onsdag 21 mars 2012

Bröstcancer, nej tack till titaniumdioxide etc

The Toxic Ingredient in Most Consumer Products Causing Breast Cancer

The recent study, conducted by researchers from the University of Reading and the University Hospital of South Manchester, examined 40 women who were undergoing breast cancer treatment. After taking four tissue samples from each of the 40 women, the researchers found that 99 percent of the samples contained at least one paraben, while 60 percent contained five. Even 7 of the 40 women had parabens in their tissue samples despite never using underarm deodorant — a main source of parabens.
Needless to say, parabens are not the only threats hiding in consumer products. Two very common ingredients widely recognized for causing harm to health are triclosan and triclocarban. Used as antibacterial agents, triclosan and triclocarban are endocrine disrupting chemicals known for causing bodily harm. Endocrine disruptors have been found to lead to a host of health problems including infertility, cancer, weight gain and more. This hormonal interference may also be responsible for accelerating puberty and altering the growth of children, causing hormonal confusion. Tricolsan is also threatening due to its process of breaking down into dioxins – a class of chemicals that are well-documented carcinogens.
These toxic substances, along with many others, are in the products we use every single day:
  • Deodorant
  • Shampoo
  • Soaps
  • Shaving gel or cream
  • Toothpaste
  • Make-up
  • Colognes and perfumes
In addition to avoiding these substances, you will also want to look out for titanium dioxide, zinc chloride, and mercury – all residing in consumer products. Some of these chemicals such as zinc chloride are even labeled as environmentally toxic, harmful to human health, and corrosive according to the Material Data Safety Sheet.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/the-toxic-ingredient-in-most-consumer-products-causing-breast-cancer/#ixzz1plELcHzP
Se upp med dessa hormonstörande kemikalier som kan orsaka cancer, infertilitet eller andra hormonella rubbningar:

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