Vad kan man säga...............
Forskarna har inte tillräckligt med pengar för att forska fram läkemedel på cancerfronten.... det kanske inte är så roligt längre......
mycket roligare att skapa nytt liv som kan användas till??????
En kollega till mig tyckte att det var helt okey att man försökte hitta en ny livsform som kunde användas som slavar och som kunde göra saker och ting som vi inte tycker är speciellt utvecklande och roligt. Smaken är som baken.... delad!
Läs och avgör själva vart vi är på väg och varför.
Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy.
In one of the unpublished studies, researchers made a human artificial chromosome in the laboratory from chemical building blocks rather than chipping away at an existing human chromosome, indicating the increasingly powerful technology behind the new field of synthetic biology.
This is quite bizarre.
But creating mice with artificial human chromosomes is one thing.
Creating mice with partly human brains is a whole different ball of wax.
According to, researchers at the University of Wisconsin have successfully transferred cells from human embryos into the brains of mice. Those cells began to grow and develop, and they actually made the mice smarter...
Yet experiments like these are going forward just the same. In just the past few months, scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Rochester have published data on their human-animal neural chimeras. For the Wisconsin study, researchers injected mice with an immunotoxin to destroy a part of their brains–the hippocampus–that's associated with learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. Then the researchers replaced those damaged cells with cells derived from human embryos. The cells proliferated and the lab chimeras recovered their ability to navigate a water maze.
For the Rochester study, researchers implanted newborn mice with nascent human glial cells, which help support and nourish neurons in the brain. Six months later, the human parts had elbowed out the mouse equivalents, and the animals had enhanced ability to solve a simple maze and learn conditioned cues. These protocols might run afoul of the anti-hybrid laws, and perhaps they should arouse some questions. These chimeric mice may not be human, or even really human, but they're certainly one step further down the path to Algernon. It may not be so long before we're faced with some hairy bioethics: What rights should we assign to mice with human brains?
Is this really a good idea?
Do we really want to start creating entities that are part-human?
Apparently, it is now even possible to grow entire human organs inside animals. In fact, scientists in Japan plan to start systematically growing human organs inside of pigs within 12 months. The goal is to increase the number of organs available for medical transplants as a recent article explained...
A panel of scientists and legal experts appointed by the Japanese government will be gathering together to begin drafting guidelines governing Japan's historic embryonic research. If all goes according to plan, scientists hope to begin growing human organs in animals within the next 12 months.
The research sounds like something out of a science fiction novel. Scientists place a human stem cell into the embryo of an animal to create a "chimeric embryo" that can be implanted into the animal's womb. According to the Telegraph, the animal in question will most likely be a pig.
Vad kan man säga...............
Forskarna har inte tillräckligt med pengar för att forska fram läkemedel på cancerfronten.... det kanske inte är så roligt längre......
mycket roligare att skapa nytt liv som kan användas till??????
En kollega till mig tyckte att det var helt okey att man försökte hitta en ny livsform som kunde användas som slavar och som kunde göra saker och ting som vi inte tycker är speciellt utvecklande och roligt. Smaken är som baken.... delad!
Läs och avgör själva vart vi är på väg och varför.
Scientists have created genetically-engineered mice with artificial human chromosomes in every cell of their bodies, as part of a series of studies showing that it may be possible to treat genetic diseases with a radically new form of gene therapy.
In one of the unpublished studies, researchers made a human artificial chromosome in the laboratory from chemical building blocks rather than chipping away at an existing human chromosome, indicating the increasingly powerful technology behind the new field of synthetic biology.
This is quite bizarre.
But creating mice with artificial human chromosomes is one thing.
Creating mice with partly human brains is a whole different ball of wax.
According to, researchers at the University of Wisconsin have successfully transferred cells from human embryos into the brains of mice. Those cells began to grow and develop, and they actually made the mice smarter...
Yet experiments like these are going forward just the same. In just the past few months, scientists at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Rochester have published data on their human-animal neural chimeras. For the Wisconsin study, researchers injected mice with an immunotoxin to destroy a part of their brains–the hippocampus–that's associated with learning, memory, and spatial reasoning. Then the researchers replaced those damaged cells with cells derived from human embryos. The cells proliferated and the lab chimeras recovered their ability to navigate a water maze.
For the Rochester study, researchers implanted newborn mice with nascent human glial cells, which help support and nourish neurons in the brain. Six months later, the human parts had elbowed out the mouse equivalents, and the animals had enhanced ability to solve a simple maze and learn conditioned cues. These protocols might run afoul of the anti-hybrid laws, and perhaps they should arouse some questions. These chimeric mice may not be human, or even really human, but they're certainly one step further down the path to Algernon. It may not be so long before we're faced with some hairy bioethics: What rights should we assign to mice with human brains?
Is this really a good idea?
Do we really want to start creating entities that are part-human?
Apparently, it is now even possible to grow entire human organs inside animals. In fact, scientists in Japan plan to start systematically growing human organs inside of pigs within 12 months. The goal is to increase the number of organs available for medical transplants as a recent article explained...
A panel of scientists and legal experts appointed by the Japanese government will be gathering together to begin drafting guidelines governing Japan's historic embryonic research. If all goes according to plan, scientists hope to begin growing human organs in animals within the next 12 months.
The research sounds like something out of a science fiction novel. Scientists place a human stem cell into the embryo of an animal to create a "chimeric embryo" that can be implanted into the animal's womb. According to the Telegraph, the animal in question will most likely be a pig.
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