torsdag 1 november 2012

Influensavaccinerade smittar de ovaccinerade?

Äntligen en studie som visar att influensavaccinerade smittar dem som inte vaccinerats. Något som jag själv upptäckte 2009. Vad händer egentligen om man väljer att inte vaccinera en enda person under ett år i Norden med säsongsinfluensan vars vaccin innehåller de utvalda mest troliga strängarna. Och vari ligger solidariteten kan man ju fråga Maria Larsson och Smittskyddskollegan A.L. Skulle vi smitta alla solidariskt för att Läkemedelsföretagen skulle få testa sitt första nanovaccin???

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New Study Shows H1N1 Flu Shot Caused More Cases of Flu

H1N1 was introduced to the world in 2009 when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that a strain of the virus was fueling a pandemic.
  • H1N1 is really a type of influenza A virus, the causative organism for influenza in humans. The strain of this influenza A virus that is responsible for the 2009 outbreak originated from swine.
Between June 2009 when the WHO declared a H1N1 pandemic and August 2010 when the same body declared the pandemic over and influenza back to its normal seasonal pattern, the global mortality figure due to this pandemic was 17,000 people (the actual figures vary by source with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claiming that as many as 40,000 people died).
Now that researchers have had the time to study what went wrong and how H1N1 could have turned into a pandemic overnight, there are surprising and curious insights into the presentation of the 2009 outbreak.
The most important news to come out of these post-pandemic studies is the strange result that the flu shots given to protect people against the H1N1 outbreak may be partly responsible for the pandemic. But that’s not the only theory….
However, before delving into the murky world of influenza vaccines and viruses, here is one informed theory regarding the origins of H1N1.

Rumors of a Higher Conspiracy

H1N1 is a rather bizarre virus. Although it is described as a swine flu virus, it is actually a cocktail mix of human, avian and swine viruses, and the genetic footprints of this chimera virus can be traced to three continents.
Such splicing and joining of genetic materials from different organisms divided over a wide geographical spread is rare in nature. In fact, many believe the H1N1 virus is a product of laboratory tweaking and genetic engineering.
Wolfgang Wodarg, the former head of the Council of Europe’s Subcommittee on Health confirmed as much. In his belief, the virus was engineered by special interests in the pharmaceutical industry who wanted to use scare tactics to sell their vaccines.
In fact, Mr. Wodarg told of excessive pressure, from Big Pharma and the WHO, placed on different countries in Europe to buy and stock H1N1 vaccines or flu shots. Countries like France and Germany bought enough of these vaccines to give 9 out of 10 of their citizens yet fewer than 1 out 10 received the flu shots. This was because the nation’s health regulatory bodies realized too late that they have been sold on a scare and have bought too much of what they did not need.
However, the flu shots did more than empty the pockets of nations; there are strong evidences that these vaccines may have been responsible for the very H1N1 outbreak they were designed to stop.

The Canadian Studies

At the beginning of the first H1N1 outbreak in Canada, the public health authorities and researchers in the country quickly launched four studies to investigate the pandemic.
The four Canadian studies involved 2,700 people in Quebec, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.
During these studies, the researchers observed the rate at which the pandemic was spreading and how the influenza vaccines administered were preventing new cases. The results of those studies are particularly interesting.
The results of the study were published in Public Library of Science Medicine where peer review affirmed that the four studies were well designed, investigational studies. The results showed that people who got the season flu shots before the H1N1 outbreak were 1.2 to 3.2 times more likely to develop the pandemic flu.
These results show that although the pandemic flu affected those who received the season flu shots and those who did not, getting vaccinated with the flu shot was more likely to bring on the flu.
Clearly, there is a failure in testing the flu shots given that flu season. Not only did the vaccine fail to stop H1N1 infections, it is most likely a cause of the H1N1 pandemic. Somewhere along the line, the vaccine manufacturers must have failed to make a vaccine and succeeded in creating a pandemic.

Ferreting out the Truth

Even as the early results of these Canadian studies were received, the researchers led by Dr. Skowronski decided to do more than observe the effects of the flu shots on the spread of H1N1 virus. Rather, they tested the vaccine on animal models.
For a study later presented at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agent and Chemotherapy in San Francisco, the researchers divided 32 ferrets into two groups. One group was vaccinated with the same flu shots given for that season while the second group was given a placebo shot.
In design, this study was double-blind and randomized so that the researchers did not know which group of ferrets was receiving the right flu shots until after the study.
The study result closely reflected what happened in humans. Both groups of ferrets got the H1N1 virus upon exposure and developed the symptoms of flu.
However, the vaccinated ferrets got the flu first, and were sicker than the ferrets who were not vaccinated.

Results from Elsewhere

Critics of the four Canadian studies are quick to point at the six similar investigational studies done in Australia, Mexico and the United States around the same time.
However, the results of these six studies cannot be described as conclusive.
Four of the studies found that the seasonal flu shots neither protected people from nor caused the H1N1 pandemic. The two Mexican studies, on the other hand, found out that the flu shots may have a protective effect.
While it is easy to dismiss the Canadian studies as a peculiar anomaly restricted to only one country, a seventh study which was commissioned by the US Military actually agreed with the Canadian studies.

To Vaccinate or Not

In spite of the clear results that the flu shots failed to protect against the H1N1 pandemic and the strong case that it may have caused the pandemic, some health authorities still insist getting the flu shot is the right thing to do.
Strangely, this advice was also parroted by Dr. Skowronski, the lead researcher in the eye-opening Canadian studies. It is a rather curious advice but it is understandable given the fact that the flu shots may protect against other strains of the influenza virus.
Furthermore, it is clear that medical professionals are unwilling to change their standard line since they do not know exactly how the flu shots caused people to get sicker with H1N1. Still, the more informed advice would have been to avoid flu shots until we understand why the vaccines are getting people sicker.
On one hand, the flu shots can increase the risks of contacting H1N1 if and when the next flu pandemic hits.
On the other hand, some experts such as Professor Ulrich Keil, the director of WHO’s Collaborating Center for Epidemiology, believe the swine flu pandemic was heavily marketed by scaremongering Big Pharma in a bid to sell more flu vaccines.
  • Therefore, vaccinate or not, you need some protection as the next flu season approaches.
Instead of simply rolling the dice with vaccines that may protect you or make you sick, why not try a natural immune booster.
These natural immune boosters are safe, well-tolerated. The essentially give your body more of what it needs to naturally strengthen the immune system to protect you from H1N1 as well as any regular or lab-grown pathogen.

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