Lite härlig musik till nedanstående tunga läsning. Var det inte så att läkemedel skulle förebygga, lindra eller bota? I denna nya nanoteknikvärld så borde vi kanske fundera över hur säkra de läkemedel verkligen är som föreskrivs oss.
Tillsats av scavengers i läkemedlen för att de skall eliminera de föroreningar som uppstått under tillverkningsprocessen vilka kan vara giftiga för våra kroppar och som kan orsaka genmutationer, kromosomförändring och vi skall inte förglömma cancer…… denna sjukdom som de vill forska om och utrota. Sjukvård blir till sjuk vård.
Välj själva betydelsen av ordet scavengers:
1) substantiv : ett djur eller en annan organism som lever på döda organiska ting/ämnen
2) en person som söker igenom och sparar på saker som andra slängt bort
Är det niobion från TV:n som är på VÄG IN I VÅRA FRISKA LIV?
Big Pharma wants nano-scavengers in its drugs
By radyananda
New research explains that:
A variety of chemical compounds, intermediates, and reagents are used during the process of synthesizing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Some of these chemicals, intermediates, and reagents, as well as byproducts of synthetic processes, can have toxic properties and be present as impurities at low levels in the API or final drug formulation….
The kinetics of acrolein scavenging in the presence of the API iodixanol and the scavenging capacity of resins were demonstrated in this paper.
They found a nanopolymer so efficient it cleans up 97.8% of acrolein without eating the active pharmaceutical components.
Yum… drugs with nanobots.
“Pharmaceutical genotoxic impurities may induce genetic mutations, chromosomal breaks, or chromosomal rearrangements, and have the potential to cause cancer in human,” lead researcher Ecevit Yilmaz told In-PharmaTechnologist. “Therefore, exposure to even low levels of such impurities present in the final API may be of significant toxicological concern.”
Research began in earnest after the European Medicines Agency issued its Guideline on the Limits of Genotoxic Impurities in 2006, which set the limit at 1.5m/day under the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC):
A TTC value of 1.5 μg/day intake of a genotoxic impurity is considered to be associated with an acceptable risk (excess cancer risk of <1 in 100,000 over a lifetime) for most pharmaceuticals.
The US Food and Drug Administration followed suit in 2008.
Some nanopolymer scavengers are more or less selective in their activity, the team discovered, based on polymer structure. “Less cross-linked ones showed an ‘undesired high level of nonspecific binding to the API’,” meaning they readily eat the good properties of the drugs, and who knows what else.
In a 2008 study, mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were also found to “restore damaged cell membranes and ameilorate abnormal mitochondrial behavior induced by” genotoxins (like acrolein). “MSNs modified with drug/polymer constructs provide significant neuroprotection to cells damaged by a usually lethal exposure to acrolein.”
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