söndag 2 december 2012

Påssjuka drabbade vaccinerade elever i USA 2009-2010.

89% av de drabbade hade till och med tagit 2 doser vilket anses vara fullgott skydd. Uppenbarligen bör man fundera ordentligt över huruvida nyttan är större än riskerna.

Alla vaccin har biverkningar. Men om man skall behöva lägga till biverkningsriskerna ifrån sjukdomen så ligger nog riskerna i den lägsta vågskålen.

Men förklaring och åsikter finns på allt, speciellt när något falerar......... vaccinet mildrade symptomen....

Att vaccinerade smittar ovaccinerade har ju inträffat några gånger men att vaccinerade kunde smitta varandra var något nytt att lägga i kunskapssäcken.


From June 28, 2009, through June 27, 2010, a total of 3502 outbreak-related cases of mumps were reported in New York City, two upstate New York counties, and one New Jersey county. Of the 1648 cases for which clinical specimens were available, 50% were laboratory-confirmed. Orthodox Jewish persons accounted for 97% of case patients. Adolescents 13 to 17 years of age (27% of all patients) and males (78% of patients in that age group) were disproportionately affected.

Among case patients 13 to 17 years of age with documented vaccination status, 89% had previously received two doses of a mumps-containing vaccine, and 8% had received one dose.

Transmission was focused within Jewish schools for boys, where students spend many hours daily in intense, face-to-face interaction. Orchitis was the most common complication (120 cases, 7% of male patients ≥12 years of age), with rates significantly higher among unvaccinated persons than among persons who had received two doses of vaccine.
Källa: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa1202865
 - (The New England Journal of Medicine)

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