The importance of this of course is that it underlines the points that:-
- news media are intentionally covering up the public disaster where 1 in 64 British children [1 in 40 being British boys] have an autistic condition and 1 in 100 US children do also;
- when they should instead report such a terrible thing fairly and campaign to do something about stopping this happening;
- the evidence presented is so strong that a UK national newspaper cannot answer it and airbrushes it from its online pages.
What happened was that in response to numerous comments claiming vaccines are not implicated in causing autistic conditions CHS intervened. CHS posted publicly made quotes and links to evidence confirming numerous US government agencies and officials have confirmed vaccines do cause autistic conditions. These include:
- Merck’s current Director of Vaccines Julie Gerberding when she was Director of the US Centers for Disease Control;
- the US Health Resources Services Administration;
- the US Federal Court;
- the US Secretary of State for Health and Human Services.
The evidence and posts appear below in full. These include posts noting the financial ties between the Guardian newspaper and medical publishers with undeclared substantial conflicting financial and business interests in the pharmaceutical industry
Underliga äro herrens vägar sa alltid gammelmormor..... Hur kunde vi hamna i en situation där media väljer att skydda läkemedelsindustrin istället för att tillvarata allas vår rätt till korrekt information?
Mer och mer tidningar väljer att ta bort möjligheten för läsarna att skriva kommentarer och någon nämnde att det inte var en demokratisk rättighet att kommentera.......
Det är dock en demokratisk rättighet att inte läsa den förvrängda informationen utan vi kan alla söka på nätet och kontakta forskarna direkt istället.
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