söndag 21 juni 2015

Rapsolja och dess negativa effekter

När jag ändå är i farten så skall jag passa på att slå ett negativt slag för rapsoljan. Min mage gjorde en rejäl vändning till det bättre när jag slutade med den för 20 år sedan. Det första jag hörde när jag flyttade till USA var att de Kanadensiska myndigheterna påtalat att den bearbetade giftiga rapsoljan vilken där kallas för Canola oil är mer lämpad för bilmotorer än människomotorer.

Rapsoljan är billig att framställa och finns idag i allt ifrån mat till hygienprodukter. Tänk på att det som kroppen inte mår bra av skall heller inte läggas på huden.

Du avgör själv om du skall äta rapsolja eller ej. Den verkar fungera bra för vissa men inte för alla. Våra kroppar är som små kemiska fabriker och de reagerar inte alltid samma så gör rätt val för dig själv och din kropp.


Can a “health food” eaten by millions really be dangerous?
Canola oil and its derivative, rapeseed, are primary suspects for the exceptionally high incidence of Asian lung cancer[1].
According to mainstream media though, canola oil is “good for the heart” offering viable monounsaturated fats similar to olive oil. Sadly, much of what we hear in the mainstream media and various “health” blogs has been influenced by aggressive marketing tactics of big food companies.
For this reason, it is critical to know what websites to avoid and where you can go to get trustworthy and accurate health information.
In order to understand how canola oil came into the marketplace, some historical background is needed.
A Bit of History on Canola Oil
We can trace olive oil back to olives and sesame seed oil back to sesame seeds, so wouldn’t it make sense that canola oil would come from canola seeds? Well, it’s not the case. There is no natural canola plant that produces canola oil.
In the late 1960s canola oil was invented in Canada. The oil was cheap to manufacture and a dominant ingredient in many processed foods. A derivative of the rapeseed plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants, canola oil has been hybridized to eliminate the lethal erucic acid found in rapeseed.
Olive oil was the product of choice among those who were health conscious; however, it was quite expensive to mass produce. So the food industry, needing a more affordable substitute, started selling rapeseed oil. Unfortunately, the rapeseed oil caused muscular heart lesions.
The erucic acid found in rapeseed oil is naturally poisonous to the degree that insects avoid it. Rapeseed oil is also the source of the notorious chemical warfare agent[2], mustard gas. The US banned rapeseed in 1956 when thousands of soldiers and civilians experienced blistered lungs and skin. Rapeseed oil also lubricated steam engines and ships due to its unique ability to adhere to wet metal.
In 1964, the food industry collaborated with both the chemical and nuclear industries[3] in an attempt to reduce the toxicity levels of rapeseed. It took the food industry over a decade and a tremendous amount of genetic engineering to get rapeseed oil to be acceptable to the US market.
The late 1970s introduced a technique of genetic treatment involving cracking open seeds.[4] Canadian plant breeders developed a variation of rapeseed that produced a monounsaturated oil low in erucic acid.
The name was changed to LEAR: Low Eruric Acid Rapeseed. LEAR was not well received in the US as its association with rapeseed was too glaring. Not to mention having the word “rape” in a product name, which did not promote a healthy image.
In 1978 the food industry merged the words “Canada” and “ola” meaning oil – creating the name Canola Oil.

Jodbrist länk till bröstcancer?

Intressanta rader och man kanske till och med kan säga att de känns ganska så logiska.
Vi lever i en värld av föroreningar och efter senaste kärnkraftsläckan så har vi ännu mer 
radioaktivitet i omlopp.


A recent study found higher levels of free T3 (a thyroid hormone) as well as thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies in patients with breast cancer when compared to healthy controls. (1) Nearly one in seven (14%) U.S. women have breast cancer. Thyroid disorders are the most common endocrine disorder present in the U.S. There are estimates that from 10-40% of the U.S. adult population suffer from a thyroid disorder. Could there be a link between the 40-year epidemic rise of breast cancer and thyroid disorders?
Our iodine levels have fallen over 50% during the last 40 years. I (along with my partners) have tested well over 6,000 patients for their iodine levels and have found that over 96% are deficient in iodine. Most are severely deficient. As I wrote in my book, Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It, iodine deficiency is responsible for the epidemic of thyroid and breast disorders that we are seeing today. This includes autoimmune thyroid disorders such as Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease, thyroid cancer and hypothyroidism as well as fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer. Every cell in the body requires adequate iodine levels to function optimally. In the glandular tissue—the thyroid, ovaries, uterus, breast, pancreas, and prostate–iodine is responsible for maintaining the normal architecture of the glands. When iodine deficiency is present, it sets in motion a cascade of events. This cascade starts with glandular cysts forming. If iodine deficiency continues, the cysts become hard and nodular. The next step is the glandular tissue starts to assume a precancerous appearance—called hyperplasia. The final stage in this sequence is cancer. The good news is that in vitro (in test tubes) and in vivo (in animals and people) studies have found that iodine therapy can halt the progression of glandular events and even reverse it.

The answer is “yes”.
And the link could explain not only the breast and thyroid connection but also why we are suffering from an epidemic of other glandular illnesses—including cancer—of the ovary, uterus, pancreas, and prostate. What is the link?
The link is iodine deficiency.
