torsdag 31 oktober 2013

Peer review bedömning vid forskning - opartisk/rättvis?

2013-10-28 Hur bra är peer review som urvalsmetod för att hitta forskning som verkligen bryter ny mark och förändrar världen? Och hur kan metoden utvecklas för att bli bättre och säkrare? Tidningen Curie har intervjuat Terttu Luukonen, Finland, som studerat processen för peer review vid Europeiska forskningsrådet.
När en vetenskaplig artikel eller ansökan om forskningsanslag ska bedömas används ofta peer review. Metoden innebär att artikeln eller ansökan bedöms av andra forskare inom samma område (kollegial bedömning). Tanken är att processen ska ge en opartisk och rättvis bedömning där de bästa bidragen väljs ut.
Att använda peer review vid bedömningen av vetenskapliga artiklar blev vanligt först efter andra världskriget som en följd av den ökade specialiseringen inom forskningen. Metoden har spelat en stor roll för vetenskapens kvalitet och integritet.

Många varianter

Men hur bra är egentligen peer review på att identifiera banbrytande forskning? Och hur kan metoden utvecklas för att bli bättre och säkrare? Det är frågor som Terttu Luukkonen vid Forskningsinstitutet för finsk ekonomi i Helsingfors forskat om.
– Många tror att peer review är en och samma sak. Men tillämpningarna kan se olika ut, bland annat beroende på hur kvalificerade utvärderarna är, hur de är organiserade och hur många som får interagera med varandra. Forskningsområdets storlek och syftet med utvärderingen spelar också in.
Hon har studerat hur peer review-processen vid Europeiska forskningsrådet, ERC, fungerar för att släppa fram banbrytande forskning. ERC använder både bedömningar gjorda av enskilda personer och paneler.
– Det är viktigt att granskarna träffas för att diskutera eventuella meningsskiljaktigheter. Om granskningen bara görs av enskilda personer blir det upp till någon annan att tolka resultatet och då beror det alltid på vem den andra personen är. Panelerna är därför väldigt viktiga.
ERC:s ambition är att stötta banbrytande forskning, men Terttu Luukkonen menar att man troligtvis ändå missar en del sådan. I verkligheten blir bedömningen alltid en kompromiss där man balanserar extrem risk med en önskan om att finansiera exceptionellt kvalificerad forskning.


onsdag 30 oktober 2013

Förlossningsarbete med rätt läkemedel - Cytotec - nej tack!

IVO har fått in anmälningar och användning av andra för ändamålet framforskade läkemedel förordas av Läkemedelsverket. Får den gravida patienten tillräckligt med information om Cytotec och dess risker innan det ges eller handlar det bara om ett strikt ekonomiskt beslut?

Stoppad medicin används för att sätta i gång förlossningar

Läkemedelsverket gick för ett år sedan ut och meddelade att medicinen Cytotec inte bör användas för att sätta i gång förlossningar. Myndigheten kan inte slå fast att läkemedlet hotar patientsäkerheten. Men uppger att Cytotec, som är en magsårsmedicin, inte har granskats för att användas vid förlossningar, skriver Dagens Nyheter.
Trots att det också finns farhågor om att Cytotec kan ge så kraftiga sammandragningar hos den blivande modern att det kan resultera i syrebrist används läkemedlet flitigt runtom på landets förlossningskliniker.
Åtta av de tio största förlossningsavdelningarna i landet använder Cytotec vid förlossningar, visar DN:s granskning.
– Vår erfarenhet är positiv. Vi anser inte att det är farligt att ge kvinnor denna behandling. Tvärtom är den både billig och effektiv. Den ger mycket gott resultat och vi ser inte många biverkningar, säger Eva Eneroth, ansvarig läkare på Södersjukhusets förlossningsavdelning till DN.
Inspektionen för vård och omsorg har fått in flera anmälningar om skador i samband med Cytotec, bland annat brustna livmödrar. Däremot finns ingen statistik hos myndigheten, skriver DN.
– Det stora skälet till att vården använder Cytotec är ekonomiskt. Men det finns trots allt godkända medel som fungerar bra. Man borde kunna använda dessa, säger Viveca Odlind, professor i gynekologi på Läkemedelsverket, till tidningen.
Läkare kan använda mediciner utanför de tilltänkta användningsområdena genom den fria förskrivningsrätten.

Biologisk cancerterapi

  1. Först börjar vi med förklaringen till hur cancervaccin fungerar......
    sedan kan den som är intresserad av biologisk cancerterapi läsa vidare på:

    What are cancer treatment vaccines?

    Cancer treatment vaccines are designed to treat cancers that have already developed rather than to prevent them in the first place. Cancer treatment vaccines contain cancer-associatedantigens to enhance the immune system’s response to a patient’s tumor cells. The cancer-associated antigens can be proteins or another type of molecule found on the surface of or inside cancer cells that can stimulate B cells or killer T cells to attack them.
    Some vaccines that are under development target antigens that are found on or in many types of cancer cells. These types of cancer vaccines are being tested in clinical trials in patients with a variety of cancers, including prostate, colorectal, lung, breast, and thyroid cancers. Other cancer vaccines target antigens that are unique to a specific cancer type (7-14). Still other vaccines are designed against an antigen specific to one patient’s tumor and need to be customized for each patient. The one cancer treatment vaccine that has received FDA approval, sipuleucel-T, is this type of vaccine.
    Because of the limited toxicity seen with cancer vaccines, they are also being tested in clinical trials in combination with other forms of therapy, such as hormonal therapychemotherapy,radiation therapy, and targeted therapies. (For more information see Cancer Vaccines.)

    Med andra ord det finns oftast fler än en väg att välja........
    se till att du får all information innan du väljer vad som är bäst för dig......

tisdag 29 oktober 2013

Ingefära och prostatacancer

 2012 Feb;107(4):473-84. doi: 10.1017/S0007114511003308. Epub 2011 Aug 18.

Benefits of whole ginger extract in prostate cancer.


Department of Biology, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303, USA.


It is appreciated far and wide that increased and regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is linked with noteworthy anticancer benefits. Extensively consumed as a spice in foods and beverages worldwide, ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is an excellent source of several bioactive phenolics, including non-volatile pungent compounds such as gingerols, paradols, shogaols and gingerones. Ginger has been known to display anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative activities, indicating its promising role as a chemopreventive agent. Here, we show that whole ginger extract (GE) exerts significant growth-inhibitory and death-inductory effects in a spectrum of prostate cancer cells. Comprehensive studies have confirmed that GE perturbed cell-cycle progression, impaired reproductive capacity, modulated cell-cycle and apoptosis regulatory molecules and induced a caspase-driven, mitochondrially mediated apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Remarkably, daily oral feeding of 100 mg/kg body weight of GE inhibited growth and progression of PC-3 xenografts by approximately 56 % in nude mice, as shown by measurements of tumour volume. Tumour tissue from GE-treated mice showed reduced proliferation index and widespread apoptosis compared with controls, as determined by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical methods. Most importantly, GE did not exert any detectable toxicity in normal, rapidly dividing tissues such as gut and bone marrow. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to demonstrate the in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of whole GE for the management of prostate cancer.

Forskningen går vidare...... ingefära har kända anti-inflammatoriska egenskaper och inger förhoppningar.
Har även läst att den kan ha viss effekt på äggstockscancer. 
Följer denna utveckling med stort intresse.

Gardasil samma skydd för alla?

Vilka HPV virus strängar kan egentligen orsaka livmoderhalscancer?
Får alla samma skydd som blir vaccinerade?

Dagens HPV vaccin skyddar inte fullt ut vilket många tror. Det finns fortfarande en stor chans att drabbas av livmoderhalscancer eftersom det endast skyddar mot vissa av de strängar som anses kunna orsaka cancer.
Så det är fortfarande jätteviktigt att gå på regelbundna cellprovstagningar.

Ett nytt vaccin håller för närvarande på att testas, detta riktar sig emot 9 olika HPV strängar. Ytterligare studier krävs.

Public release date:

HPV strains affecting African-American women differ from vaccines

NATIONAL HARBOR, M.D. – Two subtypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) prevented by vaccines are half as likely to be found in African-American women as in white women with precancerous cervical lesions, according to researchers at Duke Medicine.

The findings, presented on Oct. 28, 2013, at the 12th annual International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research hosted by the American Association for Cancer Research, suggest that African-American women may be less likely to benefit from available HPV vaccines to prevent cervical cancer.

HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection with more than 40 subtypes. The virus causes nearly all cases of cervical cancer, which begin as precancerous cervical abnormalities. 
Two vaccines currently available to young women prevent infection by HPV 16 and HPV 18, the HPV strains responsible for about 70 percent cervical cancers.
"Screening programs for cervical cancer are known to work well, with around 90 percent of sexually active women getting screened through Pap tests," said senior author Cathrine Hoyo, Ph.D., M.P.H., associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University School of Medicine.

"The question is, if screening rates are comparable in African-American and white women, why are the rates of cervical cancer and mortality higher among African-American women when we have a program that works so well?"
Hoyo and her colleagues sought to better understand these disparities by determining if African-American and white women in the U.S. are infected with the same subtypes of HPV. The researchers enrolled 572 participants -- 280 African-American women and 292 non-Hispanic white women -- who came for additional testing after receiving abnormal Pap test results.

Of the 572 participants, 245 (43 percent) had no precancerous cervical abnormalities, 239 (42 percent) had early precancerous cervical abnormalities, and 88 (15 percent) had advanced precancerous cervical abnormalities. Seventy-three percent of the women infected with HPV were infected with multiple HPV subtypes.

When the researchers looked at the specific strains of HPV, they found that white women and African-American women were often infected with different subtypes. The most frequent HPV subtypes detected among white women with early precancerous cervical abnormalities were 16, 18, 56, 39 and 66, while HPV subtypes 33, 35, 58 and 68 were the most common ones detected in African-Americans.

In those with advanced precancerous cervical abnormalities, HPV 16, 18, 33, 39 and 59 were the most common genotypes detected in white women, whereas HPV 31, 35, 45, 56, 58, 66 and 68 were the most prevalent in African-American women.

"Compared with white women, we saw that African-American women had about half as many infections with HPV 16 and 18, the subtypes that are covered by HPV vaccines," said Adriana Vidal, Ph.D., assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University School of Medicine and the study's first author. "Since African-American women don't seem to be getting the same subtypes of HPV with the same frequency, the vaccines aren't helping all women equally."

A new HPV vaccine targeting nine HPV subtypes (6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58) is currently being tested in phase III trials. While the new vaccine may help prevent additional HPV infections by covering new subtypes, it may not address the disparities found in this study.

"The most disconcerting part of this new vaccine is it doesn't include HPV 35, 66 and 68, three of the strains of HPV of which African-American women are getting the most," Hoyo said. "We may want to rethink how we develop these vaccines, given that African-Americans tend to be underrepresented in clinical trials."

The researchers noted that while these findings are compelling, the results are preliminary and the studies should be replicated in larger populations. Hoyo, Vidal and their colleagues are also continuing the research to define epigenetic marks that can be used to predict which precancerous cervical abnormalities will advance.
In additional to Hoyo and Vidal, study authors from Duke include Fidel Valea, Anne Ford, Francine Overcash and Susan K. Murphy of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Rex Bentley and Katherine Grant of the Department of Pathology; and Maggie Gradison and Kimberly S. H. Yarnall of the Department of Community and Family Medicine. Jennifer S. Smith of the Department of Epidemiology at Gillings School of Global Public Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill also contributed to the research.
The research was supported by the National Cancer Institute (R01CA142983 and R01CA142983-02S1). The authors reported no conflicts of interest.

torsdag 24 oktober 2013

Förgiftat hundgodis? Varning

USA today video

The Food and Drug Administration is asking pet owners and veterinarians to help solve a mystery: Why have jerky treats coming mostly from China sickened more than 3,600 dogs and cats and killed at least 580 of them since 2007?
The number of illnesses and deaths — the vast majority of which have affected dogs — has risen since January.
What the pets have in common: They became ill, usually within hours, after consuming treats sold as jerky tenders or strips. The treats are made of chicken, duck, sweet potatoes or dried fruit. Typical symptoms include decreased appetite and activity, vomiting, diarrhea, increased water consumption and increased urination. Some affected pets suffer kidney failure.

Varningen gäller torkat hundgodis ifrån Kina. Titta ordentligt på påsarna och välj endast de varor som har angivit tillverkningsland. Nestle är en av tillverkarna.

tisdag 22 oktober 2013

Autism länkat till vaccin i 28 studier

And today, scientists and physicians from Wake Forest University, New York, and Venezuela, reported findings that not only confirm the presence of intestinal disease in children with autism and intestinal symptoms, but also indicate that this disease may be novel. [viii] Using sophisticated laboratory methods Dr. Steve Walker and his colleagues endorsed Wakefield’s original findings by showing molecular changes in the children’s intestinal tissues that were highly distinctive and clearly abnormal.

From 1998 Dr. Wakefield discovered and reported intestinal disease in children with autism. [ix] Based upon the medical histories of the children he linked their disease and their autistic regression to the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR vaccine). He has since been subjected to relentless personal and professional attacks in the media, and from governments, doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. In the wake of demonstrably false and highly damaging allegations of scientific fraud by British journalist Brian Deer and the British Medical Journal, Dr. Wakefield is pursuing defamation proceedings against them in Texas. [x]

While repeated studies from around the world confirmed Wakefield’s bowel disease in autistic children [xi] and his position that safety studies of the MMR are inadequate, [xii] Dr. Wakefield ’s career has been destroyed by false allegations.  Despite this he continues to work tirelessly to help solve the autism catastrophe.

The incidence of autism has rocketed to a risk of around 1 in 25 for children born today. Mean while governments, absent any explanation and fearing loss of public trust, continue to deny the vaccine autism connection despite the concessions in vaccine court.

Speaking from his home in Austin, Texas, Dr. Wakefield said, 

There can be very little doubt that vaccines can and do cause autism. In these children, the evidence for a n adverse reaction involving brain injury following the MMR that progresses to an autism diagnosis is compelling. It’s now a question of the body count. The parents’ story was right all along. Governments must stop playing with words while children continue to be damaged . My hope is that recognition of the intestinal disease in these children will lead to the relief of their suffering. This is long , long overdue .”

Artikeln innehåller även en video samt en lista över 28 vetenskapliga studier, utförda i hela världen och som alla stödjer Dr Wakefield’s forskning.

Jag befann mig i USA 1998 och försökte följa alla vetenskapliga program samt de rättegångar i ämnet som sändes på C-span. Läkare som uttryckte sin förtvivlan över de inflammationsskador de funnit hos barn i deras tarmar. Påståenden som specialister och läkemedelsföretagens advokater satt och flinade åt samtidigt som de mer eller mindre omyndighetsförklarade de stackars läkare som vågade tala ut med risk för att bli av med sin läkarleg för all framtid.

Långt ifrån alla som drabbats kommer att få ersättning ty så fungerar systemet. Ett fåtal får ersättning och sedan friskrivs tillverkaren. Kvar sitter föräldrar och de drabbade autiska barnen.

Men som sagt.... detta krig kommer att fortsätta i all evighet för det kommer alltid att finnas två sidor, en som säger att det är ofarligt och en annan som säger att det är farligt. Man kan kalla det för balans eller spelet på marknaden.

Vad man skall välja är vad som är bäst för individen, för familjen, i den situation de befinner sig i. Allt är ett risktagande, ett val som måste göras och vi kan bara göra vårt bästa.

måndag 21 oktober 2013

GMO världen och dess nya skapelser

Lite humor med en stor portion sanning..... eller?

GMO foder ger skador på grismagar...

Någon efterfrågade en peer-reviewed studie och här kommer en av alla som finns ute på nätet.

Grisarna har blivit utfodrande med genmodifierad soja och majs.

Dr. Judy Carman, associate professor in Health and the Environment at Flinders University (Adelaide, South Australia) and a team of seven other co-authors and scientists have released results of a long-term, peer-reviewed toxicology study that has found even more adverse effects resulting from the consumption of genetically modified foods.

Using 168 just-weaned piglets from a commercial pig farm located in the United States, researchers fed half the subjects a mixed diet of widely-used varieties of GM maize (corn) and soy. The other half—the control group—were fed an equivalent non-GM diet.
Pigs were specifically chosen as the test animal since their digestive system is similar to that of humans. Another factor was that investigators in the past had observed both digestive and reproductive problems in pigs fed GM crops, so this provided a basis for further scientific investigation.

 Dr. Carman and her team discovered a 25% increase in uterus weight in the animals fed the GM diet as compared to the control group.  In addition, GM-fed male pigs were four times more likely to be afflicted with severe stomach inflammation, while females had more than double the risk of the control group.
The doctor emphasized that both the uterus and stomach findings were biologically and statistically significant.  There was also a “marginally significant change on a measure of liver health in the blood of GM-fed pigs.”

ingen cohort studie här inte.......


Round-up ger DNA skador på fisk

Genotoxic effects of the herbicide Roundup(®) in the fish Corydoras paleatus (Jenyns 1842) after short-term, environmentally low concentration exposure.

de Castilhos Ghisi N, Cestari MM.

GMO-frönas aktivator även kallat för bekämpningsmedel: Round-up

ger skador på fisk DNA vid låga kvantiteter.

När våra åkrar dränks med Round-up så rinner det ner i grundvattnet

och vad händer sedan?



Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Ambientes Aquáticos Continentais, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av Colombo, 5790 Bloco G-90, sala 16, Jardim Universitário, 87020-900 Maringá, Paraná, Brazil.

The glyphosate-based herbicide, Roundup(®), is one of the most used pesticides worldwide. In concert with the advent of transgenic crops resistant to glyphosate, the use of this pesticide has led to an increase in agricultural yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effect that the herbicide Roundup(®) (at a concentration of 6.67 μg/L, corresponding to 3.20 μg/L glyphosate) can have on the fish Corydoras paleatus. Treatment groups were exposed for 3, 6, and 9 days, and effects were analyzed using the piscine micronucleus test (PMT) and comet assay. A group subjected to filtered water only was used as a negative control. The PMT did not show differences between the control and exposed groups for any of the treatment times. In contrast, the comet assay showed a high rate of DNA damage in group exposed to Roundup(®) for all treatment times, both for blood and hepatic cells. We conclude that for the low concentration used in this research, the herbicide shows potential genotoxic effects. Future research will be important in evaluating the effects of this substance, whose presence in the environment is ever-increasing.


Gardasil myntets baksida del 2

Samma studie men med lite annorlunda tolkning:

“We see nothing indicating that the HPV vaccine involves any risk of serious side effects,” says Associate Professor Lisen Arnheim-Dahlström of Karolinska Institute’s (KI’s) Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics.

Arnheim-Dahlström says that the researchers do not have information on side effects or disorders that would have been registered with general practitioners or emergency wards.
“We don’t have an overview of these registers and can’t say anything about prospective passing fevers, headaches, dizziness or reddening of the skin around the injection spot. We decided to give priority to serious, pronounced and defined diagnoses. But we haven’t found any increased prevalence of these kinds of problems among those who were vaccinated when compared to those who weren’t,” she says.

“We will continue to conduct this type of study as the years go by and will monitor developments with women who have taken the HPV vaccine. But as the time since the vaccination increases, it will be more and more difficult to say whether any negative developments can be linked to the vaccine rather than to some other risk factor,” she said.  “The vaccine could lead to side effects, as can be said with other medications, but we shouldn’t forget to weigh the benefits against the risks.”




Gardasil myntets baksida?

Autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic adverse events after immunisation of adolescent girls with quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in Denmark and Sweden: cohort study

BMJ 2013; 347 doi: (Published 9 October 2013)
Cite this as: BMJ 2013;347:f5906


Objective To assess the risk of serious adverse events after vaccination of adolescent girls with quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine.
Design Register based cohort study.
Setting Denmark and Sweden, October 2006 to December 2010.
Participants 997 585 girls aged 10-17, among whom 296 826 received a total of 696 420 qHPV vaccine doses.
Main outcome measures Incident hospital diagnosed autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic events (53 different outcomes) up to 180 days after each qHPV vaccine dose. Only events with at least five vaccine exposed cases were considered for further assessment. Rate ratios adjusted for age, country, calendar year, and parental country of birth, education, and socioeconomic status were estimated, comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated person time. For outcomes where the rate ratio was significantly increased, we regarded three criteria as signal strengthening: analysis based on 20 or more vaccine exposed cases (reliability), rate ratio 3.0 or more (strength), and significantly increased rate ratio in country specific analyses (consistency). We additionally assessed clustering of events in time and estimated rate ratios for a risk period that started on day 181.
Results Among the 53 outcomes, at least five vaccine exposed cases occurred in 29 and these were analysed further. Whereas the rate ratios for 20 of 23 autoimmune events were not significantly increased, exposure to qHPV vaccine was significantly associated with Behcet’s syndrome, Raynaud’s disease, and type 1 diabetes. Each of these three outcomes fulfilled only one of three predefined signal strengthening criteria. Furthermore, the pattern of distribution in time after vaccination was random for all three and the rate ratios for these outcomes in the period from day 181 after vaccination were similar to the rate ratios in the primary risk period. The rate ratios for five neurological events were not significantly increased and there were inverse associations with epilepsy (rate ratio 0.66, 95% confidence interval 0.54 to 0.80) and paralysis (0.56, 0.35 to 0.90). There was no association between exposure to qHPV vaccine and venous thromboembolism (0.86, 0.55 to 1.36).
Conclusions This large cohort study found no evidence supporting associations between exposure to qHPV vaccine and autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic adverse events. Although associations for three autoimmune events were initially observed, on further assessment these were weak and not temporally related to vaccine exposure. Furthermore, the findings need to be interpreted considering the multiple outcomes assessed.


Since the regulatory approval of first the quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine in 2006 and later the bivalent HPV vaccine, as of 2011 about 120 million doses have been distributed worldwide.1 The introduction of a new vaccine invariably puts focus not only on its effectiveness but also on its safety. From experience we know that adverse events, with onset shortly after the receipt of a vaccine, especially if these events are serious (for example, chronic immune mediated and neurological diseases), tend to be attributed to this exposure by pure temporal association.2 3 The likelihood of adverse events occurring in temporal association with exposure to vaccine will increase proportionally with vaccine coverage as a new vaccine is introduced. Concern about vaccine related adverse events has been identified as an important barrier to vaccination and one of the reasons for low HPV vaccine uptake in some settings.4 5 Concerns about autoimmune and neurological conditions being triggered by HPV vaccination may be fueled further by findings related to other vaccines, such as the reported association between adjuvanted influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccine and narcolepsy in Sweden and Finland6 7 as well as a small but significantly increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome after influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 vaccination, according to a recent meta-analysis.8 Several potential mechanisms by which vaccines could induce or stimulate autoimmunity have been suggested, including molecular mimicry and bystander activation.2 Consequently, to acquire the best possible evidence of safety, adverse events of newly introduced vaccines such as the HPV vaccines need to be monitored continuously.
Most adverse events occurring after HPV vaccination of adolescent girls have been mild and temporary, such as fever, headache, and injection site reactions.9 10 Pooled analyses of clinical trials have involved almost 12 000 participants exposed to the qHPV vaccine11 and more than 16 000 participants exposed to the bivalent HPV vaccine.12 Although these studies did not identify an increased risk of chronic or autoimmune diseases overall, they were not large enough to study individual conditions. An analysis of 12 424 reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, among which 772 described serious events, identified disproportionate reporting of syncope and venous thromboembolic events but not other events, such as autoimmune conditions.13 However, analysis of data reported to passive surveillance can only identify potential risk signals and can neither estimate the risk relative to an unexposed population nor exclude risks with certainty. Sequential analyses of Vaccine Safety Datalink observational data within seven managed care organisations in the United States (600 558 qHPV vaccine doses) found no increased risk of eight prespecified outcomes, although a non-significantly increased relative risk of venous thromboembolism was observed.14 A cohort study of 189 629 women in two managed care organisations in California explored the risk of 16 autoimmune events and found a significantly increased rate ratio for Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, although further assessment revealed no temporal relation or biological plausibility to support a true association.15 In this same cohort, no new safety concerns emerged when the risk of visits to an emergency department or admissions to hospital were evaluated for a wide range of health outcomes.16
Sweden and Denmark keep population based healthcare registers and thereby have unique opportunities to address the safety of HPV vaccination. In Denmark, we have previously described the incidence rates of anticipated immune mediated adverse events among adolescent girls in the period before the introduction of HPV vaccination.17 In the present study we identified potential safety signals after the introduction of qHPV vaccination in Denmark and Sweden by comparing incidence rates of several autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic adverse events between adolescent girls exposed and not exposed to the qHPV vaccine.


Study population

This register based cohort study of serious adverse events associated with the qHPV vaccine was based on individual level data from all 10 to 17 year old adolescent girls in Denmark and Sweden, between 1 October 2006 and 31 December 2010. Every resident in both Denmark and Sweden has a unique personal identification number enabling individual level linkage between multiple registers.18 To define the study cohort in Sweden, we obtained information on birth date and date of death from the total population register and death register, respectively, from Statistics Sweden. To define the study cohort in Denmark, we used the Civil Registration System, which contains daily updated information on vital and demographic variables, such as birth date and place, and loss to follow-up due to emigration or disappearance from the registers, and death.19


The qHPV vaccine (Gardasil; Sanofi Pasteur MSD SNC, Lyon, France (in the United States: Merck, Whitehouse Station, NJ)) was marketed in Europe on 20 September 2006. In Sweden, the qHPV vaccine has been subsidised for 13-17 year old adolescent girls since May 2007 (inclusion of HPV vaccination in the national vaccination programme for 10-12 year old girls was initially planned for January 2010 but was postponed to January 2012 and then coupled with catch-up vaccination of 13-17 year old adolescent girls). In Denmark, the qHPV vaccine has been included in the national vaccination programme since January 2009 for 12 year old girls, with catch-up vaccination of 13-15 year olds from October 2008.
We obtained information on exposure to HPV vaccine in Denmark from the childhood vaccination database at Statens Serum Institut.20 This database is continually updated from National Health Insurance data obtained from the National Board of Health. General practitioners in Denmark carry out all immunisations in the childhood vaccination programme and are reimbursed for reporting each instance to the National Health Insurance. Reimbursement takes place only after the general practitioner has submitted a form that details the vaccine, the date it was administered, and the personal identification number of the recipient. Therefore the database is thought to be close to complete for vaccines administered through the national programme. Because HPV vaccination was also available outside the national programme in the study period, we retrieved additional vaccination data from the national prescription register, which contains individual level information on all prescriptions filled at all Danish pharmacies. This includes the personal identification number of the recipient, the date the prescription was dispensed, and the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code.21 The ATC code used to identify the qHPV vaccine was J07BM01. In Sweden, correspondingly, we obtained information on vaccination status from Svevac and the drug prescription register. Svevac is a national HPV vaccination register, established in 2006 and held by the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease. Healthcare staff who administer the vaccines report to Svevac on a voluntary basis, and the register has an estimated completeness of about 80%.22 The drug prescription register contains all prescription drugs dispensed at pharmacies in Sweden since 1 July 2005.23 Adolescent girls aged between 13 and 17 years received subsidised HPV vaccination and vaccination had to be prescribed and expedited at a pharmacy, thereby generating a register entry in the drug prescription register. The register is held by the National Board of Health and Welfare. For adolescent girls aged 13-17 years it is assumed that almost 100% of administered HPV vaccine doses are registered in the drug prescription register.


We identified data on predefined adverse events from the national patient registers in both countries using ICD-10 codes (international classification of diseases, 10th revision). The patient registers include nationwide individual level information on dates of hospital contact and doctor assigned diagnoses according to the international classification of diseases.24 We did not have information on outcomes from primary healthcare. The Danish patient register was established in 1977, has included both inpatients and outpatients since 1994, and has been using ICD-10 codes since 1995, whereas the Swedish patient register has had nationwide coverage since 1987, has included both inpatients and outpatients since 2001, and has used ICD-10 codes since 1997.25 We predefined several serious adverse outcome events, as identified from records of inpatient admissions and hospital outpatient and emergency department visits, based on our earlier study of autoimmune events,17 and we added several neurological events. We also included venous thromboembolism because it represents a potential adverse event.13 14 The included outcomes are all well defined diseases. In total, we assessed 53 outcomes (see supplementary table 1 for all included outcome events, with ICD-10 codes).

Covariate information

From Statistics Denmark and Statistics Sweden we obtained data on parental educational level, country of birth, and socioeconomic status. We identified the parents from the Danish Civil Registration System and Swedish multigeneration register.

Statistical analyses

Adolescent girls were followed from age 10 years or 1 October 2006, whichever came latest, and until either the occurrence of an adverse event, receipt of bivalent HPV vaccine (Cervarix, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals; Rixensart, Belgium; ATC code J07BM02), death, disappearance from the registers, emigration (this information was only available for Denmark), 18th birthday, or end of follow-up (31 December 2010). We aggregated the resulting person years of follow-up with counts of outcome events according to qHPV vaccine exposure status and analysed these using Poisson regression (log-linear regression of the counts using the logarithm of follow-up time as offset). This produced incidence rate ratios according to qHPV exposure status. Exposure to the qHPV vaccine was a time varying variable; thus adolescent girls could contribute person time to the study first as unvaccinated and later as vaccinated, but once vaccinated the girls could not be put into the unvaccinated category again. All individual outcomes were treated as separate analyses, and for each specific analysis girls were eligible only if free from the outcome event before entry to the cohort. Estimates were adjusted for country, age in two year categories, calendar year, parental educational level (highest attained level of either parent classified as: primary school (nine years) or shorter; secondary school (12 years); short tertiary education; and medium or long tertiary education), parental country of birth (categories: both parents, one parent, or no parent born in Scandinavia), and paternal socioeconomic status (categories: employment with basic, unknown, or no qualification; employment with medium level or high level qualifications; self employed; and not in labour market).
For all autoimmune and neurological outcomes, we defined the period at risk as 180 days after exposure to vaccine. This period was chosen to allow for the insidious onset of the diseases studied and because diagnostic investigations may take time; in a recent study of autoimmune outcomes after qHPV vaccination, the median time between first symptoms and diagnosis was 23 days (interquartile range 2-59 days).15 26 For venous thromboembolism, the period at risk was 90 days after vaccination. This was regarded as the maximal period where an acute event could be plausibly related to vaccination; furthermore, the mean time between vaccination and diagnosis of thromboembolism among cases reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System was 42 days.13
Because we acquired data on vaccine exposure from two sources that were partly overlapping—that is, some of the girls had both filled prescriptions and were registered in one of the vaccination databases—we applied an algorithm to harmonise the data and define dates of vaccination. Essentially this algorithm removed double data entries and doses appearing beyond the three dose schedule. Furthermore, on the basis of data from girls with both filled prescriptions and register entries in vaccination databases, it was established that the median lag between the dispensing of a prescription and the date of vaccination as registered in the vaccination databases was two days. Consequently, for vaccine doses that were defined by prescriptions alone, the date of exposure was defined as the date of filling the prescription plus two days.
As the recommended qHPV vaccine schedule includes three doses given at 0, 2, and 6 months, any girl could contribute up to three doses in the analyses; we counted exposed person time from the date the vaccine was administered, and each dose contributed up to 180 days (autoimmune and neurological events) of follow-up or up to 90 days (venous thromboembolism) of follow-up (fig 1). We used SAS statistical software version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
Fig 1 Periods at risk for autoimmune and neurological events in adolescent girls after exposure to quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccine. For venous thromboembolism, each period at risk was up to 90 days

Analytical strategy

Given that a large number of serious adverse events were assessed and consequently there was a high probability of chance findings, we used the following predefined criteria for the analysis of data. As the first criterion, and in the interest of obtaining relatively reliable rate ratios, for any further assessment to take place we considered only outcomes with at least five vaccine exposed cases during the predefined period at risk. To be regarded as a safety signal, the rate ratio for an outcome with at least five vaccine exposed cases had to be significantly increased (lower bound of 95% confidence interval >1.0). We regarded three criteria as signal strengthening: analysis based on 20 or more vaccine exposed cases (reliability of analysis); a rate ratio of 3.0 or more (strength of association); and significantly increased rate ratios in both countries when analysed separately (consistency). For outcomes where the rate ratio was significantly increased, we additionally assessed clustering of events in time by plotting cases according to time since exposure to the vaccine and estimated rate ratios for a risk period that started on day 181.



The study cohort included 997 585 girls of whom 296 826 (29.8%) received at least one dose of the qHPV vaccine (table 1). Among the vaccinated girls, 238 608 (80.4% of vaccinated girls and 23.9% of total study cohort) received the second dose and 160 986 (54.2% of vaccinated girls and 16.1% of total study cohort) received the third. Overall, 696 420 qHPV vaccine doses were administered. During follow-up, 1322 girls received the bivalent HPV vaccine and hence were censored.

Artikeln finns i sin helhet här:

Är det någon mer än jag som tycker att cohort studier är fantastiska. Sverige har ett vaccinregister, det finns tillgång till journaler och här kan forskarna gå igenom dokumentationen för att via dem göra vetenskapliga bedömningar för att sedan kunna kalla det för evidensbaserat.....
Vi skall inte förglömma dokumentationsproblematiken som vi har inom vården. Ett system i en kommun kan inte kommunicera med ett annat. Många vårdcentralen klagar över hur dåligt de nyinköpta datasystemen är och att de är svårarbetade.... hur mycket faller mellan stolarna..... hur många har blivit hemsända med uppmaningen..... ta en panodil så känner du dig snart bättre.

Det finns massor av cohort studier gällande Gardasil men jag har inte hittat en enda obduktionsstudie som förklarar vad man letat efter, eller vad man funnit...... saknas informationen eller vill man inte delge den?


söndag 20 oktober 2013

Förpackningar länkade till matsmältningsproblem hos barn

Food Packaging Tied to Metabolic Trouble in Kids

Published: Aug 19, 2013
By Cole Petrochko, Staff Writer, MedPage Today
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

  • Greater urinary concentration of BPA in children, commonly found in food and drink packaging, was significantly associated with higher risk of obesity, as well as greater odds of an abnormal waist circumference.
  • Note that another study found that increased concentration of the plasticizer DEHP in the urine of adolescents was associated with an increased risk for insulin resistance.
Urinary concentrations of two chemicals commonly found in food packaging -- bisphenol A (BPA) and di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) -- were associated with risks for obesity in children and insulin resistance in teens, two studies showed.
In one study, greater urinary concentration of BPA, commonly found in food and drink packaging, was significantly associated with higher risk of body mass index (BMI) in the 95th percentile or greater, as well as greater odds of an abnormal waist circumference-to-height ratio, according to Joyce Lee, MD, of the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and colleagues.
Another study of adolescent exposure to the plasticizer di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) showed that each three-fold increased concentration of the chemical in urine was associated with a 27% increased risk for insulin resistance, reportedLeonardo Trasande, MD, of New York University's Langone Medical Center in New York City, and colleagues. Both studies appear in the journal Pediatrics.
DEHP is another chemical compound found in plastics used in the manufacture of food and drink containers.




The study by Lee's group was funded by the NIH and supported by the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of the Vice President of Research, University of Michigan. One co-author received a training grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

lördag 19 oktober 2013

Vaccin mot teoretiskt virus 2023?

Forskare vid amerikanska National Institute of Health har tagit fram ett nytt influensavaccin som är uppbyggt av syntetiskt virus. Vaccinet fungerar genom att bygga upp immunitet mot den funktion som influensaviruset använder för att kunna ta sig in i och infektera vävnaden.
Funktionen är likartad hos de flesta influensavirus och det finns därför hopp om att det nya vaccinet ska vara verksamt mot många typer av influensa.
Vaccinet har hittills bara testats på djur, men om de kliniska prövningarna faller väl ut kan det vara klart för användning på människor inom tio år. Då vaccinet bygger på konstgjort virus är det också enklare att massproducera än de influensavacciner som används i dag, som måste odlas fram i hönsägg.

Publicerat den 23 May 2013 av
Jerker Elfström

Oops, ett vaccin emot ett teoretiskt virus..... det tar sig i forskningsvärlden...

Förmodar att ett teoretiskt virus inte bara kan användas i vaccinationssyfte och vad händer om det kommer i orätta händer?  Finns det risk för att de vaccinerade djuren kan sprida smittan vidare till människor?

Enklare att massproducera, till en lägre kostnad med en större vinst.
Men hur bra fungerar ett syntetiskt vaccin på ett levande virus? Och vilka följdsjukdomar måste vi förvänta oss att acceptera?

Notera att per publikationsdatum så har vaccinet endast testats på djur utifall vi får höra om 5 år eller så att det är ordentligt testat sedan 10 år tillbaka.

Det finns lite olika typer av vaccin på marknaden:

Different Types of Vaccine

Whole virus vaccines. either live or killed, constitute the vast majority of vaccines in use at present. However, recent advances in molecular biology had provided alternative methods for producing vaccines. Listed below are the possibilities;-

Live whole virus vaccines
Killed whole virus vaccines
Subunit vaccines;- purified or recombinant viral antigen
Recombinant virus vaccines
Anti-idiotype antibodies
DNA vaccines

Du kan välja orginalspråket engelska eller svenska.

Här kan man få lite hum om skillnaderna och hur de tillverkas.

fredag 11 oktober 2013

Höst-trött eller magnesiumbrist?

Allmän trötthet, muskelkramp, oro eller känsla av orkeslöshet?

Detta kan bero på magnesiumbrist. Varför inte pröva lite naturliga råvaror innan du prövar tillskott i tablettform?

Nedan angivna råvaror ger kroppen ett extra tillskott av magnesium:

(välj ekologiska utan tillsats av socker eller andra tillsatsämnen.)









Svarta bönor

Soja bönor



torsdag 10 oktober 2013

HPV vaccin - biverkningar -Japan säger nej tack.

Vaccinatörerna har laddat sprutorna igen. Det finns inga biverkningar eller farligheter när det gäller HPV-vaccinet. Vissa säger till och med att Gardasil är helt ofarligt. Men om det nu är så ofarligt med vaccin av allsköns slag .... varför florerar då artiklar som dessa världen över?
Varför är folk så skeptiska?
Finns det inte ens en gnutta sanning i vad som sägs eller skrivs?
Vem kan vi lita på?
Vad är bäst för mig och min familj?
Och hur skall man tolka reklam som denna? Som ett jädrans lotteri?

Cervix vaccine issues trigger health notice

The health ministry has issued a nationwide notice that cervical cancer vaccinations should no longer be recommended for girls aged 12 to 16 because several adverse reactions to the medicines have been reported.
“It is necessary to gather information immediately to accurately grasp how often (the side effects) are occurring,” said Mariko Momoi, who chairs the panel at the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry that decided to suspend the recommendation. Momoi is vice president of the International University of Health and Welfare.
Mika Matsufuji, 46, who represents an association of cervical cancer vaccination victims’ parents, said the health panel’s decision was a “big step forward.” Her daughter, who was vaccinated with Cervarix in 2011, lost the ability to walk and is now in a wheelchair, she said.
The group is calling for the vaccinations to be halted.
See Also: 

This Bloomberg article reveals that the polio vaccine is a failure in India. The vaccine is ‘failing to work’ in kids getting as many as 15 doses of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) in one of the most expensive public health campaign flops in history ($9 billion).
What do you expect when these poor people are drinking contaminated water and walking barefoot through raw sewage? The number one lesson that any first-year public health student should know by heart is that clean water and sanitation were the primary solution for the eradication of formerly-common infectious diseases in developed countries. A prime example is London. Londoners used to get cholera due to fecal contamination of drinking water (as recently as 1855). London had an infant mortality rate of 50%. Dr. John Snow figured out that cholera was being transmitted by sewage-contaminated drinking water. The British Parliament allocated funds to  a sewage system built by chief engineer Joseph Bazalgette. End of problem.
You might think that if authorities could figure out the basic relationship between contaminated water and infectious disease 160 years ago, modern-day public health officials would be able to see the same problem in developing countries today and apply the solution (sewers and clean water). You would be wrong.
Instead we have a cabal of vaccine fanatics, led by Bill Gates, GAVI and the World Health Organization (WHO) who insist on inflicting never-ending vaccination programs on poor people who lack clean drinking water and sewers. This Bloomberg article reveals that (surprise, surprise) their vaccine programs are failing.
Not only are they failing, but vaccine adverse reactions may have caused ‘47,500 new cases of “non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP)” in children reported in 2011.’  NPAFP is ‘clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly’  and is ‘directly proportional [i.e. casually linked] to doses of oral polio received.’
The billions of dollars spent on failing vaccine programs is wasted and should have been spent on clean drinking water and sewage systems. Bill Gates’ vision of eliminating disease by vaccinated every child in the world repeatedly is an abject failureand the product of a deranged, misguided and megalomaniacal public health tyrant.

Extra Food Means Nothing to Stunted Kids With Bad Water: Health

June 12, 2013
Scientists increasingly suspect that constant exposure to bacteria, virus and parasite-laden fecal contaminants may be frustrating attempts to end malnutrition. In effect, the best diet-based measures to fight chronic hunger in the developing world are being negated by a failure to meet basic human needs: clean water and sanitation …
About 200,000 children under 4 years die in India annually because of diarrheal diseases caused by dirty water and lack of proper sanitation, according to a study published in the Lancet medical journal in April …
Water from communal taps in even India’s biggest cities carries health risks. Eighteen percent of samples tested at more than 600 sites in New Delhi were tainted by E. coli, Salmonella, or other disease-causing bacteria found in human excreta, according to a 2011 survey by the capital’s government. Two of 50 samples contained bacteria resistant to all commonly used antibiotics, a study published in the Lancet in 2011 found.

Polio Vaccine

The gastrointestinal damage caused by contaminated water could also explain why some vaccines fail to work in children in developing countries, according to Myron Levine, director of the Center for Vaccine Development at the University of Maryland. Since the 1960s, there have been more than a dozen reports of polio, rotavirus, and cholera vaccines failing in patients in India, Brazil, Peru, Bangladesh and other countries where sanitation lapses have been reported.
Vaccine failure is particularly problematic for polio, a viral scourge that continues to cripple children despite being the focus of one of the most expensive public health campaigns in history — $9 billion to date. Children in India and the rest of South Asia need more doses of the vaccine compared with their western counterparts, and the vaccine fails in a “far higher” proportion of kids, said Nicholas Grassly, an epidemiologist at Imperial College London, who has studied the efficacy of polio vaccine for the past eight years.

Gut Infections

“There is increasing evidence that oral polio vaccine failure is the result of exposure to other gut infections,” Grassly said in an interview. Places that have poor sanitation and environments that favor transmission of enteric pathogens are likely venues for vaccine failure, he said. Consequently, vaccines are less likely to protect children when administered in the rainy season or other times when diarrhea is rampant.
Oral vaccines, like the ones for polio and rotavirus, work in the intestine by training the body’s immune system to identify and kill their viral causes. In children with environmental enteropathy, the immune response is so well primed to fight gut infections that the live, but weakened virus is attacked before it has a chance to replicate in the gastrointestinal tract. Replication of the vaccine virus is an important step in generating protective antibodies.
Children in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, the Indian states where sanitation deficiencies are among the country’s worst, need an average of 15 doses of polio vaccine, compared with 10 doses in the rest of India. Only three shots are usually needed in developed nations.