tisdag 26 november 2013

GMO vete kan orsaka dödsfall hos barn - vetenskapsmän träder fram.

Nov 4, 2013 by NATASHA LONGO
Scientists Say New Genetically Modified Wheat Silences DNA Sequences In The Body, Can Cause Fatalities In Children

Australian researchers have revealed serious issues over a new kind of genetically engineered wheat that could induce major health threats for people that consume it. 
University of Canterbury Professor Jack Heinemann announced the outcomes of his genetic study into the wheat, a kind engineered by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), at a conference last month.

Recently additional claims came from researchers in Australia to have developed a form of salt-tolerant wheat that would allow farmers to grow crops in soil with high salinity.

Heinemann discovered that the molecules developed in this wheat, intended to silence wheat genes and can match human genes. With consumption, these molecules can enter the human body and potentially silence our genes, he explained. "The findings are absolutely assured. There is no doubt that these matches exist."
Flinders University Professor Judy Carman and Safe Food Foundation(SFF) Director Scott Kinnear accepted Heinemann's analysis.

Just last year, scientists from Rothamsted Research, based in Hertfordshire, used biotechnological tools to genetically engineer a wheat plant that produced high levels of an aphid repelling odour.

That strain of wheat would not require treatment with insecticide because it would repel colonisation by the aphid pests and also attract natural predators. Critics charged that there are natural symbioses that take place between aphids and crops which are essential to their survival and the initiative to repel colonisation is another direct attack on much larger ecosystems. "These scientists are very short-sighted and they aren't looking at the whole picture and consequences of introducing GM wheat. There are many bacterial symbioses that take place between aphids and other microorganisms that will affect their entire ecosystem should an intolerant species be introduced into the food chain," said microbiologist Joseph Sagarese.

"If this silences the same gene in us that it silences in the wheat -- well, children who are born with this enzyme not working tend to die by the age of about five," stated Professor Carman.
Based on the research, long-term testing must be performed before the wheat is offered to grocery retailers. 

"We firmly believe that long term chronic toxicological feeding studies are required in addition to the detailed requests made by Heinemann for the DNA sequences used," Kinnear stated.
"The industry routinely does feeding studies anyway, so it should not be too much more difficult to do long term (lifetime) studies and include inhalation studies," Heinemann added. "These should be tuned to the way people would be exposed to the product."

The researchers also cautioned consumers against eating the wheat if it is approved prematurely. "I would advise citizens to request that these tests be done and the evidence meet with their standards of scientific rigour if in the end it is approved for use," said Heinemann.

If the concerns surrounding CSIRO's GM wheat are not resolved, the issue could end up in court, according to Kinnear: "If CSIRO was to consider moving towards human feeding trials without conducting these studies, we would be looking at what legal avenues are available to stop them."

Approximately 700 million tons of wheat are now cultivated worldwide making it the second most-produced grain after maize. It is grown on more land area than any other commerical crop and is considered a staple food for humans.

In July 2009, Monsanto announced new research into GM wheat and industry groups kicked their promotion of GM wheat into high gear. "Widespread farmer and consumer resistance defeated GM wheat in 2004 and this global rejection remains strong, as demonstrated by today's statement," said Lucy Sharratt, Coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network.


Natasha Longo has a master's degree in nutrition and is a certified fitness and nutritional counselor. She has consulted on public health policy and procurement in Canada, Australia, Spain, Ireland, England and Germany. 

Fungerar influensavaccin så här skriver Cochrane Institutet


Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults.

Utdrag ur Cochrane Institutets bibliotek


Different types of influenza vaccines are currently produced worldwide. Healthy adults are presently targeted mainly in North America.


Identify, retrieve and assess all studies evaluating the effects of vaccines against influenza in healthy adults.

Search methods

We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library, 2010, issue 2), MEDLINE (January 1966 to June 2010) and EMBASE (1990 to June 2010).

Selection criteria

Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) or quasi-RCTs comparing influenza vaccines with placebo or no intervention in naturally-occurring influenza in healthy individuals aged 16 to 65 years. We also included comparative studies assessing serious and rare harms.

Data collection and analysis

Two review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data.

Main results

We included 50 reports. Forty (59 sub-studies) were clinical trials of over 70,000 people. Eight were comparative non-RCTs and assessed serious harms. Two were reports of harms which could not be introduced in the data analysis. In the relatively uncommon circumstance of vaccine matching the viral circulating strain and high circulation, 4% of unvaccinated people versus 1% of vaccinated people developed influenza symptoms (risk difference (RD) 3%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2% to 5%). The corresponding figures for poor vaccine matching were 2% and 1% (RD 1, 95% CI 0% to 3%). These differences were not likely to be due to chance. Vaccination had a modest effect on time off work and had no effect on hospital admissions or complication rates. Inactivated vaccines caused local harms and an estimated 1.6 additional cases of Guillain-Barré Syndrome per million vaccinations. The harms evidence base is limited.

Authors' conclusions

Influenza vaccines have a modest effect in reducing influenza symptoms and working days lost. There is no evidence that they affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.
This review includes 15 out of 36 trials funded by industry (four had no funding declaration). An earlier systematic review of 274 influenza vaccine studies published up to 2007 found industry funded studies were published in more prestigious journals and cited more than other studies independently from methodological quality and size. Studies funded from public sources were significantly less likely to report conclusions favorable to the vaccines. The review showed that reliable evidence on influenza vaccines is thin but there is evidence of widespread manipulation of conclusions and spurious notoriety of the studies. The content and conclusions of this review should be interpreted in light of this finding.

Min friske son dog efter en vanlig influensavaccination ledsen mamma berättar.

Se TV intervjun här:

Man kan ju undra sa en flundra varför thiomersal fortfarande används som konserveringsmedel, eller?

Och en väninna till mig sa precis: de har thiomersal i kontaminerade skitvacciner. om de varit helt rena, hade de inte behövt skiten.....

Man väljer vad man vill injicera i kroppen... inte fel att be om fullständig innehållsförteckning före ett medgivande ges, eller hur?

Nov 26, 2013 by DAVE MIHALOVIC
Doctors Prohibited From Speaking Out On Death of Teen Caused By Flu Shot

A 19-year old who received a flu shot during a routine physical became violently ill, suffering from vomiting and headaches, eventually slipping into a coma and then succumbing to his injuries. While his mother is claiming that the influenza vaccine is responsible for the death of her son, doctors claim they could not confirm the cause and they are now legally prohibited from speaking about his case.
The Facts About The Flu Shot

The reason Doctors were unlikely able to save Chandler was likely due to the effect of synergistic toxicity in the influenza vaccine formula he received. As I reported earlier this year, Despite Thimerosal (Mercury) Ban Imposed By The FDA, 60 Percent of All Flu Vaccines Still Contain This Deadly Neurotoxin. Some people react far more than others, however any susceptibility to the toxins will inevitably kill those cells.

Factually, Thimerosal is a mercury-containing compound that is a known human carcinogen, mutagen, teratogen and immune-system disruptor at levels below 1 part-per-million, and a compound to which some humans can have an anaphylactic shock reaction. It is also a recognized reproductive and fetal toxin with no established toxicologically safe level of exposure for humans.

In 2009, eight out of ten H1N1 vaccines had thimerosal. Last year's 2011/2012 flu vaccine season saw three out of five FDA approved vaccines containing thimerosal. The 2012/2013 season offered three out of six flu vaccines which contained thimerosal and all were FDA approved. 

This year thimerosal, is now used as a preservative in four (4) out of the seven (7) FDA approved flu vaccines for the 2013/2014 flu season.

Note that for every single flu vaccine, the carcinogenic or mutagenic potential has not been evaluated, or for impairment of fertility. . This means that none of the carcinogenic excipients (inside every vaccine) are ever studied and their effects on the human body are unknown. This declaration also indicates that there is no responsible authority that can state to a parent, that their son or daughter will not become infertile as a consequence of receiving the influenza vaccine.

Another remarkable fact is that although all pregnant women are encouraged to receive the flu vaccine by health and medical authorities, the safety and effectiveness for pregnant women or nursing mothers has also not been established. Perhaps this is why studies show many spontaneous abortions and stillbirths after pregnant women are vaccinated.

100 percent of influenza vaccines are a crap shoot in terms of effectiveness for any given population since they only estimate the probable strains 

With more than 200 viruses known to cause influenza-like illness (ILI), a person can get a flu shot and still become sick with what is described as "the flu". According to CDC data, in the past 11 years, 86% of all influenza-type illnesses were NOT caused by the influenza virus, thus influenza viruses are ONLY active 14% of the time. 

The proportion of ILI caused by influenza viruses varies by year, and even varies within a specific year over the course of the winter. 
Therefore, under a hypothetical scenario that influenza vaccines work 25% of the time (which is marginally high percentage for flu vaccine effectiveness), that means the maximum effectiveness of the flu vaccine would be 3.5% on influenza viral strains and nil for ILI.

A recent report which is again being highlighted by the alternative media is a remarkable study published in the Cochrane Library which found no evidence of benefit for influenza vaccinations and also noted that the vast majority of trials were inadequate.

Läs hela artikeln här:

Köper du vitaminer och kosttillskott på nätet? Varning Amazon.com

NaturalNews) A Natural News investigation has confirmed that Amazon.com (AMZN) is functioning as a retail "front" for a rapidly-expanding list of dietary supplement counterfeiters who profit by exploiting the Amazon.com trust factor to sell fake products to unsuspecting Amazon customers. This counterfeit operation does not appear to be the intention of Amazon.com itself, which is a widely-celebrated online retailer, but rather a result of Amazon's inability to adequately police the tens of thousands of third-party sellers who sell products through the site.


Inte konstigt att vitamin och kosttillskott får ett dåligt rykte.

måndag 25 november 2013

Farliga kemikalier blandas i kroppen

Det kallas för Coctaileffekten.......

Vill du hjälpa till att sprida informationen och höja medvetandet om vilka risker det innebär och att vi faktiskt kan undvika några av dem?

GMO länkat till Glutenintolerans?

News Release: GMOs Linked to Exploding Gluten Sensitivity Epidemic (FREE PDF):


GMOs Linked to Gluten-Related Disorders

Do you or a loved one suffer from gluten sensitivity? You may be wondering why you react to gluten now even though you never did in the past. You may be wondering why a gluten-free diet has helped, but has not completely resolved your symptoms. If you are on a quest to find all of the pieces to the gluten puzzle, the following information is for you. In a report released today by the Institute for Responsible Technology, a team of experts proposes a possible link between genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and gluten-related disorders. The analysis is based on Dept. of Agriculture data, Environmental Protection Act records, medical journal reviews, and international research.
The full 24-page report, a press release, and a recorded interview can all be found atglutenandgmos.com. An article summarizing the findings of this report is presented below:

Can Genetically Engineered Foods Trigger Gluten Sensitivity?

Gluten sensitivity is currently estimated to affect as many as 18 million Americans. 1 Reactions togluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, are becoming increasingly common. Gluten sensitivity can range in severity from mild discomfort, such as gas and bloating, to celiac disease, a serious autoimmune condition that can, if undiagnosed, result in a 4-fold increase in death. 2 Genetics alone cannot explain the rapid rise in gluten-related disorders, and experts believe that there must be an environmental trigger. There continues to be much debate about what that environmental trigger may be.
Some assert that a higher gluten content of modern wheat is to blame for the rising prevalence of gluten-related disorders. 3 But a 2013 review of data commissioned by the United States Department of Agriculture found no evidence to support this. 4 Others blame increased consumption of wheat overall, 4 age of wheat introduction, 5 cesarean birth, 6 breastfeeding duration, 7 or alterations in intestinal microflora. 8 All of these do offer some explanation, but they cannot completely account for the drastic increase in gluten sensitivities that we have seen in recent years.
Another possible environmental trigger may be the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the American food supply, which occurred in the mid-1990s. GMOs are created by a laboratory process that transfers genetic material into the DNA of an organism There are nine genetically modified (GM) food crops currently on the market: soy, corn, cotton (oil), canola (oil), sugar from sugar beets, zucchini, yellow squash, Hawaiian papaya, and alfalfa. Notice that wheat is notone of these. Although wheat has been hybridized through natural breeding techniques over the years, it is not in fact a GMO.   
Most GM crops are engineered to tolerate a weed killer called Roundup®, whose active ingredient is glyphosate. These crops, known as Roundup-Ready crops, accumulate high levels of glyphosate that remain in the food.  Corn and cotton varieties are also engineered to produce an insecticide called Bt-toxin. The Bt-toxin is produced in every cell of genetically engineered corn and ends up in corn chips, corn tortillas, and other ingredients derived from corn. A recent analysis of research suggests that Bt-toxin, glyphosate, and other components of GMOs, are linked to five conditions that may either initiate or exacerbate gluten-related disorders:

Intestinal permeability

Gluten-related disorders are commonly accompanied by and possibly triggered by intestinal permeability, which is commonly referred to as "leaky gut."9 Leaky gut occurs when gaps form between intestinal cells and large particles from the digestive tract enter the bloodstream, potentially triggering immune or allergic reactions. The Bt-toxin produced by genetically modified corn kills insects by punching holes in their digestive tracts, and a 2012 study confirmed that it punctures holes in human cells as well.10 Bt-toxin is present in every kernel of Bt corn, survives human digestion, and has been detected in the blood of 93% of pregnant women tested and 80% of their unborn fetuses.11 This "hole-punching toxin" may be a critical piece of the puzzle in understanding gluten-related disorders.

Imbalanced gut bacteria

Gluten-sensitive individuals, and especially those with celiac disease, also commonly have an imbalance in their gut flora.12,13,14,15 The reason that cesarean section increases risk 6 and breastfeeding decreases risk 7 for gluten sensitivity is likely due to their respective effects on microbial balance in the infant's gut. 16 Glyphosate used on GM crops is not only an herbicide, but also a potent antibiotic.Even with minimal exposure, glyphosate can significantly reduce the population of beneficial gut bacteria and promote the overgrowth of harmful strains.17 18 An overgrowth of harmful bacteria can promote inflammation, leaky gut, and immune reactions, all of which are linked to gluten-related disorders.

Immune activation and allergies

Many people do not develop reactivity to gluten until later in life, which supports the notion that it can be triggered by environmental factors. The only study to date that has been able to effectively trigger an immunological shift to gluten sensitivity was done in mice in 2011. 19 The study showed that retinoic acid, a metabolite of vitamin A, activated a specific immune response to gluten under inflammatory conditions in the gut. It turns out that glyphosate, the primary herbicide used on GM crops, increases retinoic acid activity. 20 If glyphosate activates retinoic acid, and retinoic acid activates gluten sensitivity, eating GMOs soaked with glyphosate may play a role in the onset of glute-related disorders.
Bt-toxin may also activate the immune system. When mice were exposed to Bt-toxin, they not only mounted an immune response to it directly, but they subsequently reacted to foods that had not formerly triggered a response.21 There was something about the Bt-toxin that primed the immune system to become reactive to other, once benign, foods. If humans exposed to Bt-toxin react in a similar manner, eating GM corn could directly lead to the development of gluten or other food sensitivities.

Impaired digestion

Decreased digestive enzymes can create undigested food particles, contribute to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, and promote symptoms of gluten-related disorders. Studies of mice eating Roundup Ready soy and fish exposed to glyphosate show that these compounds reduce digestive enzymes. 2223 All soybeans contain trypsin inhibitor, which blocks an important enzyme needed to digest protein, but Roundup Ready® soybeans contain as much as seven times more than non-GMO soy.24,25 The results of these studies suggest that genetically engineered foods may lead to serious digestive compromise.

Damage to the intestinal wall

A common result of gluten sensitivity is damage to the lining of the intestinal tract. Celiac disease results in flattening of the microvilli lining the walls of the intestine. Both Bt-toxin and glyphosate have produced structural damage to microvilli in animal studies; animals exposed to these substances developed microvilli that were broken off, discontinuous, or shortened. 26 23

Stay Away from GMOs

A clear explanation for the rising rate of gluten-related disorders remains elusive. Multiple factors interact, with no clear or original cause. But genetically modified foods and their primary chemical residue, glyphosate, may be an important piece of the puzzle. Whether GMOs are indeed a causative factor in the escalating trend of gluten sensitivity or merely an obstacle to cure is yet to be determined.
Many clinicians already prescribe non-GMO diets for their gluten-sensitive patients. Physicians and patients have reported improvement in their symptoms after eliminating GMOs from their diets. Internist, Emily Linder MD, says, "Based on my clinical experience, when I remove genetically modified foods as part of the treatment for gluten sensitivity, recovery is faster and more complete. I believe that GMOs in our diet contribute to the rise in gluten sensitivity in the U.S. population."
Unfortunately, many people who discover they are gluten-sensitive actually increase their intake of GMOs because they switch from wheat products to corn products. With 88% of the U.S. corn crop genetically engineered, avoidance of GMOs in the gluten-free community presents a unique challenge to consumers.
The best way to avoid GMOs is to consult the NonGMOShoppingGuide.com or download the free iPhone app ShopNoGMO. Look for products with either the "Non-GMO Project Verified" or the "Certified Organic" seal. Avoid ingredients derived from the foods most likely to be genetically modified. These include soy, corn, cottonseed, canola, sugar, papaya from Hawaii or China, zucchini, and yellow squash.
If you have seen improvement in a gluten-related condition after eliminating GMOs from your diet, please email healthy@responsibletechnology.org to share your story.
If you have a friend or relative suffering from gluten sensitivity, ask them if they eat GMOs and forward this email to them!
Help us to reclaim a non-GMO food supply!
The paper was a collaboration between the following people:
Jeffrey Smith, director of the Institue for Responsible Technology | Sayer Ji, author and founder of GreenMedInfo.com , the most widely referenced natural medicine database. | Dr. Tom O' Bryan, thedr.com | Tom Malterre, MS CN, author, and physicianeducator.nourishingmeals.com | Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, MIT.people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/


1.      Center for Celiac Research and Treatment. Accessed on November 20, 2013 athttp://celiacdisease.about.com/od/glutenintolerance/a/How-Many-People-Have-Gluten-Sensitivity.htm
2.      Rubio-Tapia A, Kyle RA, Kaplan EL et al. Increased prevalence and mortality in undiagnosed celiac disease. Gastroenterology. 2009;137 (1):88-93.
3.      Sapone A, Bai JC, Ciacci C et al. Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: consensus on new nomenclature and classification. BMC Med. 2012;10 13.
4.      Kasarda DD. Can an increase in celiac disease be attributed to an increase in the gluten content of wheat as a consequence of wheat breeding? J Agric Food Chem. 2013;61 (6):1155-1159.
5.      Sellitto M, Bai G, Serena G et al. Proof of concept of microbiome-metabolome analysis and delayed gluten exposure on celiac disease autoimmunity in genetically at-risk infants. PLoS One. 2012;7 (3):e33387.
6.      Decker E, Hornef M, Stockinger S. Cesarean delivery is associated with celiac disease but not inflammatory bowel disease in children. Gut Microbes. 2011;2 (2):91-98.
7.      Henriksson C, Bostrom AM, Wiklund IE. What effect does breastfeeding have on coeliac disease? A systematic review update. Evid Based Med. 2013;18 (3):98-103.
8.      Cinova J, De Palma G, Stepankova R et al. Role of intestinal bacteria in gliadin-induced changes in intestinal mucosa: study in germ-free rats. PLoS One. 2011;6 (1):e16169.
9.      Arranz E, Bode J, Kingstone K, Ferguson A. Intestinal antibody pattern of coeliac disease: association with gamma/delta T cell receptor expression by intraepithelial lymphocytes, and other indices of potential coeliac disease. Gut. 1994;35 (4):476-482.
10.    Mesnage R, Clair E, Gress S, Then C, Szekacs A, Seralini GE. Cytotoxicity on human cells of Cry1Ab and Cry1Ac Bt insecticidal toxins alone or with a glyphosate-based herbicide. J Appl Toxicol. 2013;33 (7):695-699.
11.    Aris A, Leblanc S. Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. Reprod Toxicol. 2011;31 (4):528-533.
12.    Collado MC, Donat E, Ribes-Koninckx C, Calabuig M, Sanz Y. Specific duodenal and faecal bacterial groups associated with paediatric coeliac disease. J Clin Pathol. 2009;62 (3):264-269.
13.    Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Giorgetti G. High prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in celiac patients with persistence of gastrointestinal symptoms after gluten withdrawal. Am J Gastroenterol. 2003;98 (4):839-843.
14.    Sanchez E, Nadal I, Donat E, Ribes-Koninckx C, Calabuig M, Sanz Y. Reduced diversity and increased virulence-gene carriage in intestinal enterobacteria of coeliac children. BMC Gastroenterol. 2008;8 50.
15.    Nadal I, Donat E, Ribes-Koninckx C, Calabuig M, Sanz Y. Imbalance in the composition of the duodenal microbiota of children with coeliac disease. J Med Microbiol. 2007;56 (Pt 12):1669-1674.
16.    Palma GD, Capilla A, Nova E et al. Influence of milk-feeding type and genetic risk of developing coeliac disease on intestinal microbiota of infants: the PROFICEL study. PLoS One. 2012;7 (2):e30791.
17.    Shehata AA, Schrodl W, Aldin AA, Hafez HM, Kruger M. The effect of glyphosate on potential pathogens and beneficial members of poultry microbiota in vitro. Curr Microbiol. 2013;66 (4):350-358.
18.    Kruger M, Shehata AA, Schrodl W, Rodloff A. Glyphosate suppresses the antagonistic effect of Enterococcus spp. on Clostridium botulinum. Anaerobe. 2013;20 74-78.
19.    DePaolo RW, Abadie V, Tang F et al. Co-adjuvant effects of retinoic acid and IL-15 induce inflammatory immunity to dietary antigens. Nature. 2011;471 (7337):220-224.
20.    Paganelli A, Gnazzo V, Acosta H, Lopez SL, Carrasco AE. Glyphosate-based herbicides produce teratogenic effects on vertebrates by impairing retinoic acid signaling. Chem Res Toxicol. 2010;23 (10):1586-1595.
21.    Finamore A, Roselli M, Britti S et al. Intestinal and peripheral immune response to MON810 maize ingestion in weaning and old mice. J Agric Food Chem. 2008;56 (23):11533-11539.
22.    Malatesta M, Caporaloni C, Rossi L et al. Ultrastructural analysis of pancreatic acinar cells from mice fed on genetically modified soybean. J Anat. 2002;201 (5):409-415.
23.    Senapati T, Mukerjee A, Ghosh A et al. Observations on the effect of glyphosate based herbicide on ultra structure (SEM) and enzymatic activity in different regions of alimentary canal and gill of Channa punctatus. Journal of Crop and Weed. 2009;5 (1):236-245.
24.    Padgette SR, Taylor NB, Nida DL et al. The composition of glyphosate-tolerant soybean seeds is equivalent to that of conventional soybeans. J Nutr. 1996;126 (3):702-716.
25.    Pusztai A, Bardocz S. GMO in animal nutrition; potential benefits and risks. Biology of Nutrition in Growing Animals. Elsevier; 2005
26.    Fares NH, El-Sayed AK. Fine structural changes in the ileum of mice fed on delta-endotoxin-treated potatoes and transgenic potatoes. Nat Toxins. 1998;6 (6):219-233.

onsdag 20 november 2013

Glutenintolerans 10 symptom


More than 55 diseases have been linked to gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. It’s estimated that 99% of the people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease are never diagnosed. It is also estimated that as much as 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant. Could you be one of them? If you have any of the following symptoms it could be a sign that you have gluten intolerance: 

1. Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea and even constipation. I see the constipation particularly in children after eating gluten. 

2. Keratosis Pilaris, (also known as ‘chicken skin’ on the back of your arms). This tends be as a result of a fatty acid deficiency and vitamin A deficiency secondary to fat-malabsorption caused by gluten damaging the gut.

 3. Fatigue, brain fog or feeling tired after eating a meal that contains gluten. 

4. Diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, Lupus, Psoriasis, Scleroderma or Multiple sclerosis. 

5. Neurologic symptoms such as dizziness or feeling of being off balance. 

6. Hormone imbalances such as PMS, PCOS or unexplained infertility. 

7. Migraine headaches.

8. Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. These diagnoses simply indicate your conventional doctor cannot pin point the cause of your fatigue or pain. 

9. Inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints such as fingers, knees or hips. 

10. Mood issues such as anxiety, depression, mood swings and ADD. 

Vilket är bästa sättet att testa om man eventuellt skulle vara glutenintolerant?

Ta bort all födoämnen som innehåller gluten och vänta tre fulla veckor innan du börjar äta som vanligt igen. Om det är någon skillnad så kommer du garanterat att känna av den.
Kan vara tufft för vissa att överleva i 3 veckor utan pizza och öl....  men allt går om bara viljan finns där.

söndag 17 november 2013

Något brunt konstigt födelsemärke växer i mitt ansikte

Grattis sa distriktssköterskan till mig..... så nu har även du blivit gammal...... 
leendet var varmt och ironiskt.

Något hade börjat växa i mitt ansikte och det kändes inte speciellt bra att inte veta vad det var 
som växte där vid sidan om ögat och speciellt roligt såg det inte ut heller för den delen.

Lugn bara lugn...... det är vara en liten senila verucca 
en virus som läker ut sig själv förr eller senare.

En kollega tyckte att jag skulle ta en kniv och skrapa bort den själv.
Olika äro vägarna vi väljer. Bedöm själv men var framför allt
inte orolig.



Verruca vulgaris orsakas av virus (flera typer). Vanligt i barnaåren men förekommer även hos vuxna. På fingrar ofta tämligen stora med hyperkeratos (förgrovad ytterhud). På övriga lokaler, företrädesvis i ansiktet, ofta med filiform (fingerliknande) yta. Fotvårtor ofta "intrampade", plana, med hård yta.


Virusorsakade vårtor är alltid självläkande och bör i princip inte åtgärdas kirurgiskt. Dessa försvinner normalt inom loppet av månader, men kan ibland finnas kvar i flera år.
Tålamodet tar allt som oftast slut hos föräldrar till barn med vårtor. Man "kräver" att något ska göras. Trots påtryckningar bör kirurgisk åtgärd (operation) ändå undvikas.
Ett kirurgiskt ingrepp ger alltid  ett ärr som aldrig försvinner. Detta är extra viktigt vad gäller fotvårtor där ett tryckbelastat ärr kommer att vara smärtsamt för all framtid, medan vårtan bara är smärtande tills den har försvunnit. Istället rekommenderas en avlastande skumgummiring över vårtan så länge den gör ont.
"Egenbehandling" med filning och keratolytiska preparat ("Oj-Oj" och liknande) kan möjligen skynda på förloppet om den utförs konsekvent och på rätt sätt. Nya och möjligen effektivare vårtbehandlingsmedel har lanserats på marknaden under senare tid. Fråga på apoteket!
I den mån behandlande läkare inte orkar stå emot föräldratrycket, eller vid påtagligt plågsamma vårtor, kan kryoterapi (frysbehandling) vara aktuellt. Behandlingen kan utföras av hudläkare som fryser med flytande kväve. Upprepade behandlingar krävs. Behandlingen är smärtsam och är ytterst sällan aktuell för barn under 10 år.
Andra metoder som kan komma i fråga på hudkliniker är bl.a. laserbehandling och Bleomycininjektioner (ett slags cellgift).

lördag 16 november 2013

Baculovirus används i läkemedel och vacciner, ny receptor identifierad

Används i läkemedel och vacciner
Baculovirus är en insekt-infekterande virus, som till stor del används i biotekniska tillämpningar. Baculovirusen används exempelvis vid tillverkning av Glyberan, den första genterapi i västvärlden, och i tillverkningen av cancer vaccin Cervarix och Provenge, och influensa Flublok. Tekniken är godkänd av amerikanska Food and Drug Administration, FDA, och den europeiska läkemedelsmyndigheten, EMA.


Baculovirus-Recognising Human Cell Receptor Identified for the First Time

Sep. 27, 2013 — The receptor used by baculovirus to enter and interact with human cells has been identified. This syndecan–1 receptor was identified for the first time in a recent collaborative study carried out by the University of Eastern Finland and the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. The findings increase our understanding of the strategies by which the virus causes infection in cells and further facilitates the development of baculovirus for applications of gene transfer. According to the researchers, the identification of the syndecan–1 receptor helps in understanding the ways baculovirus interacts with human cells and sheds further light on the mechanisms the virus uses in human cells.

The study also focused on the role of the syndecan–1 receptor in the cell penetration of baculovirus.
The study was published in the prestigious Journal of Virology.
Used in drugs and vaccines
Baculovirus is an insect-infecting virus, which is largely utilised in biotechnology applications. Baculoviruses are used, for example, in the manufacturing of Glyberan, the first gene therapy of the Western world, and in the manufacturing of the cancer vaccines Cervarix and Provenge, and the influenza vaccine Flublok. The technology is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, and the European Medicines Agency, EMA.
Baculovirus is not harmful to human cells, and this is why baculoviruses have become subjects of intensive research also with regard to gene therapy. In gene therapy, DNA to correct genetic errors is transported into cells using a variety of methods. Earlier studies have not been able to identify the receptor that recognises the virus, despite the fact that baculovirus has been studied intensively for decades.
The doctoral dissertation of Ms Paula Turkki, MA, on the topic in the field of cell and molecular biology will be publicly examined at the Department of Biological and Environmental Science of the University of Jyväskylä on 25 October 2013.

fredag 15 november 2013

Vetenskapsmän pratar ur skägget om GMO grödor, finns inga ordentliga studier.

Jag vill ha ett GMO-fritt Sverige. GMO-märkning skall ske på alla produkter oavsett bearbetning.


Ett. http://www.ensser.org/media/Sammanfattning av uttalandet, "Ingen vetenskaplig konsensus om GMO-säkerhet":
1. Det finns ingen vetenskaplig konsensus om att genmodifierade grödor och livsmedel är säkra för människors och djurs hälsa.
2. En peer-reviewed översyn av säkerhetsstudier på genmodifierade grödor och livsmedel som finns om ett lika stort antal forskargrupper upphov till oro över GMO säkerhet som grupper avslutande säkerhet. Dock var de flesta forskarna avslutande säkerhet anslutna med bioteknikföretag som stod att dra nytta kommersialisera GM grödan i fråga.
3. En översyn som ofta citeras för att visa genmodifierade grödor och livsmedel är säkra i själva verket omfattar studier som väckte farhågor. Forskarna är oense om tolkningen av dessa fynd.
4. Inga epidemiologiska studier har genomförts för att ta reda på om genmodifierade grödor påverkar människors hälsa, så hävdar att miljontals amerikaner äter GM-matar utan skadeverkningar har ingen vetenskaplig grund.
5. Det finns ingen vetenskaplig konsensus om säkerheten hos genmodifierade grödor för miljön. Studier har associerat GM herbicidtoleranta grödor med ökad herbicid användning och GM insektsdödande grödor med oväntade toxiska effekter på icke-målorganismer.
6. En undersökning bland forskare visade att de som fått stöd från bioteknikföretag var mer benägna att tro GM-grödor var säkert för miljön, medan oberoende forskare var mer benägna att betona osäkerheter.
7. Även om vissa vetenskapliga organ har gjort i stort sett stödjande uttalanden om GM under åren, de innehåller ofta betydande förbehåll, ring för bättre lagstiftning, och uppmärksamma de risker samt de potentiella fördelarna med GMO. Ett uttalande av American Association for att främja vetenskap (AAAS) hävdar GMO säkerhet utmanades av 21 forskare, inklusive långvariga medlemmar av AAAS.
8. Internationella avtal som Cartagenaprotokollet om biosäkerhet existerar eftersom experter världen över tror att en starkt förebyggande attityd är motiverad när det gäller GMO. Oron riskerna är välgrundade, vilket framgår av de ofta komplexa, motsägelsefulla och ofullständiga resultaten av säkerhetsstudier på GMO.

Översättningen som bjuds är ingen höjdare men här finner ni hela artikeln på engelska:http://gmwatch.eu/index.php/news/archive/2013/15126-no-consensus-on-gmo-safety-scientists-release-statement

Cose Della Vita

Vi får inte glömma att livet skall levas......... att livet kan vara som en dans.....

Flublok det första influensavaccinet, rekombinant GMO

By Jonathan Benson | Global Research, June, 2013
”According to reports, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the vaccine, known as Flublok, which contains recombinant DNA technology and an insect virus known as baculovirus that is purported to help facilitate the more rapid production of vaccines.”
”According to Flublok’s package insert, the vaccine is trivalent, which means it contains GM proteins from three different flu strains. The vaccine’s manufacturer, Protein Sciences Corporation (PSC), explains that Flublok is produced by extracting cells from the fall armyworm, a type of caterpillar, and genetically altering them to produce large amounts of hemagglutinin, a flu virus protein that enables the flu virus itself to enter the body quickly.”

Flublok influenza vaccine for the 2013-14 season now available

Published on November 14, 2013 at 12:07 AM · No Comments
Protein Sciences Corporation, the manufacturer of Flublok, the new, pure influenzavaccine containing no egg proteins, influenza virus, preservatives (e.g., thimerosal), antibiotics, gelatin or latex, announced today that doses for the 2013-14 season have been released by the FDA and are now available. Quantities of Flublok are limited and will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis exclusively by FFF Enterprises.
Flublok, a cutting-edge class of influenza vaccine called RIV3 (recombinant hemagglutinin influenza vaccine, trivalent formulation), is made by making just the active ingredient needed for protection without growing influenza virus.  The vaccine contains 3 times the protective ingredient in traditional flu vaccines.
The CDC recommends the use of Flublok for all adults 18-49 years old and specifically for those in that age range who have a known or suspected egg allergy, regardless of severity.

Inte farligare än andra influensavaccin och likvärdiga biverkningar.

Ett vaccin som riktar sig till den åldersgruppen som normalt väljer att inte vaccinera sig. Om det nu är så säkert så borde det ju kunna ges till barn, åldringar och människor med nedsatt immunförsvar.

Åter igen så kommer ett nytt vaccin ut på marknaden. Testat och säkert. Säkert! Har vi glömt Pandemrix... nej det har vi inte.
Vilka biverkningar skall vi få se denna gång och är det staten som med hjälp av våra skattepengar skall stå för eventuella ersättningar? 


USA. Nu har det genmodifierade influensavaccinet Flublok släppts på marknaden. Det är det första influensavaccinet gjort på genmodifierade proteinsträngar och finns nu på marknaden.
Nu har influensavaccinet Flublok, som myndigheten FDA godkände tidigare i år, kommit ut på marknaden. Flublok är det första godkända vaccinet baserat pårekombinant DNA. Det innebär att vaccinet innehåller genmodifierade proteinsträngar, i det här fallet från tre olika influensavirus. Vaccinet innehåller även ett insektsvirus känt som baculovirus, som enligt producenten, Protein Sciences Corporation (PSC), ska snabba på produktionen av vaccinet:
Genom att extrahera celler från en typ av nattfjärilslarv (Spodoptera frugiperda) och sedan genmodifiera dem kan man få cellerna att producera stora mängder hemagglutinin. Hemagglutinin är ett protein som hjälper influensaviruset att binda sig vid en frisk cell för att sedan kunna ta sig in i den friska cellen (och kroppen).
Så genom att använda sig av de genmodifierade cellerna och genmodifierade proteinsträngar slipper man nu odla fram viruset på det traditionella sättet i till exempel hönsägg. Därför kan man nu snabbt få fram stora mängder vaccin under en epedemi och öka vinsterna för vaccinindustrin.
Frånser biverkningarna
Men det nya vaccinet har visat sig ha många sidoeffekter, bland annat har patienter drabbats av nervsjukdomen Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Andra potentiella biverkningar är allergiska reaktioner, luftvägsinfektioner, huvudvärk, trötthet, försämrat immunförsvar, rinnsnuva och muskelvärk.
Enligt uppgifter på bipacksedeln som följer med vaccinet dog två försökspersoner till följd av Flublok under PSC:s utvärdering. Trots biverkningar och dödsfall insisterar fortfarande företaget på att vaccinet är säkert och effektivt. Det genmodifierade vaccinet uppges fungera på hela 45 procent av de influensavirus som existerar idag.
Enligt Reuters är redan två andra genmodifierade vaccin under utveckling. Ett av vaccinen, som utvecklas av Novavax, kommer även det innehålla ”virusliknande partiklar” från insektslarver.

Mycket pengar involverade gällande GMO vaccin forskning:  



Jag är inte förvånad över att läsa att biverkningar skall rapporteras in för det görs numera under resans gång. Dock fortfarande på frivillig basis i Staterna.

Nästa steg blir väl att förpacka doserna så att de kan spridas med flygplan, eller?