Business Week – October 01, 2012
Merck’s HPV Vaccine Gardasil Shown Safe in Kaiser Study
‘Fainting and infection were among short-term side effects in a U.S. government-required study of 190,000 females in Kaiser Permanente’s California insurance system who were tracked for 60 days after receiving the HPV vaccine. The study today in the Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine showed patients were six times more likely to have fainted the day of the shot than in the following weeks …
The Kaiser review board determined that increases during its study in the likelihood of experiencing epilepsy or convulsions after the injection weren’t associated with Gardasil, Klein said. The review board also analyzed 14 deaths and determined they weren’t associated with the vaccine, Klein said …
“I think they truncated their conclusions,” said Diane Harper, a University of Missouri-Kansas City professor who worked on Gardasil trials. “The biggest concern of all of these is neurologic that are most rare and most hard to define.”
She singled out a rare condition known as Guillain-Barre Syndrome, in which the immune system attacks the nerves leading to paralysis.
“It doesn’t rule out that any of these effects could still be coming,” Harper said in a telephone interview.
Kaiser said its study “may have had insufficient power to detect very rare conditions.” …
“Cervical cancer is not a health crisis in any developed country in the world,” said Norma Erickson, president of SaneVax, an advocacy group that highlights the risks associated with the HPV vaccine and has asked the FDA to rescind Gardasil’s approval. “It’s preventable with noninvasive PAP smears. For some reason we’re promoting universal vaccination of girls and boys for something that is already preventable.”
Notera att Kaiser själva säger att deras studie kanske inte var tillräcklig för att kunna finna/upptäcka sällsynta tillstånd. Men som vanligt så kan man ändå konstatera och det bara genom att läsa journaler att det inte finns ett enda dödsfall som kan relateras till vaccinet. Hur rädd för sanningen är man egentligen? Studier är till för att se sannolikheter och för att sedan bedöma om de kan förkastas eller antas som troliga. Vetenskaplig sanning är alltså troliga teorier. Teorier som är föränderliga utifall någon annan skulle finna att något annat är mer trovärdigt. Lätt som en plätt.... snart så har vi alla lärt oss hur slipstenen dras.
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