söndag 19 februari 2012
11 åring avslöjar Monsanto
Tur att vi har en generation på G som står för lite kritiskt tänkande!!!
Underbart grabben... good luck with your future endeavors.
Reagerar vi som råttor om vi äter GM potatis?
Problemet är att Genmanipulerade grödor inte bara är skadlig för råttor utan även för våra insekter.
Men vem behöver insekter? eller råttor?
Vetenskapen behöver i varje fall människor för att fortsatt kunna säkra sina ekonomiska medel, eller?
Är blyghet eller sorg mental ohälsa?
Millions of healthy people - including shy or defiant children, grieving relatives and people with fetishes - may be wrongly labeled mentally ill by a new international diagnostic manual, specialists said on Thursday.
In a damning analysis of an upcoming revision of the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health experts said its new categories and "tick-box" diagnosis systems were at best "silly" and at worst "worrying and dangerous."
Some diagnoses - for conditions like "oppositional defiant disorder" and "apathy syndrome" - risk devaluing the seriousness of mental illness and medicalising behaviors most people would consider normal or just mildly eccentric, the experts said.
At the other end of the spectrum, the new DSM, due out next year, could give medical diagnoses for serial rapists and sex abusers - under labels like "paraphilic coercive disorder" - and may allow offenders to escape prison by providing what could be seen as an excuse for their behavior, they added.
The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and has descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It is used internationally and is seen as the diagnostic "bible" for mental health medicine.
More than 11,000 health professionals have already signed a petition (at dsm5-reform.com) calling for the development of the fifth edition of the manual to be halted and re-thought.
"The proposed revision to DSM ... will exacerbate the problems that result from trying to fit a medical, diagnostic system to problems that just don't fit nicely into those boxes," said Peter Kinderman, a clinical psychologist and head of Liverpool University's Institute of Psychology at a briefing about widespread concerns over the book in London.
He said the new edition - known as DSM-5 - "will pathologise a wide range of problems which should never be thought of as mental illnesses."
"Many people who are shy, bereaved, eccentric, or have unconventional romantic lives will suddenly find themselves labeled as mentally ill," he said. "It's not humane, it's not scientific, and it won't help decide what help a person needs."
In a damning analysis of an upcoming revision of the influential Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health experts said its new categories and "tick-box" diagnosis systems were at best "silly" and at worst "worrying and dangerous."
Some diagnoses - for conditions like "oppositional defiant disorder" and "apathy syndrome" - risk devaluing the seriousness of mental illness and medicalising behaviors most people would consider normal or just mildly eccentric, the experts said.
At the other end of the spectrum, the new DSM, due out next year, could give medical diagnoses for serial rapists and sex abusers - under labels like "paraphilic coercive disorder" - and may allow offenders to escape prison by providing what could be seen as an excuse for their behavior, they added.
The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and has descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders. It is used internationally and is seen as the diagnostic "bible" for mental health medicine.
More than 11,000 health professionals have already signed a petition (at dsm5-reform.com) calling for the development of the fifth edition of the manual to be halted and re-thought.
"The proposed revision to DSM ... will exacerbate the problems that result from trying to fit a medical, diagnostic system to problems that just don't fit nicely into those boxes," said Peter Kinderman, a clinical psychologist and head of Liverpool University's Institute of Psychology at a briefing about widespread concerns over the book in London.
He said the new edition - known as DSM-5 - "will pathologise a wide range of problems which should never be thought of as mental illnesses."
"Many people who are shy, bereaved, eccentric, or have unconventional romantic lives will suddenly find themselves labeled as mentally ill," he said. "It's not humane, it's not scientific, and it won't help decide what help a person needs."
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/02/09/shyness-illness-in-dangerous-health-book-experts-say/?test=latestnews#ixzz1mq1wZzuw
Den mentala ohälsan ökar. Fler och fler bokstavskombinationer dyker upp på allas vår himmel. Hur kommer det sig att det blir fler och fler människor som diagnostiseras med någon form av mental ohälsa? Är befintlig forskning helt ute och cyklar? Eller handlar det bara om att skapa en marknad för forskning och nytillverkning?
Vad är egentligen normalt och vad är onormalt?
GMO-Myggor vänner eller fiender till vår hälsa?
Nu leker forskarna Gud igen, eller? Genmanipulerade myggor har tagits fram för att bekämpa de mygg som de anser vara en plåga. Huruvida vi människor får obotbara sjukdomar eller ej verkar inte finnas med bland forskarnas hypoteser.
Det verkar inte förligga några ekonomiska kriser inom forskningen och den ständiga osinande sjön av pengar för dumheter verkar aldrig ta slut. Egentligen är det inte konstigt att botemedel för sjukdomar inte hittas för annat ligger i prioritet.
Some civil society groups are calling for an immediate halt to any field trials of GM insects and a reassessment of the risks posed by the technology - claim campaigners, while the company involved issues its own rebuttal
Oxitec is a British company, which produces genetically modified insects: it was spun out from Oxford University in 2002. It conducted the world's first open field trials of GM mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands in 2009 and 2010, and has since conducted further open trials in Malaysia and Brazil. This year, the company has plans to release GM mosquitoes in the Florida Keys, and also to begin trials of GM diamond-back moths, which eat cabbages, in Britain. Today, civil society groups in the UK, United States, Malaysia and Brazil have exposed a major flaw in the technology - which will limit its effectiveness and could have serious implications for health and the environment.
We know that GM mosquitoes are intended to reduce the wild population by mating with naturally occurring mosquitoes and producing progeny which don't survive, therefore reducing the population and therefore the transmission of the tropical disease dengue fever. The same technology in agricultural pests is also intended to reduce the population, protecting agricultural produce. The confidential internal document obtained by civil society groups shows that the GM mosquitoes described as "sterile" are, in fact, not sterile and their offspring have a 15 per cent survival rate in the presence of the common antibiotic tetracycline. In the study, the mosquitoes were fed cat food containing chicken contaminated with low levels of tetracycline and many of them were able to reproduce, with their offspring surviving to adulthood.
A redacted version of the document, released to GeneWatch UK under British Freedom of Information laws and to parliament in response to parliamentary questions, shows that the company tried to hide the evidence that its technology will fail to prevent reproduction in the presence of low levels of tetracycline contamination. The evidence regarding the 15 per cent survival rate has been blacked out on grounds of "commercial confidentiality". Oxitec uses tetracycline as a chemical switch to allow it to breed its GM insects in the lab, whilst they are expected to die out in the absence of tetracycline in the environment. But the document reveals a fundamental flaw in this approach because the antibiotic is widely used in agriculture and is present in sewage as well as in industrially-farmed chicken and other meat. Mosquitoes that carry dengue fever are known to breed in environments contaminated with sewage, including septic tanks, and agricultural pests are also likely to be exposed to it.
Failure of GM mosquitoes in the presence of tetracycline contamination could lead to a rebound in cases of tropical disease and biting GM female mosquitoes or other insects might cause unknown impacts on human health, such as allergies. The ecological implications of GM insects surviving and breeding are also unknown. Even in the absence of tetracycline contamination, GM mosquitoes are known to survive in the laboratory at rates of around 3 per cent. In the field, this would translate into large numbers of survivors given that continual releases of millions of GM mosquitoes would be needed to sustain the goals of population suppression.
Civil society groups have called for an immediate halt to any field trials and a re-assessment of the risks posed by the technology. The findings revealed in the document totally undermine existing risk assessments and trust in the public information provided by the company. The new information seriously calls into question any use of the patented RIDL technology, which depends on the use of tetracycline as a chemical switch to allow breeding of GM insects in the lab. The company has previously been widely criticised for putting its commercial interests ahead of public and environmental safety. Its first releases of GM mosquitoes took place controversially in the Cayman Islands, where there is no biosafety law or regulation.
Staff have been closely involved in developing risk assessment guidelines for GM insects worldwide, leading to concerns about lack of independent scrutiny and conflict of interest. The discovery of the GM mosquitoes' high survival rate also highlights underlying problems with the use of developing countries as test grounds for risky new technologies. In addition to the trials that have taken place in Malaysia and Brazil - other countries where releases of GM mosquitoes have been proposed include Panama, India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Costa Rica and Trinidad & Tobago.
Något för jordbruksministern att lägga på minnet kanske?
Det verkar inte förligga några ekonomiska kriser inom forskningen och den ständiga osinande sjön av pengar för dumheter verkar aldrig ta slut. Egentligen är det inte konstigt att botemedel för sjukdomar inte hittas för annat ligger i prioritet.
Some civil society groups are calling for an immediate halt to any field trials of GM insects and a reassessment of the risks posed by the technology - claim campaigners, while the company involved issues its own rebuttal
Oxitec is a British company, which produces genetically modified insects: it was spun out from Oxford University in 2002. It conducted the world's first open field trials of GM mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands in 2009 and 2010, and has since conducted further open trials in Malaysia and Brazil. This year, the company has plans to release GM mosquitoes in the Florida Keys, and also to begin trials of GM diamond-back moths, which eat cabbages, in Britain. Today, civil society groups in the UK, United States, Malaysia and Brazil have exposed a major flaw in the technology - which will limit its effectiveness and could have serious implications for health and the environment.
We know that GM mosquitoes are intended to reduce the wild population by mating with naturally occurring mosquitoes and producing progeny which don't survive, therefore reducing the population and therefore the transmission of the tropical disease dengue fever. The same technology in agricultural pests is also intended to reduce the population, protecting agricultural produce. The confidential internal document obtained by civil society groups shows that the GM mosquitoes described as "sterile" are, in fact, not sterile and their offspring have a 15 per cent survival rate in the presence of the common antibiotic tetracycline. In the study, the mosquitoes were fed cat food containing chicken contaminated with low levels of tetracycline and many of them were able to reproduce, with their offspring surviving to adulthood.
A redacted version of the document, released to GeneWatch UK under British Freedom of Information laws and to parliament in response to parliamentary questions, shows that the company tried to hide the evidence that its technology will fail to prevent reproduction in the presence of low levels of tetracycline contamination. The evidence regarding the 15 per cent survival rate has been blacked out on grounds of "commercial confidentiality". Oxitec uses tetracycline as a chemical switch to allow it to breed its GM insects in the lab, whilst they are expected to die out in the absence of tetracycline in the environment. But the document reveals a fundamental flaw in this approach because the antibiotic is widely used in agriculture and is present in sewage as well as in industrially-farmed chicken and other meat. Mosquitoes that carry dengue fever are known to breed in environments contaminated with sewage, including septic tanks, and agricultural pests are also likely to be exposed to it.
Failure of GM mosquitoes in the presence of tetracycline contamination could lead to a rebound in cases of tropical disease and biting GM female mosquitoes or other insects might cause unknown impacts on human health, such as allergies. The ecological implications of GM insects surviving and breeding are also unknown. Even in the absence of tetracycline contamination, GM mosquitoes are known to survive in the laboratory at rates of around 3 per cent. In the field, this would translate into large numbers of survivors given that continual releases of millions of GM mosquitoes would be needed to sustain the goals of population suppression.
Civil society groups have called for an immediate halt to any field trials and a re-assessment of the risks posed by the technology. The findings revealed in the document totally undermine existing risk assessments and trust in the public information provided by the company. The new information seriously calls into question any use of the patented RIDL technology, which depends on the use of tetracycline as a chemical switch to allow breeding of GM insects in the lab. The company has previously been widely criticised for putting its commercial interests ahead of public and environmental safety. Its first releases of GM mosquitoes took place controversially in the Cayman Islands, where there is no biosafety law or regulation.
Staff have been closely involved in developing risk assessment guidelines for GM insects worldwide, leading to concerns about lack of independent scrutiny and conflict of interest. The discovery of the GM mosquitoes' high survival rate also highlights underlying problems with the use of developing countries as test grounds for risky new technologies. In addition to the trials that have taken place in Malaysia and Brazil - other countries where releases of GM mosquitoes have been proposed include Panama, India, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Costa Rica and Trinidad & Tobago.
Något för jordbruksministern att lägga på minnet kanske?
lördag 11 februari 2012
Roundup länkat till infertilitet?
A recent study conducted by a German university found very high concentrations of Glyphosate, a carcinogenic chemical found in herbicides like Monsanto’s Roundup, in all urine samples tested. The amount of glyphosate found in the urine was staggering, with each sample containing concentrations at 5 to 20-fold the limit established for drinking water. This is just one more piece of evidence that herbicides are, at the very least, being sprayed out of control.
Monsanto continues to make the claim that their Roundup products are completely safe for both animals and humans. However many environmentalists, scientists , activists, and even doctors say otherwise. Glyphosate radically affects the metabolism of plants in a negative way. It is a systemic poison preventing the formation of essential amino acids, leading to weakened plants which ultimately die from it.
A formula seems to have been made to not only ruin the agricultural system, but also compromise the health of millions of people worldwide. With the invent of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops, resistant superweeds are taking over farmland and public health is being attacked. As it turns out, glyphosate is also leaving behind its residue on Roundup Ready crops, causing further potential concern for public health.
Glyphosate is even contributing to escalating rates of mental illness and obesity through the depletion of beneficial gut flora that directly regulates these functions. But it certainly doesn’t stop there.
Researchers tested roundup on mature male rats at a concentration range between 1 and 10,000 parts per million (ppm), and found that within 1 to 48 hours of exposure, testicular cells of the mature rats were either damaged or killed. Even at a concentration of 1 ppm, the Roundup was able to affect the test subjects by decreasing their testosterone concentrations by as much as 35%.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/monsantos-infertility-linked-roundup-found-in-all-urine-samples-tested/#ixzz1m4KxOwCn
Glyphosate in Monsanto’s Roundup Impacting Global Health
This news comes only one month after it was found that glyphosate, contained in Monsanto’s Roundup, is contaminating the groundwater in the areas in which it is used. What does this mean? It means that toxic glyphosate is now polluting the world’s drinking water through the widespread contamination of aquifers, wells and springs. The recent reports of glyphosate showing up in all urine samples only enhances these past findings.Monsanto continues to make the claim that their Roundup products are completely safe for both animals and humans. However many environmentalists, scientists , activists, and even doctors say otherwise. Glyphosate radically affects the metabolism of plants in a negative way. It is a systemic poison preventing the formation of essential amino acids, leading to weakened plants which ultimately die from it.
A formula seems to have been made to not only ruin the agricultural system, but also compromise the health of millions of people worldwide. With the invent of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready crops, resistant superweeds are taking over farmland and public health is being attacked. As it turns out, glyphosate is also leaving behind its residue on Roundup Ready crops, causing further potential concern for public health.
Glyphosate is even contributing to escalating rates of mental illness and obesity through the depletion of beneficial gut flora that directly regulates these functions. But it certainly doesn’t stop there.
Researchers tested roundup on mature male rats at a concentration range between 1 and 10,000 parts per million (ppm), and found that within 1 to 48 hours of exposure, testicular cells of the mature rats were either damaged or killed. Even at a concentration of 1 ppm, the Roundup was able to affect the test subjects by decreasing their testosterone concentrations by as much as 35%.
Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/monsantos-infertility-linked-roundup-found-in-all-urine-samples-tested/#ixzz1m4KxOwCn
Giftet bidrager även till ökad mental ohälsa och fetma, precis vad vi behöver, eller?
Ju mer genmodifierade grödor vi odlar i Sverige ju mer förorenat vatten. Är vi med i ett befolkningsminskningsprogram? Har inte kvinnor och män tillräckliga problem med fertitiliteten eller är det så att alla barn i framtiden skall tillverkas i provrör?? Can´t blame me for wondering, can you?
Jordbruksminister Erlandssons värsta konkurrent?!?
Ja, herr Erlandsson, lyssna och lär vad konkurrenterna, våra barn, våra kommande ledare, har att säga.
Forskning kan vara enkel. Finns det liv i en gröda så ger grödan liv, eller?
Hur mycket liv finns det i genmodifierade grödor Eskil? Bildar de rötter, sätter de fröer, försöker de föröka sig själva?
Vår mat är vår hälsa.
Kemikalier ifrån oljeindustrin, som läkemedel och bekämpningsmedel, är inte levande och skall heller inte ersätta vår mat.
tisdag 7 februari 2012
Läkemedelsindustrin vill inte bota de vill bara tjäna pengar...
Ingenting att bli upprörd över egentligen. Can´t blame them for trying to make money.
Om läkemedelsbolagen skulle bota cancer så tappar de alla de forskningsbidrag som håller forskningen levande för vinsterna som görs skall ju betalas ut till aktieägarna......
Våra äldre är bra inkomstkossor... något som jag redan visste... men frågan är.... visste du det?
Om vi sedan går till våra barn så funderar jag många gånger över hur mammor och pappor frivilligt kan ge dem sina barn som försökskaniner.
Hör och lär vad skillnaden mellan disease and disorder är...... se till att du får den vård du har rätt att kräva och få. Den vård som är bra för dig och inte bara för läkemedelsindustrin.
Lite sans och balans om sjukvårdssystemet...
Skidmark disease = fartrandssjukan i kalsongerna.
Humor lyfter många tankar... enjoy!!!
Aspartam boosters....
Artificial Sweetener Disease (ASD) is sweeping across America, affecting tens of thousands of consumers, and Western medicine calls it anything but what it really is, so that doctors can prescribe expensive pharmaceuticals and set up “check up” appointments for the following weeks.
Call it recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, inflammation, even acid reflux, but don’t call it ASD, or the patient may stop consuming synthetic sweeteners, and then not schedule more doctor visits.
The symptoms of ASD can change overnight, depending on how much chemical sweetener you consume, and which ones. Some combinations are especially toxic. Consumers can go from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Many people experience central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervous twitches and abnormal reflexes.’
Call it recurring headaches, unbearable migraines, depression, anxiety, muscle pain, arthritis flare ups, buzzing or ringing in the ears, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, inflammation, even acid reflux, but don’t call it ASD, or the patient may stop consuming synthetic sweeteners, and then not schedule more doctor visits.
The symptoms of ASD can change overnight, depending on how much chemical sweetener you consume, and which ones. Some combinations are especially toxic. Consumers can go from a migraine headache to vomiting or from vision problems to an upset stomach. Many people experience central nervous system disorders, cramping, nervous twitches and abnormal reflexes.’
Det är inte bara en sjuka i Staterna..... det är en sjuka här i Svedala oxå!
Ny lovande behandling för autistiska barn på G??
New Treatment For Autistic Children – Initial Results May Be Encouraging
Posted on February 7, 2012 by childhealthsafety
CHS is republishing the following information because results of work by Dr Bradstreet with autistic children are more likely than not to be genuine. As with all new suggested treatments, it is clearly appropriate to take a prudent approach and readers should similarly take a prudent approach to what is being suggested. “Nagalese” it seems is an enzyme which can have an effect of suppressing the proper functioning of the human immune system.
A recent discovery by Dr Bradstreet in his autism clinic in America is that autistic children often have an elevated Nagalase level and this in turn his may indicate a viral cause behind the symptoms of autism.
Following on from this discovery in 2011, Dr Bradstreet looked to find a treatment that would reduce the Nagalase count and found GcMAF (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor). Results so far are that 85% of the children who received GcMAF responding positively.
We have now evaluated approximately 400 children with autism for the viral marker, Nagalase. From my perspective this is one of the most important developments in the clinical treatment of children on the spectrum that I have experienced in the last 15 years. The short story is nearly 80% of the children with autism evaluated have significantly elevated levels of Nagalase.” – Dr Bradstreet October 2011
Whilst parental anecdotes cannot take the place of a well implemented clinical trial, the very positive comments are cause for us to investigate this further. Amongst the many positive comments received and posted on Dr Bradstreet’s blog are:
After 24 weeks of the GCMAF, we are happy to report that she continues to have immense gains in all areas. She has shown an increased tolerance, socialization and speech with adults and same age peers, continued remarkable performance in Academics (she is at the first grade reading level (She’s in kindergarten), she knows the sight words, writes her name,etc……. We are so excited to see her blossom! ” – S.J. November 2011
During the course of the GCMAF treatment we’ve seen improvements and this is a phenomenal. Her Language development went from repeating one word such as “iPad” over and over again, meaning she wanted to play with it, to “When I get home, I want to play with the iPad.”… Needless to say, we are feeling very blessed and we are so excited to see what more amazing things are in store towards her recovery in 2012! Thank you so much for all that you’ve done and continue to do! ” – M and R January 2012
However, there have been some reports of minimal side effects of flu-like symptons for a few hours. This is likely to be as a result of the immune system getting to work on undiagnosed viruses, as these are likely to have been the cause of the elevated Nagalase levels.
Läs vidare... rekommenderar top posts till höger!
MMR causes Autism - Another win in the US federal court
Flue vaccines caused miscarriages and stillbirths.
måndag 6 februari 2012
Aspartam - nej tack!!!
De som brukar dricka läskedrycker, saft eller andra bärprodukter med sötningsmedlet aspartam i vet hur bismaken i munnen känns. De vet även hur suget efter mer sätter igång bara efter en liten, liten stund. Efter regelrätt användande så är man slav under kemikalien och det är väl tillverkarens andemening. Make money on illnesses eller skall vi kanske säga create illnesses.
Detta gift har skapat ett behov som spridit sig över hela världen. Läs global research inlägg här:
Just what is this magical potion, aspartame? It is a combination of methanol and two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. In 1965, James Schlattler, a chemist working at G.D. Searle discovered the substance quite by accident while working on a drug for another medical purpose. It was found to be many, many times sweeter than sugar but without the calories.
The chemistry of aspartame as it breaks down in the human body is well documented but acceptance of the science depends on one's alliance with the industry or with the skeptic side. Regardless of one's position on the subject, metabolism of aspartame in the human body and the side-effects, or lack thereof, continues to be a intensely controversial subject.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) describes a metabolite as any substance produced during metabolism (digestion or other bodily chemical processes). In medical terms, a metabolite usually refers to the product that remains after the drug is broken down (metabolized) by the body.
Virtually all industry funded studies discount any adverse effects of aspartame metabolites. Typical “friendly” clinical reviews of aspartame toxicity will most likely find the authors are closely related to the producers of aspartame. Conversely, and almost without fail, independent studies claim serious and deleterious consequences as result of aspartame consumption.
Vi lever i en demokratisk fri värld. Kokainförsäljningen blomstrar i Sverige och så gör även marknaden för aspartamsötade drycker. Om man inte vill fördärva sin kropp med det ena så kan man ju ta det andra, eller?
An aspartame study by C. Trocho et al, was conducted by the staff of the Biology Department at the University of Barcelona. It clearly shows that aspartame which was labeled with carbon 14 isotope was transformed into formaldehyde in the bodies of the living specimens and that when they were examined later, the radioactive tagged formaldehyde was found throughout the vital organs of their bodies.
This conclusively proves that aspartame does indeed convert to formaldehyde in the bodies of aspartame consumers, and that many of the symptoms reported by victims of aspartame toxicity are indeed those associated with the poisonous and cumulative effects of formaldehyde.
Vem vet om inte aspartam är lite bättre val ... för är det inte så att formaldehyd konserverar kroppen?
Trots all information som faktiskt är vetenskapligt understödd så fortsätter vuxna att köpa dessa kemikaliedrycker till sina barn och man kan ju undra varför.......
Är detta en bra inkörsport till de amfetamintabletter som erbjuds barnen när de kommer upp i skolåldern? Eller är det en utmärkt inkörsport till kokain i vuxen ålder?
Ingen häller i dig gifter. Du avgör själv vad du vill med din kropp och ditt liv. Glöm aldrig det!
Notera vem det är som tagit fram produkten....
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