onsdag 13 juni 2012

Mammor mot Monsanto

Source:   http://www.facebook.com/MomsAgainstMonsanto

Stand with moms against Monsanto
Food Freedom News,  June 8, 2012
Since the death of her newborn from exposure to pesticides 13 years ago, Sofía Gatica has been working tirelessly with other moms to hold Monsanto and Co. accountable for the harms they impose. 
In April, Sofía - winner of the 2012 Goldman Environmental Prize - hand delivered a letter to a top White House official, Ms. Nancy Sutley of the Council on Environmental Quality, urging the administration to investigate Monsanto’s “pesticide poisonings and livelihood harms” in her Argentine community, the U.S. and beyond.

Ms. Sutley promised Sofía a response by June 1, but that deadline has come and gone.

Urge the White House to respond

In December, an international people’s tribunal found the Big 6 pesticide/biotech corporations — Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, Dow, Dupont and BASF — guilty of violating human rights. The verdict was based on powerful testimonials from people like Sofía around the world, whose lives have been irrevocably harmed by the pesticide industry. CFS attorneys represented U.S. farmers sued by Monsanto at the international tribunal, and attorneys for both the Pesticide Action Network and CFS presented cases addressing a wide range of human rights violations caused directly or indirectly by the Big Six.

Join us in urging the White House to respond to Sofía, and to open an investigation into the responsibility of Monsanto and the other “big six” companies for serious health, economic, and environmental harms in communities around the world.

Sign Petition To Hold The Big Six Accountable:

Center For Food Safety

Source of this article:

Food Freedom News

Något att fundera över samt hur vi i Sverige skall agera när eländet kommer hit. För sanna mina ord.... allt som finns over there kommer hit, förr eller senare.
Bekämpningsmedel som Roundup har redan börjat bli verkningslöst och satsning sker nu på ännu farligare kemikalier. Hormoslyr (agent orange) säljs nu i ny tappning under nytt namn. Återkommer med mer information i ämnet.

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