tisdag 4 december 2012

Kikhostevaccin förlorar sin effektivitet med åren.....


Ny studie...............



Major Finding: The rate of pertussis was 2.8% among children who had received their final dose of vaccine during the previous year, compared with 17.6% among children who had received their final dose of vaccine more than 1 year previously.

Pertussis Vaccine Loses Efficacy Each Year After Fifth Dose

By: MARY ANN MOON, Pediatric News Digital Network


The odds of a child developing pertussis increase as the interval since he or she received the fifth and final dose of the DTaP vaccine increases, according to a report published in the November 28, 2012 issue of JAMA.
This pattern indicates a progressive waning of vaccine effectiveness every year after completion of the vaccine series, which would explain the recently noted surge in pertussis cases among 7- to 10-year-olds in at least 34 states, said Lara K. Misegades, Ph.D., of the Meningitis and Vaccine Preventable Disease Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and her associates

All the vaccinated children had received their first three doses before the age of 1 year, a fourth dose at 1-2 years of age, and a fifth dose at 4-6 years of age.
Compared with controls, children who developed pertussis had a lower chance of having received all five doses of DTaP, with an odds ratio of 0.11. This finding was not unexpected.  slut citat.

Lyfter definitivt upp funderingar om varför vi vaccinerar överhuvudtaget...... har syftet ändrats från att förhindra till att lindra?

http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1456072   - ger mer ingående förklaringar av resultaten av studien.

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