting a vaccine that has the potential to cause "New Medical Conditions" to approximately 75% of the population aged from 11 thru 26 and any adult female that decides to receive this vaccine. This could require the individual to be forced to purchase medications to alleviate symptoms and/or conditions promoted by these vaccines.
Truth About Gardasil is also demanding that based on this knowledge that both HPV vaccines be removed from distribution and administration until a proper investigation into these practices which have the potential to increase revenues by creating "New Medical Conditions" to the population of healthy individuals and immediately commences a full safety investigation into the HPV vaccines and their potential to cause harm to the general population.
Note: Here is the original patent for the vaccines. In this patent you will find the means in which both vaccines can be produced. United States Patent, Number: 5,437,951, Date of Patent: August 1, 1995. The subsequent patent was held by Merck which also details both combinations. United States Patent, Number: 5,821,087, Date of Patent: October 13, 1998.
These vaccines are given in multiple doses which is called challenge and re-challenge * Drug Injury, Liability, Analysis and Prevention, Second Edition, James T. O'Donnell, Pharm.D., M.S., FCP, ABCP, FACN, CNS, R.Ph., Chapter 10, Evaluation of Medical Causation, Donald H. Marks, M.D., Ph.D. , B. Riddell's criteria, Page 146 ,
(1) Physicians Package Insert, http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM111263.pdf
(2) A Study of V503 Vaccine Given Concomitantly With REPEVAX™ in 11 to 15 Year Olds (V503-007 AM1)
(3) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Type-Specific Antibody
(4) Randomized Trial of Alternative HPV Vaccination Schedules in Males in a University Setting
(5) Mother — Daughter Initiative (MDI) in Cervical Cancer Prevention
(6) A Study of V503 Vaccine in Females 12-26 Years of Age Who Have Previously Received GARDASIL™ (V503-006 AM1)
(7) Canterbury District Health Board
(8) Clinical Review of Biologics License Application Supplement for Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Vaccine, Recombinant (Gardasil®) to extend indication for prevention of vaginal and vulvar cancers related to HPV types 16 and 18. Dated September 11, 2008
(9) Clinical Review of Biologics License Application for Human Papillomavirus, 6, 11, 16, 18 L1 Virus Like Particle Vaccine (S. cerevisiae), (STN 125126 GARDASIL), manufactured by Merck, Inc.
(10) HPV reports to FDA — oversight, errors and/or omission. That is the question. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/janak/110919
(11) Aluminum Hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Volume 103, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 1555-1562
The Eighth Keele Meeting on Aluminium , doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2009.05.019 Christopher A. Shawa, b, c, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Michael S. Petrikc
(12) Departments of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(13) Experimental Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(14) Graduate Program in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Received 17 April 2009; revised 26 May 2009; Accepted 29 May 2009. Available online 20 August 2009.
(15) Collins English Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
(16) Hydroxy is adj, (Chemistry / Elements & Compounds) (of a chemical compound) containing one or more hydroxyl groups, [hydro- + oxy(gen)]
(17) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC88911/?tool=pmcentrez — ...in the gaseous phase. H2O2 acts as an oxidant by producing hydroxyl free radicals (•OH) which attack essential cell components, including lipids, proteins, and DNA. It has been proposed that exposed sulfhydryl groups and double bonds are particularly targeted (38).
(18) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1097753
(19) Merck Manual
(20) GARDASIL® (Human Papillomavirus [Types 6, 11, 16, 18] Recombinant Vaccine) VRBPAC Briefing Document, Presented to VRBPAC on 17-November-2010, page 14
(21) MedAlerts.org, http://www.medalerts.org/
(22) Possible role of histamine in pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases: Implications for immunotherapy with histamine-2 receptor antagonists, Medical Hypotheses, Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 349-355, H. Nielsen, J. Hammer
(23) "College Sports Scholarships," "The importance of hormones in female athletic competition,"
(24) Time, "A Link Between Autism and Testosterone?" by Eben Harrell, January 15th of 2009.
(25) Antioxidant, Blood Booster and Cell Detoxifier
(26) Genetics Home Reference, Glutathione synthetase deficiency, Reviewed December 2006, http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/glutathione-synthetase-deficiency
(27) Plasma Interleukin-6 levels, glutathione peroxidase and isoprostane in obese women before and after weight loss. Association with cardiovascular risk factors, Maria Bougoulia, Athanassios Triantos, George Koliakos ,Biochemistry Department, Aristotele University Medical School, Thessaloniki, Greece http://www.hormones.gr/preview.php?c_id=153
(28) Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2001 Dec;11(4):451-65.,
(29) Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , doi:10.1210/jc.2005-0438, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 90, No. 10 5588-5595 Copyright © 2005 by The Endocrine Society
(30) The full report, "Pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome: What is the role of obesity?" appears in Metabolism (2004;53:358-376).
(31) Journal of Endocrinology (2000) 167, 447–452
(32) Julius M, Lang CA, Gleiberman L, Harburg E, DiFranceisco W, Schork A. Glutathione and morbidity in a community-based sample of elderly. J Clin Epidemiol 1994;47:1021–6.[Medline]
(33) Richie JP, Skowronski L, Abraham P, Leutzinger Y. Blood glutathione concentrations in a large-scale human study. Clin Chem 1996;42:64–70.[Abstract/Free Full Text]
(34) American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71, No. 5, 1194-1200, May 2000, © 2000 American Society for Clinical Nutrition , Direct correlation of glutathione and ascorbate and their dependence on age and season in human lymphocytes
(35) Carcinogenesis, vol.19 no.10 pp. 1873-1875, 1998. Age and gender dependent levels of glutathione and glutathione S-transferases in human lymphocytes.
(36) Autism Spectrum Disorders and Allergy: Observation from a Pediatric Allergy/immunology Clinic, Harumi Jyonouchi , Posted: 06/15/2010; Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2010;6(3):397-411. © 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/721702
(37) Direct correlation of glutathione and ascorbate and their dependence on age and season in human lymphocytes, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71, No. 5, 1194-1200, May 2000
(38) Dr. Paul Cheney: Evidence for Glutathione Deficiency in CFS. Paper delivered at the Third Annual Congress of BioEnergetic Medicine held in Orlando, Florida, Feb 5-7, 1999
(39) Neuroscience (2007), Depletion of reduced glutathione enhances motor neuron degeneration in vitro and in vivo. L Chi, Y Ke, C Luo, D Gozal, R Liu,
(40) Glutathione S-transferase polymorphisms in MS, Neurology 2000;54:552, © 2000 American Academy of Neurology
(41) Effect of Alternative Aluminum Adjuvants on the Absorption and Immunogenicity of HPV16 L1 VLPs in Mice http://www.landesbioscience.com/journals/vaccines/CaulfieldHV3-4.pdf
(42) Aluminum Vaccine Adjuvants: Are they Safe? pp.2630-2637 (8) Authors: L. Tomljenovic, C. A. Shaw, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Volume 18 Issue 17, ISSN: 0929-8673, http://vaccinexchange.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/tomljenovic_shaw-cmc-published2.pdf
© Cynthia A. Janak
Läs och lär...... vilken ställning tar du till vaccinet??
Truth about Gardasil demands that the Department of Justice investigate HPV vaccines
By Cynthia A. Janak
MERCK has made public their "exclusion" criteria for the Gardasil HPV vaccine in documents filed with ClinicalTrials.gov, for clinical trial #NCT01096134, a.k.a. "Mother Daughter Initiative." If these "exclusion criteria" were known by, and applied to families in the United States of America, prior to the vaccination of their child, virtually none of the 22,000 girls and boys listed by the CDC's VAERS reporting system as being injured by the Gardasil HPV vaccine, would have been allowed to be vaccinated, and 100 deceased HPV vaccinated children, would still be alive today. Family medical histories of children injured by the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been compiled by the non-profit group, "TRUTH ABOUT GARDASIL," who has issued this statement.
After months and months of intensive research Truth About Gardasil has discovered that Merck the manufacturer of HPV vaccines have the potential to cause harm to people with certain pre-existing conditions that are not mentioned in the Physicians Product Insert (1)
In the clinical studies (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) we have found that certain individuals have been excluded from the clinical study groups. They are:
MERCK has made public their "exclusion" criteria for the Gardasil HPV vaccine in documents filed with ClinicalTrials.gov, for clinical trial #NCT01096134, a.k.a. "Mother Daughter Initiative." If these "exclusion criteria" were known by, and applied to families in the United States of America, prior to the vaccination of their child, virtually none of the 22,000 girls and boys listed by the CDC's VAERS reporting system as being injured by the Gardasil HPV vaccine, would have been allowed to be vaccinated, and 100 deceased HPV vaccinated children, would still be alive today. Family medical histories of children injured by the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been compiled by the non-profit group, "TRUTH ABOUT GARDASIL," who has issued this statement.
After months and months of intensive research Truth About Gardasil has discovered that Merck the manufacturer of HPV vaccines have the potential to cause harm to people with certain pre-existing conditions that are not mentioned in the Physicians Product Insert (1)
In the clinical studies (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) we have found that certain individuals have been excluded from the clinical study groups. They are:
- Allergies to any component of the vaccine
- History of a severe allergic reaction
- Known history of any allergies to food or medicine
- Immunocompromised, Immunodeficient or has an autoimmune condition
- History of any condition, therapy, lab abnormality or other circumstance such that it is not in the best interest of the participant to participate
- Clinically significant disease or clinically significant findings during the screening medical history or physical examination that, in the investigator's opinion, would compromise the outcome of this study.
- Have a weakened immune system or other immune problems
The Gardasil® vaccine produced by Merck contains AAHS (amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate) also termed MAA (Merck Aluminum Adjuvant) (7, 8, 42) There is no effort at disclosure of the sulfate in the product under item 4. Contraindications of the Physicians Package Insert. (1) People with an allergy to any type of sulfate have the potential to be at risk for an adverse event that could result in anaphylactic response which is life threatening. (7)
Merck also has not disclosed to the public that during the trials those who received the Gardasil® vaccination that 73.3% of the participants acquired a new medical condition as stated on page 139. (7) It is also now known that many irregularities are present in both reports to the FDA in regards to the composition of the placebo. (8, 9, 10)
To prove safety of the HPV VLP vaccine Gardasil® this now disputed composition placebo (42) was compared to the HPV vaccine. They took the difference between the two. (8, 9, 20) "The proportions of subjects who reported serious adverse experiences, or who discontinued due to an adverse experience were low and comparable to placebo recipients." (20) The contents of the placebo (42) were not divulged in this document.
It has not been disclosed to the public that the disputed composition placebos (42) had an adverse event rate of 76.3% This proves to Truth About Gardasil that the AAHS (MAA — amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate(42))which targets a strong Th2 response (41,42) along with the other ingredients of the HPV-VLP vaccine (9.56 mg of sodium chloride, 0.78 mg of L-histidine, 50 mcg of polysorbate 80, 35 mcg of sodium borate) have the potential to be the real reason behind all the adverse events (1–10%) that have been reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System) to date.
The adverse events in VRPBAC, 17-November-2010, (20) show that out of 1945 subjects with follow-up there were 1346 (69.2%) with one or more adverse experiences in the Gardasil group and out of 1950 subjects with follow-up there were 1252 (64.2%) with one or more adverse experiences in the Placebo (42) group. This tells us that the placebo (42) with this high of a percentage rate could only mean that the placebo (42) is in reality the carrier solution with AAHS which means it probably contained all of the ingredients listed above.
Under section 11.1, titled Updated Post licensure Safety Surveillance there is no mention of any reports received by Merck were reported to the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). In paragraph 5 under this title it states that "A query of the NWAES database performed on 14-Jun-2010 revealed that 37,884 spontaneous reports have been received from 1-June-2006 through 31-May-2010; 4,598 reports (12%) were considered serious. The 5 most frequently reported adverse experiences included no adverse event (8096), inappropriate schedule of drug administration (6975), drug exposure during pregnancy (3289), dizziness (3098), and syncope (3089). (18)
Presently in the VAERS data base it states (queried June 1, 2006 — September 20, 2011) that there have been 23,388 reports, 3,111 serious, 444 life threatening, 763 disabled, 103 died, 9,115 we believe were so severe that they required the individual to go to the emergency room. There is a difference of over 14,000 reports. We understand that they could be coming from other countries but the numbers are staggering considering that they may only be 1–10% reporting.
To put a better perspective on what this could mean we did a study of the symptoms reported to the VAERS database. These are only a sample of the symptoms that have been reported to VAERS: Autism — 4, Autoimmune disorder — 75, IgE increased — 17 , blindness — 72 , Blood pressure decreased — 199, cardiac arrest — 15, cardiac failure (cumulative) — 4, Cardio-respiratory arrest — 1, cervical dysplasia — 157, Cervix carcinoma (stage 0=8, stage 1=2, stage 3=1), convulsion — 1120, deafness — 37, Demyelination — 60, Depression — 148, dizziness (cumulative) — 3151, Encephalomyelitis — 7, Encephalopathy — 16, Eosinophil count increased — 14, Eosinophil percentage increased — 14, Epstein-Barr (cumulative) 119, facial palsy — 138, facial paresis — 51, Fibromyalgia — 27, Headache — 2349, Hodgkin's disease — 24, Immune system disorder — 25, Infertility — 5, injected limb mobility decreased — 188, Joint swelling — 160, loss of consciousness — 1540, malaise — 805, memory impairment — 64, Menstruation (cumulative) — 209, mental disorder — 26, Migraine — 287, Multiple sclerosis — 89, muscular weakness — 385, Myalgia — 620, Nausea — 2271, Nervous system disorder — 51, ovarian (cumulative) — 60, Paraesthesia — 855, Paralysis — 82, Premature (baby — 32, delivery — 10, labour — 90, menopause — 2), pulmonary embolism — 49, Rash (cumulative) — 2178, smear cervix abnormal — 430, Syncope — 3412, Tremor — 550, Vomiting — 1260, these are individual symptoms that have been reported and do not reflect individual reports. (21) (Cumulative = several different types with initial symptom)
With all of this data that has been accumulated one has to go back to the ingredients of the vaccine and why do they cause the reaction rates that they do. We are only going to concern ourselves with the carrier solution because we do not feel that the HPV-VLP rDNA is of a concern here.
In a study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (11) states that Aluminum (42) Hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. (11, 12, 13, 14, 42) We do not know if the Hydroxy (12, 13, 14) is Hydroxyl or Hydroxyl radical. If this is indeed the Hydroxyl radical then there is also a problem as this free radical can cause damage to oxidative cells particularly red blood cells. (16, 17)
Further, this HPV-VLP vaccine is constructed to target the Th2 immune response. (18, 42) According to the Merck Manual (19) The Th2 response promotes "IgE production and development of allergic disorders." (33)
It is a known fact that people with allergies or a family history of same could have elevated levels of IgE (36) and histamine (22, 42) receptors. It is also a known fact that people due to heredity or oxidative stress (42) could be glutathione deficient. (20–32) Both of these conditions if a vaccine is administered without proper pre-vaccination testing have the potential to produce an adverse event in the individual. From what we have seen in the clinical trials people with allergies are omitted but the vaccine is prescribed to this section of the population anyway without concern to the possible risks involved. Up to 30% of the general population has IgE-mediated allergic diseases. (36)
We have also discovered that certain types of individuals seem to be more prone to having a reaction of some type. These are Athletes (23, 25,26) and Overweight (27, 28, 29, 30) individuals. Another thing we have found that they all have in common is family history of allergies/auto-immune disease and higher levels of testosterone. This may be indicative of elevated IgE levels and lower glutathione due to oxidative stress. (27, 28, 29, 30)
Merck has also endeavored to have Gardasil® approved for vaccination of older females. It is a scientific fact that as we age our glutathione level diminishes. (31–35) This target population, considering the adverse events reported above, have a higher possibility of having a "New Medical Condition" due to glutathione deficiency that would require medication and/or intervention.
People with a family history of auto-immune disease are also excluded from the trials for the protection of the participant as was stated above. We know of many individuals that have a history of auto-immune diseases(42) who have received the vaccination to their detriment. Presently, there is quite a bit of research that has been done and is being done into the relationship between glutathione deficiency and auto-immune disease. (36-40)
In essence these vaccines have the very real possibility of causing allergies (42), hyper-IgE syndrome, and a myriad of other symptoms that Merck and GlaxoSmithKline either have a treatment for or have ongoing studies to treat these conditions and/or symptoms.
These vaccines are creating new clientele for therapy's manufactured by Merck and GlaxpSmithKline. It is our belief that this comes under your jurisdiction in regards to the anti-trust laws.
Therefore: Truth About Gardasil is demanding a full investigation with disclosure as to this conflict of presenting a vaccine that has the potential to cause "New Medical Conditions" to approximately 75% of the population aged from 11 thru 26 and any adult female that decides to receive this vaccine. This could require the individual to be forced to purchase medications to alleviate symptoms and/or conditions promoted by these vaccines.
Truth About Gardasil is also demanding that based on this knowledge that both HPV vaccines be removed from distribution and administration until a proper investigation into these practices which have the potential to increase revenues by creating "New Medical Conditions" to the population of healthy individuals and immediately commences a full safety investigation into the HPV vaccines and their potential to cause harm to the general population.
Note: Here is the original patent for the vaccines. In this patent you will find the means in which both vaccines can be produced. United States Patent, Number: 5,437,951, Date of Patent: August 1, 1995. The subsequent patent was held by Merck which also details both combinations. United States Patent, Number: 5,821,087, Date of Patent: October 13, 1998.
These vaccines are given in multiple doses which is called challenge and re-challenge * Drug Injury, Liability, Analysis and Prevention, Second Edition, James T. O'Donnell, Pharm.D., M.S., FCP, ABCP, FACN, CNS, R.Ph., Chapter 10, Evaluation of Medical Causation, Donald H. Marks, M.D., Ph.D. , B. Riddell's criteria, Page 146 ,
(1) Physicians Package Insert, http://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/
(2) A Study of V503 Vaccine Given Concomitantly With REPEVAX™ in 11 to 15 Year Olds (V503-007 AM1)
(3) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Type-Specific Antibody
(4) Randomized Trial of Alternative HPV Vaccination Schedules in Males in a University Setting
(5) Mother — Daughter Initiative (MDI) in Cervical Cancer Prevention
(6) A Study of V503 Vaccine in Females 12-26 Years of Age Who Have Previously Received GARDASIL™ (V503-006 AM1)
(7) Canterbury District Health Board
(8) Clinical Review of Biologics License Application Supplement for Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18) Vaccine, Recombinant (Gardasil®) to extend indication for prevention of vaginal and vulvar cancers related to HPV types 16 and 18. Dated September 11, 2008
(9) Clinical Review of Biologics License Application for Human Papillomavirus, 6, 11, 16, 18 L1 Virus Like Particle Vaccine (S. cerevisiae), (STN 125126 GARDASIL), manufactured by Merck, Inc.
(10) HPV reports to FDA — oversight, errors and/or omission. That is the question. http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/janak/110919
(11) Aluminum Hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Volume 103, Issue 11, November 2009, Pages 1555-1562
The Eighth Keele Meeting on Aluminium , doi:10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2009.05.019 Christopher A. Shawa, b, c, Corresponding Author Contact Information, E-mail The Corresponding Author, Michael S. Petrikc
(12) Departments of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(13) Experimental Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(14) Graduate Program in Neuroscience, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Received 17 April 2009; revised 26 May 2009; Accepted 29 May 2009. Available online 20 August 2009.
(15) Collins English Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
(16) Hydroxy is adj, (Chemistry / Elements & Compounds) (of a chemical compound) containing one or more hydroxyl groups, [hydro- + oxy(gen)]
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(37) Direct correlation of glutathione and ascorbate and their dependence on age and season in human lymphocytes, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 71, No. 5, 1194-1200, May 2000
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© Cynthia A. Janak
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